Friday, June 26, 2009

Obama's Ponzi Climate Control

With Queen Pelosi jabbering so much now that she has grown another mouth, it is time to expose what will be another exclusive here that somehow the world press and punditry has missed.

The subject is the Obama Pelosi Climate Bill, which is nothing more than a massive Ponzi Scheme to issue credit to Obama supporters which will then be auctioned off to the highest bidding corporations who will pass the massive tax that is what this is........onto consumers.

For the honest facts, this "climate credit" will strangle all new businesses as they will not be able to compete with billion dollar corporations, no more than small broadcasters can start up any media operation as broadcast licenses now cost billions.
The same monopoly for the global order will be ushered in on Obama climate credits. The credits will be handed out to Indian reservations and other groups who support Obama, with none for the poor states or the small farming interests.

The Indians then for example will auction these free credits to hard pressed corporations which will then have to buy them or cease operations as they can not compete with Europe, South America or China which has none of this deliberate destruction of their economies in place.

I will predict in knowing how this economic rape blossoms, that soon enough Warren Buffett will be "investing" in these for his Chinese communist allies, who will inflate the prices even further.
This demand will create some odd Chicago commodities trading based upon climate credit futures, which George Soros will corner the market in again and drive the price up to trillions of dollars.
In effect, Indian reservations already raping the American economy in their racist gambling monopolies run out of the east and west coast establishment, will then have huge amounts to contribute to liberal Obama candidates, and thereby elect more Harry Reid and Tim Johnson types to funnel more money into these socialist slums.

I honestly foresee a day in this when there is going to be the same meltdown in Obama climate credits which will be more severe than the 9 11 attack on American economics. There will come a time when your electric bill will be so extreme that consumers can not pay it, your local utilities will be bankrupted and some Chinacorp will swoop in with European Edison to do to your utility what Obama did to General Motors and the entire finance structure of America.

This is no climate bill. This is a Ponzi Scheme which no one apparently has figured out yet in the shell game it is. I highly doubt the Indians and other doltish Obama voters will really receive a great deal of the money in this. They will instead get screwed over like when California bought all the water rights in the west for pennies and left the locals high and dry.
That is just the way it operates.

The questions beyond the illegalities of this are many. Where is for example the freebie climate credits for every group in America? Why is it only certain groups who vote for Obama who get these billion dollar credits while the Amish won't get a dime.
Are not Amish just as much a people as the Sioux?

I know what Obama and Pelosi are doing and it is criminal, again, just like before, this is a criminal act being made to sound legal, and the people being raped economically are the standard American Citizen.

I honestly would hope that someone would start demanding their fair share for every state and every group. No, I honestly would hope Americans would wise up and scream at Congress to kill this thing as it is going to be a disaster when people have electric bills of 500 dollars a month and wonder what the heck happened.

You voted for Marxist Obama on his mission to destroy America is what happened. You sat on your butts when this blog was warning you another Ponzi Scheme was being implemented by Babs Obama.
This is all ridiculous, unnecessary and will not affect the climate one bit. It has one purpose and that is to take the last pennies from American Citizens and enrich the trillionaires more for Obama Big Brotherization of America and the world.

NAIS is taking the food supply. Climate credits is taking your ability to sustain your life in your homes. Obamacare is going to tell you to die when you need medical care.

As I stated before, Obama has completed his mission. It is Mission Complete. The things Pelosi and hisself are implementing now are just the pillow over the face of Michael Jackson as he is expiring from synthetic morphine.

You have been warned, and I think now it is time for a hot bath and to sit in front of an air conditioner while praying about all of this.


Obama's Ponzi Energy Scheme