Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama Lynch Mob

Apparently in another exclusive to this blog alone, I would open school in asking if Obama passed a law tomorrow that you would be fined if you perked your coffee more than 3 minutes, drank more coffee than exactly 2 cups, lent coffee you were not using to a neighbor, threw away coffee which was stale or changed to tea without informing Janet Napolitano...........

Do you think more coffee would be consumed, more coffee makers purchased and more coffee would be in stores, or would coffee use plummet in knowing you would be hauled before Congress in drinking coffee out of regulation?

It of course would be the latter and it opens the teaching to understanding what Obama is doing to banking if you switch coffee for banks.

I honestly do not need to see the devil in the details in global bank regulations which Obama is illegally dictating onto the world, because every time you have a government regulation, the government makes it a crime if you do not submit to it.
Remember Keith Ellison of Muslisota raking bankers, and especially Ken Ellis who headed Bank of America in smearing him? It cost this fine patriotic American his job literally, because Congress thought it could beat up on bankers like it did cigarette companies.

The problem is Bank of America did absolutely nothing wrong like most bankers. This was not American banking which caused this collapse BUT INTERNATIONAL BANKING OUT OF EUROPE.

So if your coffee is now a bank, and you are sitting in a loan officer's or ceo's chair, are you going to be lending money to people who need it and are good risks, or are you going to selectively only loan money to Obama backers who threaten you to pay out or an Obama inspector is coming?

This puts banks which are in business like all businesses to make money under extreme pressure as all loaning money is a risk venture.
You want a car? The bank risks money in loaning it to you for a profit that you will pay it back before you die or you loose your job.
The same is true for houses, school loans or wanting to do remodeling jobs.

Now take this a coffee step further in banks now hedging their loans in not wanting to be screamed at by "mooselum" (Obama's word for Muslims) Congressmen, they stop loaning money at risk to people buying cars, homes, furniture and education.
See the step now expands to automakers are not selling cars, because loans are not made. Lumbering companies are not selling wood for homes. Colleges are loosing students and the work force degrades, and, local wrights are not building decks to installing showers in plumbing, because people can not get loans.

What Obama regulations just like in drinking coffee is going to strangle the American economy from the bottom up which is exactly what he intends so the Europeans will be able to surpass America with their socialist 2% stagnant growth and replace the dollar as exchange currency.

Lynching the bankers and the industrialists leaves you with people in charge who will not employ people nor offer services. The end result is the entire American economy implodes.
As far as I have seen, no one has bothered to explain on bit of this in the disaster Obama has created.

American banks were absolutely fine and it was the Ponzie Scheme of Obama Pelosi Soros which set this entire collapse off. That TARP money which went to crooks (not the American banks being forced to take it) all flowed out like all the savings from Wall Street into the European banks. This was all intended and Obama is hanging now the free banks around the world one more time to make sure they are deader than dead.

This is how one ends free investment and working people from getting profits which drives the entire Adam Smith world. This pure Marxist finance and Obama and Geithner are fully aware of all of this government monopoly of banking and industry.
Yes people, Teddy Roosevelt was a trust buster and went after monopolies. Right now Barack Obama is engaging the biggest illegal monopoly from banking to health care and Justice has not stepped forward and enforced it's own laws.

What is going to occur in this is what occurs in all over regulated industries. There will be clever people who will find ways to move money around "illegally" and there will be even more clever banks who will start laundering money like the Rockerfellers and Rothschilds do constantly for huge profits "off the books".
That is what happens always with human nature. Make a criminal out of someone for not wearing a seat belt and they just are more clever in not getting caught in not wearing a seat belt.

The same is true with an Obama coffee law. People would just find ways to call coffee other things and instead of using a coffee maker would perk what they got off the black market in a coffee pot.

There never has in this era been a problem with American banks. They are well run, regulated and do a fantastic job on the regional level. It instead has been these international criminal enterprises who gobbled up huge investment companies for nothing and never lost a dime, and are still swindling Americans due to Obama IMF grants of a trillion dollars to the 3rd world which all ends up in European banks illegally and his Geithner spending spree which no one is accounting for how billions of dollars keep going missing.

Obama policy is going to be about the 40th hanging and 100th stabbing with a pitchfork each American is going to get in the next 2 years as all his assaults upon the American people start making certain they are deader than dead in overkill.
This is all simple Milton Friedman economics to point out how draconian Obamanomics is and yet no one in the media, Wall Street or banking is telling the world how bad it is what Obama is implementing.

As I have said before, Obama is Mission Complete in destroying America. His current meanderings now around the American battlefield he just nuked is shooting corpses in the head for the 12th time.
Obama, Pelosi, Geithner and the European axis killed American banking and business, now he is just putting an Everest size rock on the grave to make sure America does not rise again from the Obama Black Plague of Death.

Obama is sorting things out by hisself. He is lynching Americans and letting the nation rapists go free.
