Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ain't that a pisser

I really would not bother touching on adultery in this Age of Obama, except we all know now that any black man walks on water compared to the rest of the color folks in the world.

Michael Jackson who is a crazy, pedophile, pervert in being a danger to children, gets his own network coverage........while Soldiers dying in Afghanistan are like Martin King, stepped over to get to that blackified frenzy craze.

Steve McNair for those who do not know him as I did was a professional football player. He was a handsome and talented man. He was in fact, except for the legendary Doug Williams, the only NFL black quarterback who actually knew how to play the game compared to Donovan McNabb or the list of idiots like Tavaris Jackson of the Minnesota Vikings.
McNair was always one of my favorite players, because he was so professional and played hurt numerous times. This now has all changed in his murder, or I should say execution, as this adulterous jerk deserved what he got.

For the story, McNair was married to Mechelle. No that is her name, and yes, I know I make fun of too much Muchelle Obama, but in that even is this low self esteem satire at blacks who name their children ridiculous names thinking it somehow makes them something.
Mechelle was a very good looking woman and any guy would have been happy to camp out with her till the death do them part in total faithfulness.

McNair though was not one of the gentlemen. Instead, this jerk found this 20 year old named Sahel Kazemi, another wack job name when normal Americans would have been happy to be Americans in their family and like Germans, Poles, Russians would have changed her name to Sarah Case and been pleased to fit in.
I don't know this Kazemi, but I do know psychology of the deep south and it is a putrid sex perverted Sodom. Young women in the south make a market of searching out sugar daddies. It can be some old duffer, some McNair having a midlife crisis or some ugly failure with money that a hottie hooks up with.
I have known and been involved with the types. I know one gal who is now a fat frumpy bag of 30 something who I used to drop by to see not thinking that much about her as I will talk to anyone who is not a complete ass usually.
In any event, this woman with an old guy husband and 2 little girls, happened to show me a picture of herself just a few years previous. I about fell over. She was centerfold quality. She though had in suthern, chosen to sell her body to some old dude, have him pay the bills and in typical fashion she was out trolling around miserable in her Lyin' Eyes theme song of her making.

That is what the south is. Women are always catting around and you would be surprised the number of them pregnant by "Europeans" who are black as the ace of spades.

So Mechelle McNair who was a handsome woman, married Steve who was a jock on the cusp of being a jerk as he was screwing around on his wife of 10 years for a new 20 year old model, scheming for the sugardaddy life.
McNair like all men lied to this tart. Kazemi being a money grubbing little tramp talked herself into believing it.......and by account she was doped up the week before in a traffic stop, so her brain function like in all narcotics was giving her double vision.
The scenario seems to have worked out that McNair got home at 2 am to his condo. This tart was not pleased in sitting there for probably 4 hours, fuming over being treated like the high paid, auto bought for you trollop, she was.
McNair came in and sat down on the couch and was trying to reason with the girl with a gun under her shirt, whereupon justice was dispensed in logic dictates, she pumped 2 rounds into his heart to make up for her broken heart of dreams, and just to make sure, she finished McNair off with 2 slugs to the brain.
Then, in not wanting to serve time, in her life was over she felt, she dispatched herself.

Word has it that Mechelle McNair knew nothing of this.........yeah right on that one. Wives letting husbands troll about in condos of their own are overlooking a great deal of what goes on in the NFL, NBA and in baseball, soccer or wherever money is, jocks are and beds abound.
Training camps, on the road hotels and any other venue these bar flies can attach to willing men, is where you find the willing young chics ready to get pregnant and set for life.

I have always been of the opinion that one neckid body is like all neckid bodies so they get boring real quick. When you have a nice looking wife like Mechelle McNair, you be like Henry Kissinger and find your aphrodisiac in power and not in some goofy boy or girl toy for all the trouble it brings.
McNair got caught, and it is good ridance. Sure Mrs. McNair is going to be devastated, but she will soon enough get pissed off, furious and deal with her anger in being cheated on and betrayed.......then find solace hopefully in God and that pile of cash she just inherited.

I though like with Micheal Jackson, Barack Obama and now Steve McNair, do not want to hear from liberals and the idiotry who needs to attach themselves to someone else to feel validated, that any of these black jerks being put on pedestals are something special when all they are is sex perverts.

Line me up a Walter E. Williams any day, in that handsome man, and I will gladly listen to stories of his fidelity, brilliance and accomplishment for God's Glory, but I have reached my limits when I see a wacko nation carrying on about Michael Jackson like he was of any enduring quality.
Obama, McNair and Jackson are all examples of the last thing you want your daughter ever even being stupid enough to go out on a date with.

Which of you would want a black guy showing up to date your daughter like Michelle Robinson was, just because the dad was politically connected and she had connections to Jesse Jackson?

Sounds like a social climbing whore doesn't it in conning a woman like that, and yet that is exactly what Barack Obama did and all this liberal trash hallows him as some god. Obama is nothing but a pathetic tramp of a male who used a woman to get ahead.
Obama is equally what Hillary Clinton did in tagging onto Bill because he was going somewhere politically.

None of that makes a good marriage and all of that leaves people with shattered lives in having to deal with the nutty parents who produced you or forever being known as the child of the jerk who threw Lawrence Sinclair into prison illegally or got capped 4 times by a woman scorned.

Cheaters, adulterers, pedophiles, sodomites with a touch of murder in Donald Young, murder in Steve McNair and Wacko Jacko finally getting hisself murdered by dope is nothing to be upholding, beholding or wanting to hold on to.

There are whole group of people in this world a great deal better to look to for examples in how to conduct one's life no matter your race, creed, religion or fetish in only loving someone named Ernest.
McNair needs to be buried and the grave tamped on so his family can heal and move on. Obama needs to find his fate in the courts of the United States for the fraud he is. None of them though are worth a first look as any example to pattern your life over.

Cheaters suck as Mechelle McNair is finding out. She though will find solace in spending all that money she just inherited, one dollar at a time in revenge to help her act out in a proper way.
Muchelle Obama though is stuck spending US Citizens money in dealing with the reject she is married to.

Ain't that a pisser though, but it is life for people who marry trash.

Some people though do it right and when they get old, they have a wife tell their daughter to always make sure their daddy is looked after and she as a good child makes sure her parent is cared for.
Life works out better that way, as those people never make the headlines and in the end ever one of us is made richer as they are building lives and not ruining lives like Barack McNair Jackson.
