Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Poll Shows Americans Believe Palin

Well, well, well, what have we here in this blog by God's Grace was spot on concerning the plunge of Barack Obama's poll numbers taking after June and they are in an epic plunge of in the 35 point range.
And get this, his numbers are tanking faster just since May.

Obama poll numbers falling hard

This is following on the heals of Obama just extorting huge sums out of hospitals for his government Obamacare programs. I have a hint for Birdie Obama in when you screw any American over when they are down in extorting things from them, they will not forget it and the time will come when they will exact revenge as you start to weaken.

What is most amusing in this is that American Ranger of the battle, the rugged individualist, the Spirit of Ronald Reagan, on point, on guard, on the move like a Cavalry officer with packs hounding the enemy, in one Gov. Sarah Palin now has polls which show American believe her.........just when they are starting to figure out that Obama has been lying to them non stop.

New Poll Shows Americans Believe Palin

This is all tasty as Americans are dining on the tough bird of Obama while they are watching hisself and the wife dining on delicate kobe beef and Russian caviar. What comes around in the back slosh of the Obama tidal wave is going to build to a reverse tsunami wave which is going to have those pompous, putrid Pelosites running for the woods screaming, "We been betrayed by that tan man in the White House just like you all".
Strange in that Peggy Noonan might just develop again a taste for the flavor of those Reagan Blue State words of Mom and Dad, and the droppin' of G's which she so loathed in those Palin Conservative Voters just months ago.

Amazingly those snots over at World Net Daily who were referring to Gov. Palin as a half baked Alaskan salmon, are now ignoring the Sarahcuda and jumping on whose comments?

Why none other than Jeb "kill Reagan off" Bush, the patrician of patricians who just happened to be on CBS just like John McCain was the liberal darling until a black attack happened on their conscience.
Jebster was needling Obama about being less popular than George 43 and grousing about if Obama had told people all the things he was going to do, that he never would have been elected.

Jeb Bush speaks easy

Readers might recall a little thing pointed out here in Newsbuster darling, Newt Gingrich last September after snoring through the GOP convention found his wind too and started talking after someone went on point and opened the battle.........trying to take credit for what she did.

Yes this was Sarah Palin, our Sarahcuda, who in September kicked the stuffing out of the media and here came patrician Gingrich acting like he was General Armchair who won the battle.

Sarah Palin has been the only Conservative kicking the stuffing out of Obama in perfect filleting tactics while progressing her political future in a brilliant way....and who should crawl out of the woodwork now to act like he has something to say..........

Wait..........something to say?????

Is this not the listener Jeb Bush who with other weasels were running around listening to dolts, because they didn't have a clue a few months ago........telling America to bury roadkill Ronald Reagan.......and wait..........
Was it not Jeb Bush, Jindal and whatever else patricians were "listening" who said WE HAD TO BE MORE LIKE OBAMA?????????

You blessed tootin' it was!

But now after Sarah Palin once again takes point and advances after a whithering attack of pedophile rape jokes and whore jokes, here comes Jeb Bush again acting like he is the guy who should be listened to now when all he was doing is listening and tearing Reagan down.

It gets better though in now even Bill Bennet, Mrs. Serpenthead Matalin and Al Castellanos are all saying that Sarah Palin did the right thing in resigning, she was brilliant and she is the heart and soul of the Conservative movement in America.

Sarah Palin on point

Imagine that, in all the punditry was whining and tearing up Sarah Palin, while this blog immediately by God's Grace was pointing out how brilliant all this was FOR FREE in just serving God and His children, that they after almost a week.......get it and are catching up to Sarah Palin.

Oh happy day~

What is amusing about this is that in Ohio that patrician crook of the GOP Gov. Taft ruined that state for Republicans, so a Hillary with a penis could be elected governor and spy on Joe the Plumber, that his polls are tanking and Obama has dropped in double digits in the Buckeye state.

Obama is the big double digit OO

You think the GOP ran away from George W. Bush bad, you ain't seen nothing yet baby in what these Democrats are going to do in not only running from Obama, but gluing goat horns and a beard on his head and making him the scapegoat for all they voted for.

It makes no difference if liberals voting Independent or Democrat want Sarah Palin gone currently, because those Obama musk sniffing drunks aren't going to admit they are fools in believing this huckster. There time will come..........Democrats will switch to Hillary if she doesn't blow it by trying to be Aunt Obamamima serving her syrup to Honduras with Obama's green kool aid.......and Independents will find some Ron Paul to comfort them like Ross Perot.

The electorate is moving and I'm having a very good time as this is moving exactly according to projections. I believe Barack Obama will end in utter ruin. I have said it before in Sarah Palin is America's future and Barack Obama is America's failure. That is going to sting liberals like a wasp on a hot sweaty day, but it is the Truth.
When you are liberal, you vote for a disaster like Jimmy you are going to get the same thing in Birdie Obama.

None of this has even reached a climax yet and that is what is amazing. This is just the blacklash which I have written about. Just wait until major events happen from Obama policy which reveal what a complete screw up he is.
Biden says Jews can bomb Iran.........Obama says no no Jews wait to be vaporized.

Ain't that just delicious.

Things will get rough, because of the rapine which Obama has done, but just like in 1980, those whining Independents and Democrat liberals are going to come running for the Cavalry to come save them. Thank God there was Ronald Reagan in 1980. Thank God the Republicans now want by around 70% Sarah Palin to not only be our national figure, but will be voting for her in 2012.

Nobody has numbers like that and in the wonderful world of opposite and equal reactions.........Obama has had his Sarah Palin will ascend and Obama is going down with his demonic monkey in his pants as fast as he was risen.

Oh happy day
Oh happy day
When Jesus washed
I said when Jesus washed
All my sins away
Oh happy day.
