Sunday, June 28, 2009

The White House Pussy

Then entire pluribus is getting it wrong as to what is wrong with the press being such egregious female genitalia in assuming the position like a feline in heat to receive the barbed prick of Tom Cat Obama. (For those not familiar with feline species of kitties, your domestic cat has a penis in the male which is barbed and it is why if one has ever heard cats mating, they sound like they are killing each other, as the lock up and biting is not what the female is growling about. It is being impaled by a barbed penis.)

I remember sleeping in a machine shed on one of the great ranches out west on a hunting expedition. The office we were in was a sheep shed, covered with dried mud, which we washed up using pair of old bluejeans (Do not know if they were the ranchers Sunday go to meeting jeans, but on a stick they made a mop.) and settled down on army cots for a night of muddy smells turning to dusty smells as volcanic electric heater roasted us.
During the night two cats started mating on the roof to every one's sleepless chagrin. No one said a word until the next morning, when one hunter stated, "Them d*mn cats f*cking on the roof."
To which everyone silently nodded in approval to an hours lost sleep we would never get back.

I digress in the Age of Obama.

The barbed penis of Obama which even pundits at the Washington Times are missing in the impalement of a snarling and satisfied feline Tom Brokaw...........I digress in knowing Tom Brokaw's clan. They are from a region which is know for boneheads due to their Polish distraction.
One must understand the Polish stereotype in it is not that Poles are stupid in screwing in light bulbs, but they are geniuses beyond what most people can comprehend, and are in fact stupid in lacking common sense. A Pole can tell you how to build an atomic bomb out of soda crackers, but as a group they have difficulty on figuring out the simple tasks in life.

That is the origin of the Polack jokes which plagued that people, and that is the joke Tom Brokaw has become in he lacks all common sense in not being a Pole, but being from a place in South Dakota, he still pontificates about like George McGovern and Tom Daschle, but never comes home to stay.

So White House pussy Brokaw does not understand ethics in ghosting an interview for Obama to look good while he is working toward getting a paid job working for the Obama.
Now, Patrick Fitzgerald would call not pay for play or a quid pro quo in arresting Rod Blagojevich, but somehow White House pussy Brokaw has not been indicted for fraud.

What the pluribus is missing is what is driving Tom Brokaw and all these sycophants for Obama. It is the Harry Smith Syndrome.

See Tom Brokaw grew up under Martin Luther King jr. These liberals were all using the n*gger word to describe blacks. Heck if you were Sen. Jim Webb, you like some reporters in college were driving around as your sport at night, "n*gger knockin'", a most horrid crime in Webb would drive around with his buddies and find a lone black guy and jump out, beat the heck out of him, and the drive off laughing drinking beer and smoking dope, for the next entertaining feature.
Really wonderful Democratic leadership in KKK Byrd, N*gger knockin' Jim Webb and Fun rape Al Franken..........tis the Age of Obama.

But Brokaw knew of this and in using the n word, really was not that on board like all these racists who voted for Obama. They never stood up to their parents who were bashing blacks like Harry Smith cowardly kept silent about and they never while Martin King was having black kids beat to heck in Alabama as Mr. King staged Selma knowing the press coverage would portray the fodder of black children savaged by clubs and dogs, while he escaped harm (Yes that is Martin King the manipulator which somehow gets glossed over like Obama for the bigger message).
So all of these racist cowards, who in Tom Brokaw is best buddies with David Letterman in the cocktail crowd of bigots, racists, homophobes and hating all not them, is still feeling sad they did not join in on Martin King's great march, but sat in air conditioning, smoking cigs and talking about all those n*gs should be like Bill Cosby making them laugh instead of causing all those problems.
They are anguished they were not qualified enough for Camelot in John Kennedy to serve him as he passed them all there penance, their return to nostalgia in their greying years is now to vote for Obama, chuckle at his childish antics and to commit fraud at all costs, just to serve under Barack Obama at the White House for a year, and hope he roles over in bed to ask them if they like his tighty whitey's or him going commando.

That is what is driving Tom Brokaw and all these reporters to commit career suicide as their psychology has made them obsessed in a phobia of the past, in an Obama life crisis, they just have to grab the Martin Luther King jr. ring they p*ssed on the first time and were not that broken up when he died of lead poisoning.
Voting for Obama was their catharsis. Serving Obama is not serving him, but serving themselves for the betrayal they foisted on black people for the past 40 years of their miserable existences.

There is noble or serving about any of this with Tom Brokaw or any of the media. It is just their wanting to be like courageous black people now that being black is in power vogue.
If Russell Means was in the White House, that AIM terrorist, Brokaw would be dusting his resume for those past sins he feels too.

Interesting group man handler David Axelrod has assembled injured souls serving the injured soul Obama all to rape the United States for their past sins.

That is why Obama is a god to them or they want him to be so much, so he can forgive them for being themselves.
All pathetic and all Obama with Tom Brokaw as his White House pussy.

Tom Brokaw, the White House's 3rd boob, Michelle Obama's 3rd nipple or the knob on top of Barack Obama's rod. Take a punce as Brokaw's clan would say.

agtG 231

Media pussy