Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Servant to the stars

After giving this about 30 seconds of pondering, I presumed to explain why every Citizen should in these Obama times possess, own and have their warn live fingers wrapped around in a black powder rifle or shotgun.
For those who are inclined there are pistols like the wonderful 1858 Remington Army target, but unless one is a bit more astute, there are if one does not know what they are doing in loading these weapons of the past to have a one hole fire chain reaction firing all cylinders.

Not feeling like giving an PHD lesson in muzzle loading, I will leave that to your friendly David Letterman pedophile jokester , Cabela's outfitter to explain things in detail.
Speaking of which, Cabela's certainly is not the Noel Sheppard, prairie dimwit sportsman's store of a few years ago. This once fine American franchise has imported corporate Obama voters, losers from Lowes and other rejects in corporate America and not quite on the ball management to make outfitter's lives hell in their stores in chasing customers around for Club Cards.
The boys who own Cabela's better get their heads out and stop acting Obama.

Anyways, back at the duck slough, I just finished blowing up quantities of powder and polluting the environment by scattering lead bullets around from a very affordable Traditions model 50 caliber rifle.
Following safety procedures, I had quite an enjoyable time both loading, shooting and cleaning the gun. As stated if you are smarter than a brick, this is a perfect home defense weapon as it is in hunting. Granted one had better not fire unless they are certain of hitting what they are aiming at as reloading will have a criminal taking it from you and beating you over the head with it, but that is why the old Army always said, "Indians respect a loaded rifle, not one that is fired".

I was shooting black powder equivalent in sticks from American Pioneer. It was most interesting in shooting loads greater than what Gen. Custer killed all of his game with in his Remington Rolling Block and not having any problem with the snap of modern smokeless powder or the higher pitched crack which makes one's ears ring.
I had been firing some collector's items' 16 gauges from Sweden for amusement and they honestly bruised my shoulder where the old smoke pole was a clouded delight.

While I will not provide a crash course here in loading as that is up to the experts being paid dollars, I simply swabbed the bore with grease, seated two 50 grain powder sticks, started my sabot and bullet, and pushed it to be seated to the powder, put in a 209 Winchester primer and away I went.
Loading again I just swabbed the barrel to make sure that there were no embers to blow one's head off and repeated the steps slowly and deliberately to keep things safe.

Someone my Mother worked with had a son doing reenactments and while he had fired cannons for a very long time, the individual was loading a fired cannon, he had swabbed, and it went of with the projectile blowing his shoulder off, which exposes the main artery and one bleeds out in 30 seconds. So yes he died.
That is why one has to be smarter than an Obama voting brick and to always pay attention and why I'm not opening school here.

Clean up was just removing the breach plug, soap and water, scrubbing with a brush, and then a lubing of the barrel, and voila it was a nice play date.

Unless one exists in Marxist Obama enclaves like New Jersey where they have fits over antique firearms, these modern made, but old style weapons are available without those terrorists at BATF of Iraq embezzlement schemes, with none of them going to jail, being able to register them and put you on a big ole round up list from Janet Napolitano.

It might be interesting to note that every war to the Civil War in America, was fought with muzzle loading weapons. The frontiersman and and woman killed bushels of dangerous game and Indians with a one shot wonder. The same 50 caliber hole of yesteryear is the same size hole of today with more power than Dirty Harry's 44 magnum which won so much acclaim, but I personally detest, even if I adore John Milius, the movie creator.

As stated, with care in understanding that powder does indeed blow up with static sparks to fire, and not to put one's body parts in line with a loading or loaded barrel, pretty much keeps one from being a Darwin candidate. One would presume if George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant and hosts of Indians could fire muzzle loading weapons and not blow their heads off, perhaps modern people not looking to be put on government computers could do the same.

It is a pity that recreational shooting has not the standing it had in 1900 when ladies would join in parlor games in firing 22 shorts at boxes in their homes as the preferred pastime. I have yet to meet any woman who upon burning powder, did not immediately begin to smile and feel empowered in the accomplishment of conquering a situation.
In any event, shopping carefully, one could for 250 dollars tops have more gun and firepower than they would ever use if they did not ever go shooting. For some reason even the cowards at NRA who refused to even reply to a questionnaire which this blog would have been quite fair with them, instead of exposing them as cowards now, have enough FBI statistical information to show that just having a firearm to thwart a crime in showing it, often enough makes a crook flee. No shots even need to be fired which is what this is about in defense.
So a large bore being shown is the dog which does not need to bite, it only needs it's owner's bark to order the criminal to leave.

My intention is to do things in testing this weapon which makes gun makers squeamish in telling me perhaps I should not, but as I know what I'm doing, I will do it.........although not print it here for Obama bricks to not be inspired to try.
I do hope though to soon test a muzzle loading shotgun as one of my idols in V. M. Starr, wrote deliciously of his 11 gauge shotgun and the wonders of spit and fire.

In any event, keep your powder dry and your name off of more and more government lists.

Question: Why is there not a stimulus program for poor people to afford firearms for protection?
