Thursday, June 18, 2009

Phrrrroooaaarrrr Al Gore

I was wondering about a class action lawsuit against Al Gore, like the one liberals have against cigarette companies for false advertising, concerning his global warming BS which has cost Americans trillions of dollars in lost jobs, lost stock prices, confiscated money and squandered money to worthless holes like the University of Wisconsin which was "studying" the effects of global warming produced by the Great Lakes, which is like spending millions on monitoring how much your bathtub heats the planet compared to the oceans.

This is all serious as Americans have had stolen from them billions of dollars in "grants" going to these pseudo scientists which were falsifying data like at NASA or in worst cases were setting monitoring stations for heat next to bbq grills.

I have been doing monitoring in several locations and have noted that ground temperatures have been absolutely lower than in other years.

This includes soil which is under black plastic meant to heat the soil for warm weather crops. I'm starting to wonder if that big heated core in earth in all that magma has not decreased in temperature and the planet earth is actually cooling from inside.
The point is sincerely though is American individuals should have been granted those hundreds of billions to build and stock survival shelters for the security of the United States in these Obama upheaval times.

What is most certain though is God has not been amused by the satanic led global warming, climate change scam as the sun is now in a cooling period and indications are in typical yellow dwarfs in when it awakens it will release that pent up energy in it's core and scorch earth a bit.

This all is telling, because when the USDA instead of trying to radio tag all livestock and pets, spending millions of dollars, when the census people instead of wasting millions of dollars on GPS tagging every home invading American's privacy, that money should have been invested in developing non frankenfood crops which can deal with these temperature fluctuations which are harming literally to death numbers of plants and animals.

I was speaking with a postal inspector this morning and she was telling me that her husband, who does not work for the service, went out and delivered some baby poultry which were sitting in a post office, because they were in such bad shape.
The net immoral of the story is all the chicks were dead by the time they were delivered.

This is reprehensible of the United States Post Office to killing innocent animals. If one looks at the hatchery forms which they have for feedback, have categories for WET and DAMAGED boxes.
In speaking with another postal employee, he mentioned that the chicks often die because they are set in the backs of trucks during shipping.
Is it so out of the realm of decency and common sense that the huge sums of money the post office inflicts on customers that they could not set poultry or bunnies in a warm spot in a cab or by a heater in the back?
School buses have heaters which run off of electricity in the back of them, so why can not the post office have a small cubby to just care for baby animals they are taking money to ship.

It is purely disgusting in the slipshod liberal "we are green post office" operations which have been shown to be nothing but an employment center for Democratic voters.

How does one not have sense enough to not stomp on or dump hundred pound weights on a box of peeping living things?
How does one put living things out in cold rain or snow and just let them suffer and die?

There are not any excuses for any of this and while liberals have this gestapo plan to inflict on all Americans how to treat their pets or livestock, they are the ones the Humane Society, PETA and SPCA should be taking digital of along with Al Gore's exhaust plumes coming out of his jet.

Most people in the northern tier of North America have had horrendous springs which have ha them heating their homes into June. Canadians had frost and freeze warnings completely past what was normal.
This means game animals are suffering immensely too as they hatch poultry to birthing fawns in this cold. While the latter is not Al Gore's fault, it certainly is Al Gore's fault along with his hatchling Birdie Obama inflicting more massive debts on Americans in higher priced cars, food, fuel, homes while taking away their jobs all from this emission standards to his global warming nonsense mandates.

People and animals are dying because of these draconian Al Gore policies being implemented by Pelosi and Obama, and no one is busting these stories as all of the right wing apparently can't get out of their patrician million dollar homes to know the world real people and animals live in.

I conclude that these liberals should not be allowed to have children or pets, as the way they treat baby chickens and bunnies to allowing old people to freeze to death while they dump money in global warming crony projects is pure Nazism.
I see Entertainment Tonight championing David Letterman in his pedophile and assaulting women while mocking moral protesters. Shame on you Mary Hart and your entire blackified propagandists in what you just allowed to continue on women and children. All of it adds up to the same ilk, same murderous malevolence which is Obama butchering babies by sucking brains out, murdering "bad" terrorists while rewarding "good" terrorists, Muchelle Obama spending millions on dates and shopping sprees of taxpayers money who can not afford health care and this final example of this assault on God's creatures in actions which is inhumane and downright murder.

This is not killing for food. This is liberals killing baby animals they were paid to care for by Terri Schiavo, torturous death by exposure to the elements in dehydration and freezing or frying to death.

So Phroar Al Gore, I hope in the coming age that the new GOP starts filing lawsuits on all of you predators and a real Justice Department starts prosecuting the butchers at the Postal Service who are giving the good people there a horrid name.

I will remind this to people reading this if all of that doesn't matter to you in this........

Those animals suffering to death, YOU PAY FOR THEM, in the postal insurance claims. You are paying for the torture of animals by Barack Obama employees.

That is just one reason your postage is so high and the rest is oil prices being deliberately spiked by Barack Obama so you will stop driving your SUV.

Hey wonder of wonders, no one wants that green crap cars which do not run in sales fell almost 50%. The SUV lots though are selling.

Phroar Al Gore, you and kitty Obama are butcherous ilk like your voting block.
