Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bring on the Fairness Doctrine

This blog wills to come out in favor of the Fairness Doctrine which has so many pundits from Rush Limbaugh to Joseph Farah upset that they and right wing media will be harmed.

The way I look at this, I see only opportunity to make liberals pay dearly for their propaganda and violations of free speech.
As liberals are making war on Conservatives, I say, "Bring it on and on and on as Conservatives will make them scream Uncle Obama, before this is done.

In looking over the list of the leftist experts on Obama's panel, what jumped out at me was the entire group was nothing more than monopolies and beneficiaries of affirmative action.

Imagine for example, Debra Lee of BET (black entertainment television holdings) in the Fairness Doctrine having to carry equal time so people like Beau Snerdly who work with Rush Limbaugh are going to be saying all they choose in fairness.
This can go to the interesting in fairness, Lawrence Sinclair, can then demand a program where he can produce a program an hour a night or day showing an equal counter view to Obama in exposing all Mr. Sinclair knows and all the other people who know about Mr. Obama.

Think of Rush Limbaugh and Joseph Farah instead of stroking their egos, actually started producing some alternative programming that might just be better than they are. From the blogs I have read and commentaries, there are thousands of little people out there who are brilliant and can take this to a level not know before.

Imagine James Winston of the Black broadcasters being made to carry white programming. Imagine again some clever little skinhead or someone David Duke else, going on through court orders a program which has to be carried in equal time, so black people will have to see an issue they don't want to listen to.

Liberals think they can use this to silence the right or bankrupt a segment of media illegally, but I see their same weapons as being able to be turned upon liberals and causing even greater havoc in these liberal small groups revenue share.

This gets even better as Melissa Newman of Quest is a part of this. Imagine right wing people of all sorts of venues demanding equal bandwidth share to broadcast programs via Quest. Granted those programs would make money compared to liberal nuttery, but all sorts of things will get online which Qwest will be mandated to carry.

Consider all that Hispanic television which will have to carry equal time for English speaking programs. Heck get Guns and Roses to do a concert and declare a revolution in Mexico and watch how quickly things change down there.

In all honesty, the Fairness Doctrine is going to be a landslide boon for people like Jeff Rense or Alex Jones, as they are already established, already the alternative to both right and left wing, and they are going to drive liberals nuts.

So I'm all for the Fairness Doctrine as it will allow the right wing to invade left wing outlets and make them cry for mercy. This might take 4 years to settle out, but this will reach a wonderful pitch about 2012 with hundreds of new programs all over NPR and wherever else liberals hang out in the shadows feeding off of the public bucks.

As for me, my secret amplified multi directional radio wave unique user inventive device which I monitor the world with, is usually tuned to those interesting Canadians on CJOB of Winnipeg.
I love the traffic gal's voice and their free market program operators do a very interesting job of looking at the world from those Conservative western Canadians eyes.

Nixon and Reagan got themselves elected without talk radio once the right wing stopped being individuals voting for George McGovern and Jerry Brown and started voting Conservative.

Conservatives are not going away in this. They will find a venue and expand it. If they are intelligent the people with money will start creating aimed programming which these liberal broadcasters will have to put on air as the alternative to their liberal nonsense.
This only gets better with some liberal lighting a fire to the Conservative brier patch.

It will be the internet, and some clever person might just file a lawsuit for equal opportunity in making Qwest and the other blood sucking Bells have to run all new fiber optic line to make America one high speed connection, so all those rural folks Obama hates can produce an even larger market for Rush Limbaugh broadcasting and Joseph Farah Broadcasting.
Smart people like Alex Jones and Jeff Rense can make an even bigger fortune in becoming their own companies, expanding like a home shopping network for the fringe in the products they boost.

It is all good and imagine the devastation of some talking head with only a nice voice, daily just reading the script from this page to an audience to lazy to read.

The possibilities in this are endless to put the screws to liberals.

Liberals are not that bright. They always lock the doors when the tiger is in the cage with them.

Go get em kitty. Purr Purr.
