Monday, June 22, 2009


I sit here contemplating as to whether I want Barack Obama arrested and fined for endangering the flora and fauna on my property, or if I just want to own the entire township where I live as I received the nicest of surprises from Birdie stimulus spending today.

See for the rabid consumer of meat which this blogger tends to be, I also tend to invest great amounts of time, energy and money in conserving my part of the world to the way it is supposed to look like in nature.
My critters tend to like it as I have numbers of endangered species on my property in plants and animals. Imagine though my surprise today in finding this bobcat screaming around in my ditch smashing rare species of grass, hacking to pieces a 40 year old green willow of a specific genus that is almost extinct, disturbing a doe and her fawn, and smashing through one of the last habitats of an almost extinct small snake in North America.

The person had been hired by my township which is interesting, almost as interesting as the 6 foot pile of debris he smashed and pushed through onto my land which not only is an eye sore, but is going to be infested by skunks and woodchucks, and those lovely ticks..........all in what was a bed of forest violets.
I'm a little steamed over this and am pleased I didn't find one of the township board members at home as I probably would have said something to this kid I would regret.

As my township seems never to have any money to do anything practical, this has to be Obama stimulus money flowing in which has just violated a number of federal wildlife, international treaties and the lowly property rights of a mere landowner.
As this is all fresh, I really do not know how far I intend to take this as I dislike all things government, but would appreciate filing charges against all of these people a great deal more than making my neighbors furious in demanding the same actions be taken against them.

Besides all of this looking like hell or like a tornado ripping up an area, I can not fathom the idiotry of this doing this to wildlife and scarring trees this way in summer when it should be done in winter due to sap flow and diseases.

The fines for destroying endangered species are in the tens of thousands of dollars and that is exactly where these Obama bucks have gone to.

Who knows, maybe Obama will be filling in that eye sore of the Grand Canyon next. The federal government at work again.

I don't know if I want to own any more of America as this nation sucks about as bad as the wildlife rapist sitting in the White House.

Bald Eagle Stew for lunch, Muchelle Obama's serving.
