I really do not prefer to comment in public about ongoing US military operations, but in this case involving Afghanistan, some public statements must be made, because Barack Obama has committed United States Soldiers to a meat grinder along with the Brits and too many honorable kids are going to be chewed up and spit out for grieving families to never be able to be replaced if this continues.
To make a long detailed explanation short, I know exactly the operation going on in Afghanistan and if they are met with success they are going to be at an unnecessary cost to US Citizens.
In observing the Brits hack it out with the Islamocommunist narcotics dealers, the strategy is to hammer the terrorists until they vacate the vicinity........which means without an anvil to crush them on in exact replication of Bob McNamara's Camelot policy under LBJ, the terrorists will be back and too many Soldiers will be dead as fodder again.
This is the key to understanding this Obama war in it is infantry driving the jungles of Afghanistan (the last place you want to fight these terrorists as the advantage goes to them), the terrorists then setting booby traps, which either murder Soldiers or slow them down on position where they are pinned, whereby a small number of heavy armed terrorists spray the location with fire picking off Soldiers, to which like Obama dolt commanders they are, they call in helo gunships firing expensive missiles into trees and cover which eats up the effects of explosive blasts.
The net result is Afghani's run for their lives and do not return, so in attrition of time and manpower the Brits and Americans now hold an area where they control the villages while the Taliban runs the countryside all at a huge cost to America, and a few terrorists check a massive army.
For the record, one kills the Taliban as this blog stated long ago in strategy in the mountain passes where they can be monitored easily, safely and resolutely.........not in thick tree cover of the opium fields.
The US military should instead be spraying the Afghanistan with atrazine which kills everything, except corn crops. The terrorists have nowhere to hide, poppies do not grow and only corn will for two years.
That rids the Taliban of money and rids the Taliban of a place to hide.
C 130 gunships can then spray the foliage for terrorists and little infantry Soldiers can just snipe away in security as artillery masters blast the jungles of Afghanistan to flush the terrorists into the waiting arms of a Marine corp Kate.
All quite cheap, all very effective and it keeps American and British families from burying their children.
All that is occurring in Afghanistan is a scattering of rats off of one end of a burning ship, Obama lit a match to. This operation is nonsense in scope as it is a police action with a few firefights costing billions all so Afghanistan can have an armed guard election in August.
I detest the misuse of the US military. The Brits have not done anything but misuse their military since the Boer War, so I just have compassion on those brave ill led limey bastards without an officer with a brain. Afghanistan if it was meant for a clean victory would be utilizing proven methods instead of this bleeding American and British Soldiers by European axis Obama.
None of this operation is for protecting US Soldiers or Afghanistan Citizens. It is just another flare up Brzezinski flame intended to ignite some nuclear bomb in America so Obama can ignite some nuclear bombs in the Middle East and the cloud can drift into China and implode that Chicom American debt holding state.
This is more globalist bleeding of the American Soldier for the cartel. Truman sucked on that nipple in Korea, LBJ punced on it hard in Vietnam and now Obama has bled it out in Afghanistan.
For the liberal dolts who are already chiming in with Bush in Iraq showing their lack of understanding military doctrine, Bush used Iraq as a kill zone so those terrorists would die over there instead of coming to America for many 9 11 events. There is a vast difference in Iraq to Obama in Afghanistan to scattering terrorists, connected to European drug trade, Russian and Muslim Albanian mafia and paths to the old Silk Road into China.
Obama is stirring the sparks of a fire in a gasoline pool of nuclear armed nations. That is the biggest disaster coming.
Obama's wars are about starting other wars and not about ending wars. For the Pentagon to be signing off on this is irresponsible and without any honor or protection of the United States Soldier.
It is the Age of Obama though in liberals tried to make Iraq into Vietnam, well their mantra and monkey in his pants Obama just turned Afghanistan into a Vietnam chew pit of US Soldiers.
Who knows maybe affirmative action, Obama voting, generalissimo Colin Powell, can go step on a pointy stick in Afghanistan and earn hisself another purple heart for being a klutz.
agtG 255
Bloody Obama