Today I was moved in MSN to create a few photoshop pix as standard fair to add something to stories. The one on the left is one I created from those pointless ads Microsoft makes money off of and delay loading web pages.
All of this was long before the Obama erection photo appeared on Drudge and it was before a New York Post article exposed that the woman who Barack Hussein Obama was getting hard over in public like some animal in rut was not a woman at all, but a 17 year old girl who was an intern at the summit.
This is worse than even I had considered when this story broke in just imagine if this girl was your grandchild, grandniece or daughter and you saw this pervert getting an erection over her in public, while insulting her while looking her up and down as this 3rd world trash does women.
Imagine if this was your child, who was dressed appropriately with nothing cut to Tennessee and an aroused male was making it known in public he wanted to f*ck your family member. This should resound throughout the world in this is not some joke, this is pedophilia on the prowl which was hosted by David Letterman in making jokes out of a New York Yankee player raping and impregnating a 14 year old girl.
I will cut President Sarkozy a break as he is a normal male in who "looks", but his expression is not one of lust, but one of, "I can't believe Obama just did that".
There is another photo online of Obama hound dogging another woman bent over in front of him in Rome. So this is not isolated, and is on the heals of this blogs exclusive in which Obama had his goofy wife in public parading his 11 year old daughter around Rome in shorts too short for a young girl, sunglasses like some hood ho and a peacenik t shirt all using her as a coquette to the Obama anti nuclear agenda.
I honestly thank God I have no inkling what possesses such creatures as Barack Obama, but it is demonic as the monkey demon he wishes on in his pants.
To not have any sense to not allow your own child to be sexualized for a political whoredom is one thing. It is another thing to have a minion speak of Sarah Palin in sexually degrading terms. It is also another thing to have that same minion insult young girls in making jokes about child rape and impregnation. It is though criminal in Barack Obama indecently exposing hisself in public with an erection, while assaulting a 17 year old girl with his entire body language in a pedophile act.
I will REMIND READERS that not that long ago, Barack Obama's brother was hauled in by British police for lewd conduct in chasing around children trying to have sex with them. This pervert was released and his whereabouts is unknown as he showed up in the United States for Obama's inauguration.
So with Obama's sperm donor creating him as a product of statutory rape in impregnating a 17 year old Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama sr. then going on to act like Africa was his harem, along with Obama's pedophile brother assaulting children in England.........now the question of the photoshop is HOW MANY FAMILY MEMBERS OF THE OBAMA CLAN HAVE SCREWS LOOSE?
Screw loose is the double entendre here as Obama is out of control sexual perverted crazy in acting out this way in public and in acting like an animal let loose to screw anything that moves is psychiatric proof this male doesn't just need a medical brain scan, but he needs court ordered psychiatric observation to deem if he is a threat to society.
Queenie Obama has already been sexualized by both parents and child services should be involved in Chicago or the District. This is now beyond the continuing list of Obama crimes. This is an adult male being a disgusting pervert in public by assaulting a child.
There is not one Judge, Prosecutor or Police Officer in America who if this happened to a young girl in their family who would not have arrested, indicted or filed a criminal sexual complaint against the male carrying this out. This is disgusting. This is perverted. This is Obama profane.
What on earth is it going to take to wake up liberals who defend this perv? Does some intern or visiting child have to run screaming from Obama with their blouse torn? Will it take a pregnant 12 year old to shake the press up?
Just what is the limit Obamaniacs for you?
Barack Obama as only exposed here was just a month ago assaulting Carla Sarkozy in public. He followed that up by feeling up female soldiers in Iraq. His shift then came to making jokes about being in bed with Brian Williams. Now it has involved Malia Obama an 11 year old dressed as a coquette for nuclear arms reduction, and followed up by the sexual assault on a 17 year old South American girl.
Jesus said if a man lusts in his heart that he has already committed adultery. That was without an erection in public and without body language of the act. Barack Obama showed the world that he wanted to f*ck a child. This is not a joke and it is where this was predicted this would go.
Come on Attorney General Eric Holder file charges on this, or, are you such a political whore for Obama that you are going to send over some child from your family to "entertain" your pervert in the Ogle Office.
Barack Obama has a screw loose and he should not be loose to screw children.
God help the Good with perversion like this. In Jesus Name. Amen.
How many times does one have to use the term disgusting in one day with this Obama.
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