Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Obama under Siege

Barry Soetoro's Indonesian Adoption

I would call it official when the Democratic poster jackass in Keith Olbermann going volcano brain in screaming about Orly Taitz being a conwoman and the brave Soldier, Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, who brought the case about war criminal Obama, a coward, that this birth certificate issue in Barack Huxxxein Obama being a foreigner is a known Achilles Heal for the Birdie one that all of these liberal conmen and cowards have been covering up.

For Olbermann to accuse normal brave Americans of the very things he conducts daily along with Obama, is psychological proof of what Obama is covering up, because that is what was on Olbermann's volcanic mind.

Ms. Taitz though in not conducting a very precise strategy for months has now been brought into the very area where this will now play out. I disagree that the Pentagon has in revoking the deployment orders for Maj. Cook has termed Obama illegitimate, but instead is doing what the brass at the Pentagon always does in covering things up they want no political part in and hope this all goes away.
The reasons are many from Pelosi would haul this entire bunch before Congress and Muslim Minnesotan Junior Ellison would be raping their reputations like he did bankers and the car companies to keep people into the liberal line, to, the US military does not want to get involved in a coup against a person in the White House setting banana republic histories in action.

Ms. Taitz though is correct in following this up with asking for an injunction for Maj. Cook and all of the Soldiers who are rightly concerned over their safety, Geneva Convention status and upholding their oath to defend the Constitution.
Rightly so as this now plays out, every military officer and enlisted who continues on carrying out orders from Barack Obama can indeed face court martial on treason and war crimes charges.

Any American has more standing to issue orders to the Pentagon than British subject Obama, but in that people have to understand that Obama as this blog alone pointed out since January has been using the US military as a Murder Incorporated to assassinate bad terrorists while Obama makes policy with "good" terrorists.
What is occurring now is exactly the reason I was against Obama using the military for such murderous actions in Pakistan, because the minute Obama is outed as unqualified for being in the White House, the entire US military command is guilty of murdering foreign nationals as they had no more authority than if you called up an F 16 to blow up some rapist in a city next to yours. Murder is murder when it has no authority and that is what Barack Obama has exposed the US military to.

It is though time for every Soldier in the United States military to stand up, or more appropriately to stand down. From January 20th if Barack Obama is found to be in court a legal British subject or by the above Catholic School enrollment to be listed as an Indonesian citizen and to have been adopted by Lolo Soetoro, his stepfather, in Barack Obama in 1968, was known as Barry Soetoro, which means he was under the legal parenthood of Mr. Lolo Soetoro, by his birth mother's admission as she did not sign the enrollment form, that in legal definition, British subject Obama was also dual citizen of Muslim Indonesia, being listed as Muslim by faith.

All of which in one form or many has only one legal meaning in that Barack Obama was born a legal British subject of England and Kenya. He was the illegally provided a false birth certification in Hawaii listing him as an American as Hawaii was accomplishing for the probable reason of getting federal government aid, Obama jr. was then taken willingly by his birth mother to Indonesia, adopted by an Indonesian, so he became an Indonesian citizen, and then quite illegally re entered the United States when his mother dumped him to be raised by his grandparents.

There is no denying any of the legalities of this any longer. Barack Obama is a dual citizen of the British Commonwealth and Indonesia. He is an illegal in America. He has committed known fraud in hiding this by being in the Illinois legislature, US Senate and White House.
Mr. Soetoro in addition has been making illegal policy before he was in the White House and has been involved in espionage and sedition every day since his illegal election to the White House.

It is time that American Soldiers under the legal protection of the law in the coming injunction simply to stand down in refusing to leave their base of operations and refusing to deploy overseas as they are without any legal authority to do so. It can not be covered by former President Bush's operations nor by any officer in the Pentagon, because Congress has not been asked after Jan. 20th to declare war by any legitimate President and Congress has not given permission for any operations in the checks and balances.
If 10% of US soldiers stopped following illegal Obama orders, this slow down would shut operations down in several months. If 50% stopped following illegal orders, this would force the Supreme Court and the US Congress to end the Obama tenure immediately as this is now a Constitutional crisis and a security crisis in US Soldiers will no longer have any authority to do their duty.

The US military ranks can indeed force this to issue now and cause the end of the Obama tenure in the White House.
This blog would point out also that Senora Sotomayer to Aaron Burr Biden to anything Obama is illegitimate as he had and has no authority to appoint anyone.

This blog would also point out that the next person in legal line to be President is John McCain as Democrats and Independents knowingly or ignorantly voted for a fraud in Obama.
This blog though contests John McCain's right to being President on the grounds he like all in Congress did nothing to vet Barack Obama and therefore Mr. McCain is guilty of sedition and dereliction of duty.

Therefore the only legitimate person left to form the executive branch of government is Gov. Sarah Palin, the legitimate Vice Presidential candidate in the 2008 elections.
Pleading my own ignorance to all those worthless 3rd party candidates from Green, Libertarian or Constitutional, I will state the only legal and correct process according to United States history in the Vice President was once the person who received the second most number of votes, that the person who should be Vice President then under President Sarah Palin would be the leading voter getter from the 3rd party candidates.

For Democrats and Independents who would claim disenfranchisement, this blog answers first, you had no problem in usurpation when you disenfranchised 60 million voters and 130 million non voters in your installing fraud Barack Soetoro Obama and secondly, if you don't like the outcome, then don't be so stupid next time in electing a fraud foreigner.

The key in this now is the injunction for all US Soldiers and their then following the lead of brave Maj. Cook in standing down. This will cause the immediate removal of Obama.

It should also cause the immediate removal of all those Congressman and that select group of traitors on the US courts and Supreme Court who allowed this sham to continue, along with their being tried for being part of the idiotry of Obama.

As the liberals are howling, they know this has teeth and will put an end to their backslapping Obama orgy.

Let the clarion call be boots and saddles.

Then let us ride.
