Thursday, July 9, 2009

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What all do Obama in the White House photos mean when one is in Rome
doing as the Romans do..........

I never thought I would see a photo which Drudge was promoting as
Obama's friend in his pants, because it looks like it.....nor did I want
to ever see what Lawrence Sinclair saw up close.

I do wonder though Michelle's reaction in that yellow hydrant photo in
she is acting like a wife with a weapon. Obama now is acting like the
cat on the prowl and doing it openly. Psychologically it looks like they
are at sibling warfare just like when Mr. Sinclair met Obama.

I ask you as a normal person to put yourself into these people's shoes.
As a woman, this is a slap in your face in what Obama was sexually
repeating in public.
As a man, it was castration of Obama what she did with the Italians.

The common denominator is sex. Sex is at the root of this. What makes a
wife angry about sex, but finding out the husband is getting sex elsewhere.
Obama's actions are in your face in a juvenile power play. He is rubbing
it into Michelle's face in proving she can do nothing to stop him.

Sex as a weapon........just like an angry Frank Davis helped a little
Obama to service him.......just like angry Bill Ayers was using sex as a
weapon.......and what did Birdie do in school but use sex as a weapon of
conquest on white girls.......and his weapon of choice against Michelle
was sex as a weapon in having males smoke his cigar which she would not.
He did though get to come home and stick it into her in knowing the
satisfaction of where it has been.

Amusing in Lawrence Sinclair has gone where only an Obama man has gone
before in Michelle Obama.

Perhaps should post this as it looks interesting.......perhaps tomorrow.

The definition of the lame cherry.

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