See Obama when he gets overseas goes into an olive complected mode in grab ass Obama. He tries to cop a feel from Carla Sarkozy, cops feels from US soldierettes rubbing themselves against him in Iraq, but then when he gets home he tries to make up for it in taking big ass Muchelle out to New York, but immediately in his own pennance rolls over into bed with Brian Williams for a little sodomite cuddle.
I have endeavored to explain this psychologically in they way Muchelle acts out in her big ass pie eating binges and then attempting to steal the attention by wearing a yellow fire hydrant in Rome and towering over Birdie.
This latest reaction by Muchelle seems to point to the fact that she caught the infidelity bound Obama and was punishing him as lord of the mansion..............as we can see by the above photos, Obama in the old boys club of mansexuals is now overtly treating women as pieces of ass.
This is supposedly what feminists have struggled against, and yet there is Bill Clinton assaulting women and they coddle him, and there is adulterer Barack Obama with Lawrence Sinclair and Donald Young, and that mysterious black girl sent away to the West Indies, being given a pass again by women.
The danger as this blog pointed out is what liberal lezbo's and liberal manbo's see Obama doing, they will now be attacking women in the work place or in restaraunts.
Remember now Camille Paglia set the stage for this and the whimpering Noel Sheppard championed this that Gov. Palin was a willing participant in political rape........so now the world knows by these Obama voters that women really like this sort of brutality and being treated like meat.
See though you Obamaniacs, it isn't going to be sexual pervert Obama with stinking smoke breath, little penis, smelling musk stench and demanding to be serviced while you pay for the date........no it is going to be your fat, ugly, smelly, stinky, putrid stranger who is going to be assaulting those you love in parking lots..........remember people that Obama just whored his 11 year old in Rome by having her wear a peacenik t shirt in little tight shorts, sexualizing all of this........and David Letterman was the pedophile freak who got a pass in telling rape jokes on children, so Obama is sending the signal along with his freaks that rape, assault and treating others like pieces of ass to degrade in public is how this world now turns.
This is beyond disgusting.......and the next Lady who has Obama salivating over her ass, I hope she kicks him in the balls with her pointy shoe if she can find his little raisins.
Be a fact it won't be Muchelle as that ship has sailed in Obama thinking that big ass is anything but a political stepping stone.
Not even Muchelle Obama deserves to be treated like this in public in having her husband degrade her in public by treating other white olive skinned women like pieces of ass in degrading them.
Proven correct again by God's Grace.
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