Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Alec Baldwin is the Answer

It doesn't have to be gone into detail that Alec Baldwin is a Godless, ill tempered, frustrated liberal who reacts in cheap shots like a teenager.

What does have to be explored though is Alec Baldwin telling Playboy that he would like to run for Congress.
I will start this out by stating, I actually support Alec Baldwin undertaking such an action, provided some caveats are put into play.

First, Mr. Baldwin can not steal an election like Al Franken just did in Minnesota with an anti Semitic attack on Norm Coleman.
As Norm Coleman said, "When you have more votes being counted than voters in Minnesota, there is not much sense in going on."

Second, Mr. Baldwin should not as Democrats want him to in moving to Ohio to run for Governor when he is a New Yorker, or any of this other Hillary Clinton shadow politics. If your own home state does not want you, then do not shove yourself on other states just because you are a multi millionaire as that is about as unAmerican as electing Barack Obama a British subject.

Third, actually run as who you are and not as some Twilight Zone version of what you are as most liberals do to get elected.

For all the bad things Alec Baldwin is about, he does care about America. He cares so much about his daughter that he was screaming at the brat he fathered with Kim Basinger.
Baldwin has come a very long way since Rush Limbaugh caught him non stop saying, "Kim says this", on political questions.

I would never vote for Alec Baldwin, because his liberalism is wrong for America as America is about to find out. In stating that though, Alec Baldwin is 3 million times the candidate for America than Obama, Pelosi, Reid or Franken are.
I actually read a post he made on Huffington last year, before I was banned, and Baldwin was promoting an idea of putting solar skins on buildings in cities to generate electricity. That is something which is a very good idea, as it would create an entire new industry, be capable of being licensed around the world, help cities keep down costs for electricity for the Citizens and once a nation builds something, it expands and becomes a better product through competition.

That is the kind of responsible advocacy which Congress is missing on both the right and left sides. None of that was in the Obama stimulus nor in the fraud energy bill. That is why Alec Baldwin would be the answer to change Democrats into something beyond the spend a trillion to loose ten trillion more shams now following Obama into the abyss.

I fully realize that Alec Baldwin like his friend David Letterman, all in the cocktail crowd view me as a dunce, but I have God and am quite secure in who God made me that their smirks do sting, but I trust in God to make things right.
What is most bothersome is after 9 11, Sen Schumer, actually was acting like an American in putting America first. For almost a year, he was a good representative of New York, but then once again started the political games for power which get Soldiers murdered and America into horrid difficulties. Alec Baldwin could be another rubber stamp or he could be a Daniel Patrick Moynahan, who actually made sense some days like Joe Lieberman.
That though is where Baldwin is in the nutcase fraternity in he hates Lieberman for Lieberman actually representing his state and not Alec Baldwin's New York.

In that, Alec Baldwin, like that Daffy Paul Wellstone and now Al Franken are going to learn that all mouth gets you nothing in the Senate, because the day arrives that you can't infuriate the Republicans either as elections change things. Mr. Baldwin would learn to get his projects completed that sometimes it takes a Joe Lieberman, John McCain, John Thune to help move a bill along that maybe your Obama is against. That is a great lesson for spoiled tyrants of Hollywood to learn.
........and always remember that Alec Baldwin has a brother and sister in law who love him very much, who are Christians, and who pray for him..........who would know in repentance if Alec Baldwin might become the next Ronald Wilson Reagan.

This is why I asked Michael Steele to talk to Val Kilmer and see if he would run for New Mexico Governor as a Republican. He is more right wing than Arlen Specter who just fled the GOP and for that matter is as independent as Alec Baldwin in doing what very well pleases him.
Both in being rich, self centered egomaniacs would be a good thing in Congress for kicking things around that do honestly require doing.

I honestly believe Al Franken is going to be the invisible man in Congress as all blowhards evaporate in that club of egos. He will find out that Diane Feinstein bites and that the GOP is all laughing at this election thief stuck onto Harry Reid's coattails.
Those are lessons which all have to be learned........why not have Alec Baldwin learn them and have to be responsible for his mouth.

In that, I like Arnold in he ran and actually became a politician to get re elected as getting elected is what this is all about as Lincoln stated. People who run for office in a fair game (not like leaking court papers on your opponent in what Obama did in a criminal act), but in like liberal Ben Cooter Jones in running and serving in Congress, actually have accomplished something in not just talking about things, but putting in the effort.
I recall that blowhard Phil Donahue whining that he wanted to run, but would never put in the effort, because he could not get elected. What an absolute cop out that is as elections are not coronations, but elections. Alec Baldwin hints at just the same thing in he seems to want a coronation, instead of a fight of it in a fair election for the electorate to judge.
Pat Obrien of CBS sports was fishing about to run for office in South Dakota, but the drunk soon enough abandoned the idea as a coronation poll must have been produced which proved even South Dakotans wake up with some sense 1 day out of a century in they wouldn't vote for Obrien.

So while I would never vote for Alec Baldwin, I would support his passioned effort to run, because he actually would be the kind of jerk New York needs and the Democratic party is missing as they rubber stamp every Obama bill into law without doing one thing for America.

Alec Baldwin though will not run, as the tides of Conservatism will sweep through America and even New York will vote Republican after Obama policy incinerates his biggest voting block in New York City.
That is a shame though as Alec Baldwin should come up with 10 things which could be done for America like the idea of solar panels on all buildings which would create jobs and at least in Democratic terms, make America and electric city on a hill.

That is a start compared to the do nothing GOP Obama voters in Congress and the Marxist anarchists of the Democratic party.

Drop by Alec and we can have a sundowner and you can tell me what you ever saw in Kim Basinger as I never saw it.

Hey guess I was right on that one huh Alec.
