Most people, because they were not there have no comprehension that it was underfunding from the Continental Congress which basically almost lost the Revolution.
Later Thomas Jefferson cut the United States military. Jefferson believed militias would save America, and along with his Democratic protege, James Madison, they instead of building a responsible military, built "gun boats" to defend America.
For those who have heard of the War of 1812, it was Jefferson and Madison who caused it, because making America so weak, had England deciding it could kidnap Americans on the high seas and make them "English" in forced labor on British ships.
Oh and the much touted Jefferson and Madison of sites like Huffington Post, their gun boats rowed out and sank from the waves as British war ships landed troops which burned Washington, DC.
It would be a 20 year lull in spending again after Gen. Scott's victory in Mexico which liberated the American southwest which would embolden southern Democrats to secede from the United States, causing the Civil War.
Gen. Sherman, the genius commander of the war, actually started out using box formations, to march his troops out of harms way. American commanders simply were not skilled enough due to the lack of an adequate defense.
America would flounder about for almost 40 years in the same stagnant military spending before Theodore Roosevelt would advance the Navy and military again. But, by the time World War I was jumped into by socialist Woodrow Wilson, America once again was not prepared and it cost lives dearly.
Once again, Franklin Roosevelt with Gen. Marshall took America a few short years into war with a military of old ships and military practice of wooden guns and a truck with a tank picture on it for "live fire" exercises.
Since that time the American military has enjoyed a very costly bath of necessary equipment. It too though was carved upon by Jimmy Carter who was in the process of starting World War III when thankfully an election put Ronald Reagan into office.
Carter would cut the B 1 bomber leaking America had the Stealth or B 2 as that is all that was needed.
In actually history, the B 2 is basically canceled now and the plane America depends upon is the B 1 bombing platform.
Carter though in his last year in office, had Naval Fighters which would not fly, because they were being cannibalized by the Navy to keep a few other planes flying.
Reagan's spending was an investment in America which toppled the Soviet Union, kept America from nuclear horror, made a peace which was effective until the Obama tenure and produced some of the advanced systems in the world, which have kept thousands of US Soldiers alive instead of memorials.
Bill Clinton would slash the bajesus out of the United States military during his tenure with devastating results to the fighting capabilities of America which were only recovered under George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld.
As of the Obama and Robert Gates tenure, America is once again revisiting the pacification of disarming America while American enemies are arming to the teeth.
America is about to disarm nuclearily which will in effect leap America back to Hitler times when petty despots can start world wars. As this blog has alone noted in nuclear battles, one needs thousands of warheads in reserves, because after the infrastructure in missiles, warheads and fueling is disrupted, there is not going to be phoning up White Sands and Obama ordering a thousand more warheads.
When your nuclear arsenal is gone, America is gone.
Gates like Carter after pouring in billions of dollars into the F 22 Raptor is now with Backdoor Barney Frank cutting the fantastic fighter for the F 35 Lightning, which is still on the prototype stage and America does not even know if this joint strike fighter will succeed.
This blog looking at history will point out that the fighters which America started World War II with as our top of the line, soon found out they were no match for the German and Japanese fighters.
It is a hell of a thing to find out in a degraded situation that your F 22 was the workhorse which could defeat China and Russia while the F 35 is working out it's bugs.
Of course Gates and Obama are operating under the vision that America no longer needs to fight the Soviet Union as a "catch phrase" and America just has to fight there pesky little turban head terrorists.
Amazing how a 200 million man Chinese communist military with nuclear warheads, and upgraded Russian Bolshevik military just vanished, and America doesn't need high end technology. America only needs bushwhackers to slap goat humpers around.
Robert Gates is an absolute fool and a disgrace. He plans in these economic times to cut the Raptor which will end close to 100,000 high paying jobs in America.
Gates idea of warfare instead of deterrents, is to buy Predator drones to cruise around which given the right instigation by Russia and China are going to find out SAM's are going to be swatting them out of the skies.
Gates foolishness will also cut missile defense.........I guess that North Korean missile is not a problem in vaporizing California, will cut robotics........I guess all those IED's can be eaten by real Soldiers and real Soldiers can get their heads blown off by snipers instead of a robot doing the advance scouting, and America doesn't need communication satellite upgrades nor Army combat vehicles.
As Zell Miller so aptly put, "What are you going to throw at them? Spit balls!"
One knows things are a disaster when that pustule traitor John Murtha called this "a balance".
Tell that to vaporized Anchorage Alaska residents as you balance their ashes Mr. Murtha or tell that to the family of a United States Soldier who has his brains blown out because Robert Gates cut the advanced weapons systems.
This blog has outlined and written an order of battle which American military should advance with including the robotics and weapons platforms necessary to fight a slugfest or a tactical operation like the Pashtun. It would be cost effective, employ Americans with wonderful jobs and it would save Soldier's lives.
The problem in this is Robert Gates is while I had hoped for an American is nothing more than a nipple sucker of Zbigniew Brzezinski and the other milk bi product Brent Scowcroft of the patricians.
Gates first cuddled up with Brzezinski in the British communist toppling of the wonderful Shah of Iran for that butcher Islamocommunist Khoemeni.
I mean who in their right mind gets rid of the Shah of Iran who is pouring dollars into America, keeping oil prices low, buying weapon's systems and has the only modern culture in the Middle East and puts into place the turban head communists who blew TWA Flight 800 out of the sky in America and have been behind the thousands of additional deaths to America Soldiers in Iraq?
No one but that Islamocommunist lover Brzezinski in creating militant Muslims which are the plague to America. America though has his piglet offspring in Robert Gates putting America in absolute jeopardy in this Obama suicide pact of murdering the United States.
Robert Gates is up to the task of destroying American lives. He is not up to the job of Defense of America. He is the Tim Geithner ruining America via the Pentagon.
In historical context, Bill Clinton was as absolutely clueless about reality along with that disgraceful Les Aspin who caused the Somalia disaster. The difference is Clinton actually in politicizing the military and upgrading Russian missiles, at least was slowed down in only cutting the size of the military.
Robert Gates and Barack Obama have the gutting knives out and are drawing the military of the United States so she can be quartered by the Russians, Chinese and Islamocommunists.
Axelrod Inc. is the worst group of people ever assembled, for they have the bunglers of Jimmy Carter wed with the American haters of Bill Clinton, now 3rd world Marxist jazzed on economy, military, health and industry, strangling the United States to death.
The words are to protect and defend and not in the oath to murder the United States.
It is a certainty that America is going to have a world war now. It will involve nuclear bombs blowing up millions of American Obama voters in their cities and it will include an invasion of the United States on several fronts.
I hope history is around long enough for Robert Gates, Barack Obama, Aaron Burr Biden, Tim Geithner and Hillary Clinton to get the full credit for the homicide they are opening America up for.
agtG 215
Robert Gates murdering America Obama style