Never forget that Martin King was watched by the FBI for meeting loads of communists.)
What will be an exclusive again to this blog in God's Grace is to remind readers of that south Asian area which someone has been stoking up against communists since 1979, that person spent a fortune in creating the Muhajadeen. This person got rid of United States ally of the Shah of Iran for Ayatollah Khomeini a Islamocommunist. This person was creating well schooled Muslim fanatics out of Egypt in government schools under American leadership. This person it would seem imported for Bill Clinton scores of Afghanistan Muhajadeen for the war in Kosovo to leverage against Russian.
Yes this person is Zbigniew Brzezinski and his infamous chess game of the world who wants Russia castrated and has stated China is too big, so she needs to broken up and managed.
Now this blog on this merry tale of the poor folks being murdered in areas, wills to remind people that Obama's people were promising in the summer of 2008 that Obama would be in the White House to South American communists.
Perhaps some people need reminding that right after this, the Bush Administration seemed to loose direct control of foreign policy and the flunkies of Zbigniew Brzezinski took over the reins.
About then a host of the people of Tibet were offered up as fodder to die to humiliate and put pressure on China's communists.
Soon after George Soros, made certain that Jews were kicked out of Georgia by instigating a Russian invasion of South Ossetia and Georgia, all so Soros could reacquire all that floating wealth in Georgia along with an oil pipeline control.
There was that little terrorist event out of Pakistan murdering people in an Indian hotel. There was the flare up in the Pashtun violence. It certainly seemed that someone was trying to instigate a bit of a nuclear exchange in the Asian sub continent all to destabilize China.
Like most 3rd world types though talk is big and they like Obama like other menials dying for them, so it has been allot of people getting murdered and the status quo stays China assembled.
Somehow though in communist clamp down China an interesting made for world television uprising has been occurring in the Sinkiagn region of East Turkistan or "China" annexed regions of central Asia.
Amazingly by coincidence it involves the Uighurs. The same Uighurs from Gitmo that Obama was paying over a million dollars a piece to relocate to a life of luxury in Bermuda. George Bush, Afghanistan and China called these people terrorists as they had been part of the al Qaeda group murdering Americans, yet these bad terrorists all of a sudden became good terrorists under Obama.
This blog has pointed often and long exclusively that Sheik bin Laden is in the Xianxang region operating under Chinese communist umbrella operations like Zawahiri, who just happened to visit China before 9 11.
It is not known for certain if the Chicoms are protecting these terrorists, but they certainly are not allowing US strikes or operations to get them. This is why Sheik bin Laden lives as he is in the Chinese netherworld of a floating border and why Zawahiri's messages take a prescribed number of days to travel the old Silk Road out of China into Pakistan and then the world.
So in understanding this game's field, it is interesting that who should Barack Obama cuddle up with in Europe on his apology tour, but the Turks..........and who should be happening by coincidence to be visiting Singkiang both times before it blew up, but Turkish government officials in Urumchi, the very city where this unrest is making Dictator Hu run from the G8 Summit with Obama the letch as this is major trouble in China.
Hu and company have been trying for years to Mexicanize Sinkiang by importing Han Chinese. You have to understand that China is made up of more ethnic groups than the Chin who dominate and China is named after.
The Chin just happened to be the warlord butchers who won out over other groups like the Han, Mandarin, Cantonese etc...
The Sinkiang region has had all of these Han immigrants dumped in among the Uighurs and recently the Han lynched two Uighurs for allegedly raping a Han woman who worked with them at a toy factory.
This set off the "protests" which have hordes of Chinese troops invading the region and squashing Uighurs.
By coincidence in Washington, DC, lives an Uighur named Raviya Kadeer, who just happens to have been a successful business woman and an appointed member of the Chinese communist party.
She is now the leader of the dispersed Uighurs of the world and Peking in turn is holding her extensive family all hostage.
I don't suppose though she ever met Zbigniew Brzezinski. Uh huh.
There is far too much coincidence in this as this patterns exactly the way Zbigniew Brzezinski operates. This is the same cauldron which borders the Pashtun, nuclear Pakistan, nuclear India, nuclear Iran, nuclear China and nuclear bin Laden.
Someone is stirring this pot and it walks and talks like Duck Brzezinksi again.
I have stated that if China is broken up, then the trillions China holds in US debt will most likely be cancelled and as competing factions spit at each other, that leaves the Bolsehvik Russians alone with nuclear Iran for Obama Brzezinski to deal with.
After this blog highlighted what was behind the Twitter Revolution in Iran, it took the communists there about 3 days to start putting the pieces together. Iran is a nasty group of murderous thugs with nuclear weapons which Obama and Axelrod just confirmed before his Moscow luv visit.
How long do you think it will take the Chicoms to start figuring out that Barack Obama has been gunning for them via Brzezinski, since before he was in the White House?
The problem in this Brzezinski policy is not toppling repressive regimes nor in promoting a US hegemony. The problem is Brzezinski keeps stirring pots and leaving murderous nuclear armed thugs alive who will one day sooner than later figure this out and have some nuclear bombs detonated in the United States and blame bin Laden.
Obama's foreign policy is not about American security, but American insecurity as he could only benefit from a terror attack in seizing more power in the crisis too good to waste.
For the Obamaniacs who think this will pass them by, I would remind them again that they live in the million sheep groups which Obama is putting into jeopardy as this is where the communists will attack and it will be them who are murdered in mass. If they survive, they would do well to remember that every Marxist does not come first for the opposition, but instead like Stalin murders his own first.
Remember Obama's mentor, Bill Ayers, the intelligence control raped and murdered his own people first and he saved the US military at Cornell who were being targeted.
So another exclusive in connecting the pattern which is being covered up or the controls in the right wing media are covering up. This is but one more in a pattern of extremely dangerous Obama policy which is opening up the United States to a shadow nuclear attack which will cripple America, supposedly cement Obama as some African Mugabe dictator for life, for the transfer of power to his European benefactors of the global priestly order.
This type of nuttery can not stand as while the liberal trash of New York despise me and all Americans, I'm currently the only one trying to keep them from being vaporized as they follow their Obama into the abyss.
Barack Obama keeps dropping lit matches into nitroglycerin. It is only a matter of time before something Brzezinski is staging before it blows up.
How long before Chicoms assisting North Korean cyber attacks graduate to the real nuclear attack in response to what Obama and Brzezinski have been initiating?
Your game Obamaniacs as you elected this British subject and you are the ones in the nuclear free fire zone not Reagan Blue States Americans. Deal with this in forcing your Democratic Congress to supervise this instead of rubber stamp all Obama is doing by Queen Pelosi.
God bless America in the Good.
agtG 249
PS: In a note to the media which is going to secret Obama porkfest bbq's. If all of your New York power communication is gone as Obama is initiating, how long do you think in an emergency it will be before you loose your Jake Tapper exclusive bowing at the waist reports and it all just goes out over Axelrod Inc. broadcasting by some Obama tart?
Maybe you children should start reporting the news as you and your families lives depends on it, instead of stuffing down Muchelle pork sandwiches.
Sol Sanders rides again