Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tank Elections

By the way the liberal press is screaming about the Honduran Military saving that fine free nation from a communist dictator, you would think they are a little bit worried that maybe the US military might just rectify the situation of a British subject occupying the American White House in Birdie Babs Obama.

It is beyond amusing to read screaming reports by WILL WEISSERT and FREDDY CUEVAS as they worry about the reality that a first in a necessary list of commies bit the dust today when trying to overthrow a free society by using elections, tax dollar bribes and globalist cartels against that people.
Their reports are brimming with protesters, those naughty Soldiers arresting a criminal thug guilty of treason and how it was all "free elections".........probably like Obama's ACORN free elections bankrolled by Middle Eastern terror counterfeit money.

I had honestly lost hope in the world of the junta as they seemed to disappear when the Bush patricians took voodoo Noriega out after Carter removed Somoza from Nicaragua and gave us that wonderful commie operation Sandinista down there which is still a plague to the free world.
But now I see hope, especially with the US press in angst over this and Hugo Chavez throwing a fit over his comrade el presidente Manuel Zelaya.
Surprisingly the Honduran Congress did the right thing and appointed a new President, but Zelaya vowed like all communists to stay in power.

What is interesting in this is the Hondurans like many central American governments are basically of the CIA and US military assimilation. Zelaya being ousted is coming from Panetta and the Pentagon in not a word is coming from them.
The Hondurans are saving their nation and it makes one wonder if the world of the junta is about to come to life again in saving Argentina, Brazil, Nicaragua, Venezuela and the United States.

That is what is the key in this is someone with vast power reserves on the right just placed a shot across the bow of the Obama Administration and Hugo Chavez. That is why the liberal press are spitting fury about this as they hate right wing military coups and they know the same anger is in the United States military and it would only take the command of a few to rectify the Obama and Pelosi problem in the American nation.
Shut down broadcasts, replace them with glowing reports on CNN and MSNBC, and that pretty well cleans up a British subject in the White House, and places him and Madame Muchelle in exile in Europe.

Someone is sending a message which is very big that Obama globalism has just ended and the time of the junta has returned in cleaning up the messes of the leftist world.

Spain was such a place when Franco took control. He never had any Jane Fonda types in Spain as he drafted them all, sent them to Africa for a few years where insects, heat frying their brains and loneliness took all the protest out of leftists, so they came home and were satisfied just being Spanish.
Spain was a law abiding lovely nation in those years and crime only came back when Franco gave up the ghost.

So do not think Hugo Chavez blowing his cork is far off base nor the leftist Americans in media. They scent something which is a message which would be welcomed by every Patriot in the Americas, that the military is always there to save the nation from itself.

Adios comrade el presidente.......may there be many more of you deposed in the coming months.


Ah to be in Honduras now that freedom is there

Wa wa wa wa wa, no more stealing nations by elections