Saturday, June 20, 2009

Luther's Boots

Americans really have to get their hands dirty to discern the times of the signs.

Most people would not know the scent of earth which is good to grow rice to that which is alive to grow wheat, now would they know the sweet scent of prairie hay drying to the pungent odor of silage.
If people do not know the difference between the guy cavity stench of a chicken raised on free range to one grown in commercial feed, how can they be expected to know the difference in any event from Obamacare to Persia in understanding what is literally Barack Obama's Twitter Revolution in Iran getting people murdered.
Where is one person noting that all these dead Iranians are Barack Obama's fault as it was his apology Egypt speech which gave Ahmadinejad a landslide, and it is is Obama's political intelligence operatives which have a bunch of communist children wanting Islamic religion to be Hugh Hefner's Playboy Mansion.

This blog is not going to be sucked into the media blitz of Iran. This is not Chinese kids at Tianamen Square looking for liberty, this is a bunch of rich kid terrorists who just happen to be terrorizing a terrorist in Ahmadinejad.
Is a dictatorship in Persia going to be any more responsible if it wears western clothes, takes care of it's people's bread needs and has a core group busting windows, starting fires and ruling in anarchy?

That does not conclude to being any more stable for the United States and in fact will be a worse regime as this one will turn loose the worst of Iran against the west as they will not be able to control them.

None of this is a love fest for Ahmadinejad or Khomeini mullahs. It is simply typical Obama in trading one "bad" terrorist for his "good" terrorists. What I'm stating is if what runs off or Luther's boots tastes like Folsom Prison urine in protesters or Ahmadinejad, don't be expecting the idiotry class of Obama fomenting this television revolution to be an upgrade for America.
Urine is urine and if it tastes like Johnny Cash, then it is Johnny Cash.

There were enough legitimate factions inside and outside Iran, beginning with the Shah's family and ending in southern Arabs who could have been supported by Obama if he wanted to effect change. None of them were chosen, and all this is is one terrorist in a minority threatening now terrorists in Iran in the majority.

Ahamadinejad is not going to be overthrown as the powers of the globe will not allow this no more than the communist Ayatollahs would. They will kill the Obama terrorists who were flushed out in this chaos and will complete what has been intended in this from the beginning.

So if people are looking for anything in Iran, they had better not buy into the marches as the Qod Forces have more armed people than these patrician revolutionaries marching in the streets.
So it is two camels named Ahmed, they both stink, both spit, both crap in huge one is the good camel and one is the bad camel, because one has a Russian saddle which looks western and one has a Russian saddle which looks Persian.

Look if this was a real revolution, there would be millions marching and Ahmadinejad would have been gone a week ago. This is Barabas of Iran fomenting an Obama intelligence coup and that is all.
For the record, this is one of the most inept operations on record.

So we have anarchists who don't want to look bad to the west and communists who want to look bad to the west, all digging the same latrine hole.
The only thing worse is fly killer Obama's operations against Iran smelling like the flies swarming around him.

This will herd a number of silly HuffPo sycophants into Obama bliss one more time. It might even move Peggy Noonan to stick in new batteries for her BHO vibrator for a new thrill, but for those who know the game, this Obama '/ Iran manure pile isn't doing a thing but getting some Iranian anarchists murdered.

Who does that help? Ahmadinejad and Obama, as it secures Ahmadinejad into power and the wag the dog puppy press will spike by 4 points Obama's feel good poll numbers as an Iran suffering, makes sickly Americans awaiting rationed Obamacare feel better in the propaganda payback.

Iran is not Lutheran Christians bringing down East Germany, in a real religious movement for liberty.

Iran is Obama's play pal...........his bombing Saddam's janitors to death to make Bill Clinton look like he was a strong leader

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