Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's offical, it's a girl born August 1961

If liberals need any more proof that Barack Huxxxein Obama is nuts, all they need to do is look at 10 year old Birdie throwing out the first pitch at the All Star Game.
I won't mention that Obama's "favorite" team he says are the Chicago White Sox, and Chicago is one of his many "hometowns"and he lived there, is married to a Chicago south sider and is a US Senator illegally from there........and referred to COMMISKEY PARK as CoMINskey Park.....which is akin to Bob Byrd calling West Virginia, West Vagina.

I guess I did mention it.

In any first pitch 10 year old Birdie showed up and by his attempt at pitching reveals his juvenile enthusiasm in actually thinking he is a big league pitcher. If he had put that much attention into Muchelle's New York date night, Muchelle wouldn't be having that big butt in trying to get an orgasmic satifsaction from eating loads of cherry pie to cheery her up.

Many liberals have mad fun of past Presidents for throwing like girls when they were over 70 or wearing bullet proof vests, the problem with Obama he throws like a girl.

I suppose you want proof. Ok proof it is.

Barack Huxxxein Obama throws like a girl, like he was born with a Bob Byrd Waist Vagina.

The problem though is we can not rush to judgment as like all things from teleprompter Obama, his many facets have so many profane meanings.

Here is what I mean.

Obama's baseball pose if one flips it, looks a great deal like a male in fetal position. Maybe girl Obama is afraid of his own balls he is playing with.

If one rotates Obama, he suddenly becomes the profane vixen of porn, Babsy Obama. There is no word which Brian Williams type baseball backdoor dugout boys Obama was playing coy with in this message he was sending with his high leg kick giving them all a good view of the sweetness they would be getting later.

and finally, we have coy boy or coy Babs Obama.

Obama must really have the hots for someone in baseball to put on his gay jeans, dye his hair a sultry sheen, get a new haircut, ptu on makeup and give the boys of baseball a taste of how Obama cups balls not his own.

Pictures do not like in poses. The question now is just who was profane Obama playing coy for on national television?

Was it lust for A Rod of the New York Yankees who David Letterman makes pedophile impregnation jokes about? Is Babs Obama looking to get pregnant?

Was it announcer Tim McCarver who Barack wants as his sugar daddy?

or...........was this all about sending a message to Lawrence Sinclair who now shuns the profane Barack Obama, but Birdie or Babsy was now begging for a second chance in playing sub to be dominated by a real man.

Baseball was a man's game until Babsy Obama showed up sending all these mixed messages........I guess it is all about don't ask as Obama is not telling......just playing show and tell.
