These liberal patricians are thee most inept of operators in they just weathered the storm of Dick Cheney and as he has now settled down to sleep, here comes that corrupt Attorney General Eric bash em at the ballot box Holder and Sen. Diane Feinstein banging not only Dick Cheney over the head, but now they are whacking the CIA over the head again.
Of course this has nothing to do with interrogation, investigations, Dick Cheney or the CIA as even that wimp Dick Durbin of Obama's Illinois hedge on it with this statement:
"Congress should investigate the secrecy because"IT COULD BE ILLEGAL".
No Dick, Di, Pat and Barack this isn't about anything you are talking about, but this is about attempting to blackmail Republicans so they do not derail Senora Sotomayer, the racist, dictatorial, injustice his her middle name justice confirmation hearings.
This is but a long line of national security gambits which these liberals always run and always get Americans killed somewhere in the world as they play political games smearing good people, so their ilk can weasel into office to enslave Americans more.
At a time of nuclear terrorism, liberal Democrats have seen fit to go on a rampage again against the very CIA run by Leon Panetta. This blog suggested to Director Panetta to be nice to Mr. Cheney and work with him, and within days Mr. Panetta was releasing statements backing down in his attacks on Dick Cheney stating that, "Mr. Panetta never once questioned that Mr. Cheney ever was suggesting that he wanted an attack on the United States".
So what does Leon get for his being a responsible American? Well Pat Leahy, the chronic criminal leaker, Di Fienstein who actually was acting like an America in January and Dick the stick Durban attacking the agency in this crisis of times, just so racist Sotomayer can be installed on the Sumpreme Court.
As Judd Gregg noted, "This continued attack on the CIA and our intelligence gathering organizations is undermining the morale and capacity of those organizations to gather intelligence".
It is as irresponsible as Abu Gharib to the koran in the crapper stories which got innocent people slaughtered just so Democrats could gain the Congress and White House. Now their gambit is to gain the Supreme Court with that other noted butcher, Ruth Ginsburg who just was caught stating that she viewed abortion as a way to rid the world of undesireable people.
Wow how Hitler of you Ruth.
All of this though is wonderful as Democrats in the Senate have exposed themselves once again to the tactics of Richard Cheney and George W. Bush. I honestly relish the Louis Freeh type alliance which will indeed form between Leon Panetta and his allies on the right who will protect him and the CIA as Panetta starts running intelligence operations against leading Democrats.
That is exactly what the CIA was doing with Clinton people during Plamegate when Ted Koppel had on his absurd pieces of how dangerous it was to out Plame and hand 7 CIA people sitting on his stage.
Oh by the way, why is it Soldiers are not being counted as dead in Obama wars with their names propagandized nightly on the "news" they way they whored dead Heroes and used it to attack President Bush?
Dead people only matter apparently to liberals when they can be used as a political tool.
Senora Sotomayer though who is the satanic heart of this is a reprehensible creature which liberals are trying to foist on America. Sotoymayer decided that court rules were more important than an innocent man's freedom, when she left that American rot in prison UNTIL HE HAD TO GAIN LEGAL HELP TO FIND THE REAL MURDERER AND MAKE HIM CONFESS, so he could go free.
Picture yourself in that type of situation with Senora Sotomayer letting you rot in prison, and behind bars you have to investigate and get the real murderer WHEN YOUR DNA DOESN'T MATCH THE RAPIST AT THE CRIME SCENE.
70% of Sotomayers cases have been overturned by the Supreme Court. That is someone not ready for prime time.
America does not need another patrician on the court. Stevens can't find gun ownership in the Constitution. Ginsburg wants to exterminate groups of people. Breyer can't find a Muslim law he can't quote enough to enslave Americans and Sotomayer hates white firefighters and her people are hounding this American the Supreme Court just protected from her.
None of this is going to stop now until Americans get hurt, bloodied and dead in numbers enough that they use the Obama pitchforks on hisself and this patrician garbage playing national security games again.
It will be a pleasant thing to see Dick and Leon awake and on the prowl working new operations in exposing Nancy Pelosi in her lies about the CIA and her junkets around the world on taxpayer expense.
For the records, what Democrats have resorted to is extortion and blackmail, that is all quite illegal and high crimes.
I can hardly wait until a Conservative gets into office and turns Justice loose on these criminals. 99 years in Folsom Pen has a nice ring to it for there reprehensible twisters.
Criminal Obamacrats