With the case now dismissed against Sen. Ted Stevens for the criminal fraud involved BY THE GOVERNMENT, it needs to be explained that this case, along with the set up of Larry Craig and the destruction of George Allen who should be President now, came not just from the liberal Democrats, but that same RHINO bunch of Bill Buckley, Noel Sheppard, Arlen Specter and none other than George W. Bush.
There has been a policy by these patricians who have taken control of the party of Reagan again by deception to destroy the Conservatives. It was their justice department which allowed all of these smears and criminal fraud which now has a judge on the Steven's case stating he has never seen such reprehensible conduct in all his years on the bench.
This has been going on since the rather limp Larry Pressler was targeted out of South Dakota in a national smear campaign on his "stupidity". For those who do not think the financiers do not have operatives in every state running the show, South Dakota is a prime example of how the globalists implant the worst communists onto the political scene by implanting communists into the media.
South Dakota at the time was dominated by the Sioux Falls Argus leader which reads like Pravda and the powerhouse television chain, KELO. KELO didn't employ a South Dakotan though, no they hired a fat, pompous liberal named Steve Hemmingsen out of Minnesota to ruin Pressler, and install both Johnson and Daschle.
KELO would also be a part in destroying Gov. Bill Janklow on charges he killed a motorcyclist by running into him. The problem is Janklow was convicted when Janklow had a diabetic seizure, ran a stop sign AND THE MOTORCYCLIST HIT JANKLOW.
This kind of garbage goes on in every state in America if an American dares run for office and put the Constitution first.
Ted Stevens was the premier advocate in the Senate for defense, gun ownership, hunting, trapping and liberty. America had no greater friend, and yet look who the Bush patricians set out to destroy.
They picked off Trent Lott. They picked off Larry Craig. They picked off George Allen. They picked off Ted Stevens.
Remember B 1 Bob Dornan, the finest of Americans? Yeah the Bush people allowed the liberals in California to steal his district in election fraud.
Look at Norm Coleman in having his victory in Minnesota allowed by the Bush patricians to have that creep Al Franken steal that election. It is literal theft as Coleman had a several hundred vote lead to only have Franken show up with thousands of votes in the trunk of some car to win the thing or LBJ steal it.
People make the mistake in thinking people on the right are all one mind. That is not the case in the least. Look at what happened to his blog on Daniel Pipes, David Horowitz and the notorious Newsbusters by Noel Sheppard. This blog stood up for Jews in Israel and was banned. This blog stood up for Gov. Sarah Palin when Noel Sheppard was agreeing with a radical leftist lesbian that Gov. Palin liked being politically raped and was banned or as Sheppard designed it like another Obama vomit ridden bad oinker steak in Tony Dean, to isolate, insult and CENSOR which no American would ever submit too.........so in the end it is Sheppard dictatorship printing up the same lies he has been outed on endlessly.
Look people, when Newsbusters is parroting the Obama talking points, they are not on the right wing's side. When George W. Bush is allowing the destruction of Reagan Conservatives, he is working his patrician's side.
I happened to catch two of these globalists in the right and left last night on Charlie Rose, in Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. These patricians might like butchering babies on one side and might like guns more on the other side, but front and back these patricians all have a globalist agenda which so many people mistakenly say is Republicrats as there is no difference in the Republicans or Democrats. There is a difference, but the problem is these patricians are the same ilk.
That is the thing missing in this propaganda in even the labeling of all Jews as the problem. Jews are not the problem in Sephardic or Ashkenaz. The problem is the Ashkenaz elite which just happens to blow up there common Ashkenaz as readily as Philistines, because this is a quasi, hierarchical religious family order as set in stone as the Pope in the Catholic church or the Queen of England.
Outsiders can not see the order, because they are not born into it and this order has no attraction to them, because most folks have no inclination to rule the world nor to bow to satan.
That is why a Jew like George Allen gets crucified and criminals like Tim Geithner, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel never get investigated.
Emanuel and Axelrod have shown their true hatred for the Jews of the Israeli state and Benjamin Netanyahu in their setting them up for another holocaust with what appears Hillary Clinton this time being sent it to be a judas goat to con the Jews there.
George Allen should have been President, but was destroyed so the patricians could install another like minded. From the hints President Bush has spoken, it seems Bush 43 knew very well McCain was going to loose and everyone knows it is an absolute he never had the Justice Department investigate Obama.
Bush seemed very tired and a condemned man at the end. It was as if his faith in Christ was replaced by the old order of the patricians who told him he had to be punished just like Bill Clinton and Bush took it.
I'm not equating the Bush family of patricians to be the cold blooded assassins that Axelrod Inc. is comprised of, but they are all of the same ilk which are not loyal to the American Constitution and America first. Their loyalty is to a family religious order.
To make a point, the FBI has files on Bill Ayers and the Weathermen from one of their operatives who infiltrated that patrician leftist group.
It might shock some to know that in the typical conversations in these groups when they spoke about overthrowing the United States and installing what Obama is installing now just what would happen to people who would not go along.
At the time America had around 200 million people and the operative kept asking what was going to happen to the 25 plus million Americans who would never buckle. He was told about re education camps, but when he pressed about that those detention camps would not work on everyone.............this group of Obama Marxists finally just admitted that they would exterminate 25 million Americans as the solution.
To the point, they are not like Al Cuppett and these others have been saying, "Round people up". No the real agenda is they will simply use chemical poisons to kill the people who are herded into zones.
Then it is a simple matter of attrition to kill off the few stragglers who survive in any rat hole extermination.
It is really not that difficult as Joe Stalin proved in the Ukraine to murder 40 million people. Just cut off food, heat, disrupt the social and living conditions and in a short time the cold and disease will wipe out the majority of people.
See these patricians like in World War II had companies in Germany which were not bombed and companies in America.........the same bankers and companies who had assets in the Soviet Union and the United States, so it does not matter if America looses a war as these financiers will still be running things as usual, as the order is in them and not of national boundaries. This is why they want to get rid of nations as they mean nothing to them.
None of this is going away. As you have noticed the disaster which caused John McCain has not been rectified by Michael Steele and Newsbusters, Drudge, World Net Daily are all silent as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on stopping "independents" and democrats from voting in Republican primaries.
Wouldn't that be the first step one would think in fixing the GOP and yet these people who know the problem, complained about John McCain, are leaving the same disaster in place while talking about other issues.
That Texas Senator who controls the Senate election finance is pouring money into Snowe and Specter's campaigns and cutting off Conservatives.
This blog warned that there would be some porker who would jump out in front of the Conservative cause and that person is now Newt Gingrich. Gingrich is saying all the right things all of a sudden that appeals to Conservatives. I will remind people forever that Newt was the guy who was deliberately yawning at the GOP convention on camera and guess who was promoting this operative but Newsbusters. Newtie seemed to disappear and only reappear after Sarah Palin kicked the stuffing out of everyone.
Once the battle was won, the Newt appeared to steer the process again.
Well Newt is back and guess what this porker is hinting at now? Oh Newtie came out with, "If the GOP does not take the desires of the Conservatives, then the Conservatives will in 2012 start a 3rd party".
Let me translate this little traitorous gem for people. Gingrich is advocating that the GOP should split into Noel coward Sheppard patricians and Reagan American Conservatives as a 3rd party.
Ok now let us review this for a moment.
America has the Constitution party which is Republican. America has the Libertarian party which is Republican. These groups shave from the GOP Reagan group the winning margins in many cases.
Now Gingrich wants to split off the lion's share of the GOP and literally create this huge problem the Israeli state has in all these ridiculous sub parties where no one can lead and in the end it is some globalist in charge like Chavez winning with 29% of the vote so the nation flounders.
Please get that point about Newt and what and who he is working for. Gingrich is literally telling people with a brain this:
Sarah Palin is going to be President in 2012 if the GOP holds together. The only way Obama can win is if Newt can split the GOP into these loosing minority factions.
I don't trust Gingrich any further than I do a hungry lion. Gingrich appears the point man by the patricians to lead the GOP into defeat in stopping America's hope in Sarah Palin.
These people from Mr. Keyes to other zealots are all hammering this women like pharisees handing the Romans the nails to crucify Jesus.
This blog will continue to advocate that an Andrew Jackson type be elected President and that means Sarah Palin understanding in 2013 she must unleash the justice department to investigate, indict and convict the traitors in America in both parties.
The patricians will soon have their world order set out of Europe and can return to their origins. This solution can leave the savage Americans on their wilderness own again as should be the case in the real Republic surviving.
Their minions though who they do not want tagging along belong though in American prisons as they are outed for the traitors they are in ruining American Patriots who were standing up for these United States of America.