Saturday, May 23, 2009

1 in 4 Jews will leave the Israeli State

A few days ago I received an email plea from David Horowitz, a gentleman I term a secular Jew. The plea was for funds due to Muslim legal militants using the US court system to terrorize people exposing the Truth about Islam.
Mr. Horowitz was intent about "freedom of speech" which I found amusing, because this was the same person who banned my logging in and posting on his site when I pointed out that Jews who were worked to death in the holocaust by the Nazi's had numbers of secular communist "Jews" added to that number, along with Soviet soldiers to get the miracle 6 million number of dead Jews in World War II.
I pointed out that was like adding kamikaze pilots to the numbers of Japanese American Soldiers who died in World War II. The two sides do not meet.

For that I was banned, along with other facts which little dictators like Ariana Huffington, Noel Sheppard and whoever else does not believe in free speech which exposes their lying and their faults.

What this has to do with anything is Mr. Horowitz is part of a strong arm group of patricians who like Arlen Specter stomp on people and then when they get into trouble they somehow expect you to join them and come rescue them.
The Israeli state is infested with secular Marxists and these Kabballah Ashkenaz Babylonian "Jews" who like in the days of Herod have their rabbi's appointed by the government and terrorize Jews constantly by telling them the world wants to murder them. It keeps the Jews in line and into a major leftist voting block for Obama.

That is where the slur neocon came from was leftist Jews attacking former leftist Jews who turned and voted for Ronald Reagan. It is pure anti semitism coming from these secular Jews.

I alone have been writing about the plan to drive real religious Jews from the Israeli state by these European Ashkenaz Marxists. Jeff Rense when he was looking in a feminine way to get me to stop in the postings championing Sarah Palin took issue with my using the term Simone Peres instead of Simon Peres. I explained that Peres is Eurasian Ashkenaz and has allegiance to the Rotshchild Ashkenaz. He is nor more Judeaen than Vladamir Putin, but in the leftist order of things he gets to betray religious Jews just like Janet Napolitano has her sights on Christians as terrorists in America.
This is not about Jews or Americans. This is about globalists using laws to drive people out of their homes.

That is what has been going on in the Israeli state. The people of Gush Katif were driven out and are living in trailers in a deliberate attempt to drive them out of the Israeli state as they are religious right wing.

I will put this plainly in the Persian communist situation in which Obama told Jews to be vaporized and not protect themselves.
The Persians were installed by British communist MI6 agents with the assistance of dupe Jimmy Carter and his create Muslim terrorists, Zbigniew Brzezinksi to battle the Soviets.

These Persians are the same party as Saddam Hussein in Baathists. They get their trade from Bolshevik Russia, Maoist China and the central European axis.
They funnel huge amounts of weapons and funds to the terrorists killing Jews.

Why? Because the Ashkenaz Rothschilds want the Sephardic, Judeaens, religious right wing Jews out of the Israeli state.

One quarter of Jews now state they will leave the Israeli state if "Iran gets the bomb". Iran already has dozens of nuclear warheads, but the intention of the European axis is to remove 1/4th of the Jews who vote right wing and that will leave a majority of Marxists to run the country.
I have alone reported that this group wants Temple Mount for their transformation and initiation in bring satan to be their guiding power in the physical. That is what this is all about in satan wanting to be in control of the mountain of God it once walked upon as the Bible records.

That is what this nuclear Iran is all about on the Israeli stage. It is designed to drive the Jews who are like in Warsaw now hidden behind walls back into America where they can vote freely for Obama once again and then wonder, "Why are things going so bad for Jews?"

Jews need to wake up as I have pointed out exclusively that Obama works for the European axis who is behind all of this. Of course, Obama is going to implement terror tactics to drive religious right wing Jews out of the Israeli state as that is what has been intended for decades.
This a strange Ashkenaz elite game where Persia might never see nukes, but all the players on the board want Syria eliminated.
Amazing situation is Iran started this with Russia, backed by European Marxists and the nuclear dust cloud might eliminate Damascus which is close enough to scare Jews out of Bashan, leaving an Ashkenaz majority Marxist rule.

The cute part is a nuclear dust cloud in Syria scares Europeans enough that a new Roman empire can be formed which is just what the Bible predicts in the beast of Revelation.

So the herder Jews who scare Jews into being Jews, are behind this with the Marxists who the Rothschilds created in Karl Marx. Obama is doing his leveraging and numbers of people will be displaced and die all for another globalist policy.

Prime Minister Begin wanted Jews of all sorts to migrate to the Israeli state to solve the entire land issue by occupying it. I tried to get the American Enterprise Institute to engage in a regional development plan on water resources and putting the Philistines and neo Syrians from Gaza into the Sinai, making them an agrarian community tied to the land in peaceful settlement.
That though has all been banned too as Messianic Jews are forbidden entry to the Jewish state and all of this about war, war and war so usurpers can steal the land over there.

Do you people really think for a second that the same brown skinned Mexicans used as slaves or the same brown skinned Arabs as war toys will be kept around when these globalists backing Obama get all the prize they want?
These globalists are the people who slaughtered Jews and starved Ukrainians out of existence under Stalin.

They will do the same again if they can steal the opportunity, just like Janet Napolitano is listing Americans as terrorists now.

This is the gambit in part being played out and numbers of people had better awaken to it and awaken to Jesus as their only escape.

The people warning the public have been banned.

nuff said.


runnin' for the border