There is a real fury and revolution brewing in rural America which crosses all politics and all voting which is uniting people over the National Animal Identity System, which in synopsis is placing radio tags into every animal in America.
The pretense in this by the shill group in the United States Department of Agriculture is that it is supposed to "track disease". That only points to the reality that the English farming industry was destroyed and taken over by corporations in their manufactured disease epidemics, to which Oprah Winfrey smeared American ranchers over "mad cow".
For the RECORD, there has never been one beef animal in the United States which had any prion disease. BEEF animals were not a part of this, but the source of the "mad cow" was a Canadian MILK COW.
For those who do not know the facts, dairy cattle are ground into hamburger as their systems burn out quickly in corporate farming practices in high frankenfood corn rations and being locked in stanchions their entire lives.
McDonald's for years has never sold America beef. Their beef was always that low grade central American cheap meat which was imported.
Beef is not fed animal bi products nor is this allowed in the United States.
It might surprise you to know that while bans were on Canadian dairy meat, President Bush had tons of Canadian beef imported into America as it was and always has been safe.
It was the greatest of disservices in vegetarians like Jeff Rense who exploited this in their vegan "superiority" as all they did is play right into the globalists hands.
The NAIS does absolutely nothing, but allow the government to track and control every animal in the United States, including your pets. The chips actually have been shown to kill animals and they would bring in just like CIPRO with the anthrax scare, bring in billions of dollars to another globalist supplier of these radio frequency tags.
USDA inspectors catch any diseased animal which the sale barns and buyers do not catch. The price of beef, pork, chicken, turkey etc... is far too high for any sale barn or market buyer to get stuck with anything going into human food being diseased.
These people know their businesses well and cull anything that looks remotely bad.
In knowing ranchers of all sorts, they can tell you that if you screw over some buyer with a sick animal, that word gets out immediately and your animals do not sell, or they sell below market, which is the difference between bankruptcy and making a living.
So as the safeguards are already in place, then what is the real reason for NAIS in making landowners get premises permits? Well if you do not have a permit, then you are a criminal and the government can then confiscate all your land.
Control the food supply and make criminals out of law abiding livestock producers and in less time than it takes to type this, Obama's globalists control who lives, who dies and he destroys the last plank in Thomas Jefferson free America, in land ownership.
I know the livestock industry from all sides. I detest corporate farming of all sorts. I champion the small producer which America was built on. If America had more 40 acre farms, there would never be an Obama ever elected to office as people who know the life and death cycles attached to the land never, ever, vote for a liberal.
I desire to explain to people how the beef you eat is produced across America in the majority so you understand how safe it is and what it all entails.
A young calf or heifer is born in the early spring, so the calf can nurse milk and benefit from pasture which is cheap feed to grow beef.
This calf is branded to keep it from being stolen and keep track of it. See ranchers already invented NAIS tags called brands which are cheap and effective in locating animals.
Vaccines are given for contagious diseases like black leg and red nose.
The cattle are sprayed with insecticides at least once a summer to kill biting flies which spread diseases like pink eye which blind calves.
In the autumn months on round up, the calves are worked which means dehorning (cutting off horns with a dehorner and the veins cauterized), bulls are castrated with a knife to make a better tasting beef, and heifers are "green tagged".
Green tagged means their ears are tattooed and a metal earring is placed in the ear to identify them as vaccinated for "bangs" which is an abortive disease.
Add some Ivomec which is the same pesticide they delouse people with in Africa, and the heifer is ready to join the herd.
She will be cared for all winter with her herd mates on a higher grade ration to make her grow.
When spring comes, she will be put into pasture with a bull in the July period so next season a March calf will be produced. It is vital in these heifers that the bull will "throw" a small calf, so the heifer can calve easily as ranchers know that if you have to touch a heifer, she will always give you trouble afterwards.
In this understanding, an Angus or a Long Horn breed is used to breed most heifers, as a large dead calf pays for nothing.
By the next spring the cycle starts again which is now 2 years old with a huge amount of expense and time invested in one heifer who will take almost 3 years to repay the investment in her.
The added problems of environmentalists stopping fur trapping so coyotes to mountain lions are eating lambs to calves is a horrendously inhumane problem being covered up in America.
The heifer calf will not be of high quality usually in her lack of milking ability, bull size, etc..., and it will take another 18 months to turn that calf into a thousand plus pound finished beef.
It's records will be sent to the stock market for the buyers to review and they will bid on the calves or the fat cattle as they are called when finished.
Loaded onto semi trailers after being paid for, the beef is taken to a processing plant where it is slaughtered under USDA inspection, hung to age to tenderize it and cut up to be shipped to your grocery store.
With good beef, there are no preservatives, hormones to make the animal grow, unnecessary antibiotics fed to make the animal eat more so it grows (Everyone knows how when a doctor gives you tetracycline how your stomach works more, the same is with animals.) and is a clean, healthful product, whether it is pork, beef, lamb, chicken or turkey.
The problem which I complain about is all of the preservatives corporate farms put into meat so it does not rot on the shelf for weeks. That makes people very ill when constantly consumed and it has nothing to do with the farmers and ranchers producing it.
If consumers would just stop buying frozen tater tots with preservatives, potatoes sprayed with anti sprouting agents, fruit with gases infused in them to ripen them and turkeys pumped full of preservatives, the industry which supports Obama would be forced to use the perfect method in FREEZING FOOD to preserve it.
That is how food gets to your table from rural America and the inspections which keep it safe. NAIS is but another tax, another control and another unnecessary globalist scheme which all Americans should fight against to end it.
Your puppy does not need an RFID tag no more than your parrot or a ewe in Oklahoma to a Jersey cow in New York. Animals do not need to be tracked as it is not the government's business to be in your personal lives or in farmers lives producing clean food.
Thousands of dollars more costs on farmers which will end up being paid by you is not anything that should be supported as that money like all Obama money ends up in globalist hands.
So at least say NO to NAIS when you see those letters appearing in publications you look at. Be informed and tell people radio beacons do not need to be injected into your animals as you already know where they are and you are taking perfectly good care of them.
Obama is exploiting people ignorant of where their food comes from in order to ration what they eat like he does health care.