Sunday, June 21, 2009

Color phase Obama

12% black is beautiful
38% Arab tan is grande
but 50% colored white is beautiful
in Obama the big boss man

As it is white folks who always get the blame in this world for everything, perhaps it is time for the press in 50% white Obama to start referring to him as the white guy in the White House, due to what the Supreme Leader of the Perisan Islocracy of Mooselums (Obama's definition of how Muslims should be termed and backed by Charlie Gibson and Jake Tapper of ABC news) has just confirmed what this blog had predicted in God's Grace.

Now while I do not expect the 3rd world Persian to understand the full nuances of what is happening in Iran, Sayyid Mojtaba Al-Hosseini, the spokesman for Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei has blamed America and the west for what is happening in Iran.
Al-Hosseini got it pretty correct when he said this was a media exaggerated event in this Twitter Revolution and Iran is now kicking out the BBC propagandist for spreading propaganda.

From the beginning this was not an American operation, but something coming out of Gordonian Brown's communist sector of MI6 which is what installed Khomeini into Iran for Brzezinski's Muslim terror war against the Soviet Union.
The BBC was the first progenitor of backing the loser in Iran as the guy who was supposed to beat Ahmadinejad who was given his sweeping victory by Barack Obama. Their first reports of making the loser the equal to Ahmadinejad in numbers was typical of British operations.

Ahmadinejad's people were those smelly wool covered thugs while the opposition were a group of these western dressed clubbers whose main policy in life seemed to be Prince Harry and Wills in partying.
Of course Obama is running this off the shirt cuff and Gordonian Brown too the lead on it, probably to make up for the humiliation Iran handed out to those grinning baboons of the British military who got themselves captured and used as pawns in the Ahmadinejad fashion show.

I'm certain that CIA Director Leon Panetta knows a great deal of this operation, but none of this seems to be running out of the real CIA as it is absolutely Obama inept.
It is not ever Rockefeller publicity floundering around good. This is something like that group of intel thugs going around telling South Americans that Obama would be in the White House in the summer of 2008. It is neither nor and either or. It is not as good as Bill Ayers operations and it certainly is not anything Brzezinski's people would operate under.
It is more like Obama called up Brzezinski and Zbigniew said, "Do this", and Obama hired a bunch of freelance Mosaad types, British fascists and mixed in Axelrod Inc., and the result is this odd Charlie Rose, Twitter Revolution which the Persians and everyone else over there is seeing through as it is that transparent.
Odd Obama got hisself transparent in trying to topple a nasty nuclear armed alerting them to maybe due a nuclear TWA flight 800 on America, but seems to not find transparency a good thing in firing Inspector Generals.

Of course this is what it looks like and not what the press is stating, because it looks more like Obama and his globalist masters have let Birdie think he is running a real coup, but the Persian Islamocommunists have been clued in and are going to feel justified now in nuking one or serveral American cities to blame on al Qaeda.
This seems to be the real operation Obama has no idea he is leading, because the Mosaad is pushing the propaganda envelop which is just fine, but none of this is going to topple the Persian government.
So in noting cheering Israeli agents after 9 11 in watching planes being flown into the Twin Towers, it certainly would be in Mosaad's interest to help this along by Axelrod Inc. blundering to have the Persians attack America again, whereby the flapper saluter will finally get to nuke some Mooselums as he had been planning.

This is such a bad operation that only horrid things can happen from it. One can not expect but nations to manipulate this to their benefit as they did in 9 11. If Gordonian Brown is going to open the door and Obama is going to open the windows, do not expect Saudi's, Jews, Egyptians and Jordanians to help the Persians have it pointed out what Obama is doing to get America to whack Iran.

I doubt anyone else has this exclusive, but just to alert readers, Obama "might" have been pulling troops out of Iraq in speeches, but a funny thing is happening in troops are pouring into the forward staging base of Qatar.
This is not for Afghanistan as the troops will still be coming in waves to this autumn. The Pentagon planners have operations in place for another phase in the Obama wars.

Oh and Prime Minister Obama said it would be so easy to kill Sheik bin Laden, and yet the Sheik is still eating his daily couscous.

You can not run operations this slipshod without bad things happening. This is deliberate in Obama thinking he is being smarter than he is, but dumber than the people who are setting up real operations to pull America into a situation they are fomenting.

As stated, the ugly intelligent leaders of Iran have got this about figured out as they confirmed what this blog was pointing to in naming the leaders. Now it is a waiting game to see what kind of wound these Islamocommunists will retaliate with.
Conclusions lead one to believe, they have had enough IED's and are going to use improvised nuclear devices in New York to retaliate.

One can not mess around as this blog warned explicitly in doing the Iranian coup or they will bite America with a nuclear fang. The people setting this up have now moved Obama to lead America into this abyss.

So goes the age of Obama.

agtG 377
