Rog though is his own kind of crook in being forced to resign in a scandal over not keeping records, but that is all fine as he is a Charlie Rose expert.
What is interesting in this fossil, Roger Altman is he was thee monetary adviser to both John Kerry and Hillary Clinton in their presidential runs. It was Altman who Charlie Rose tapped to confirm what floofy poofer, David Brooks of the New York Times was writing about in the trouble of his choice of voting for Obama in economic policy.
For a synopsis of what this socialist economic policy adviser literally predicts with reluctance due to Obama policy, we now turn to his own words.
Altman states that the American economy is going to grow barely over 1% in 2010 with hoped for 3% in 2011.
That is horrid and equal to the Keynesian stagnation of Europe in their policy which is what is at the root of this entire economic attack on the United States. Altman though will not call things Keynesian as he knows just calling liberal, LIBERALS, that people recoil from it, so he likes using words like "progressive".
Altman states the dollar is going to be weakened even further still due to Obama policy.
Altman likes the idea of dumping another trillion dollars into another stimulus package as the first stimulus package is not doing what Obama in Axelrod Inc. had hoped for.
Ok I'm going to explain this again in why Obama's stimulus is money down a rat hole and will never work.
Obama set the stimulus up to pay kickbacks to his cronies, to make states enslaved to federal government policy in turning federal employment insurance program mandates over to them in a few years, and for the expressed purpose of filtering money which is not being spent (Yes you heard me in the Obama stimulus doesn't spend money now, but waits for periods of time when he is up for re election.), this money is then designed to be donated back to the Obama re election campaigns.
It is all fraud, all illegal and the few billion being spent on highway construction is not going to employ anyone beyond summertime road construction employment.
What required to be done was what Ronald Reagan did in building things military. Reagan revamped a 600 ship Navy for instance with all the upgrades and repurchasing of spare parts which put all the major defense contractors who bought from smaller contractors in the United States a money flow of employing Americans.
Reagan then cut taxes and went through almost 18 months of hell in Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw bashing him as a failure, but he stood firm and his economic policies of DIRECTED investment in America created a 30 year expansion until Bush 41 and Bill Clinton killed it in raising taxes.
Obama policy WILL NEVER stimulate the economy, because it is doing nothing but robbing the borrowing structures so the economy can not be expanded.
In addition to this Altman is quite pleased with poor people not being paid one dime in interest in their money. He feels poor people being screwed over in not earning anything, is just fine to continue on with Obamanomics.
Altman actually told Rose the fact that Obama is SPENDING MORE IN DEBT EACH YEAR than George W. Bush's entire budgets actually were. That is worth contemplating in Bush had an entire budget of a little over a trillion, while Obama is spending that trillion and ADDING A TRILLION MORE IN DEBT each year for the next 10 years.
That is what Altman is focused upon in his knowing that this type of crushing debt will not be accepted by Wall Street nor by uneasy Americans. They know very well that that kind of debt has enslaved Americans to the Chinese communists and there is no profit in saving for retirement or in saving to buy a home as inflation out strips the interest paid on passbook savings accounts.
So Altman is stating what Obama's fix will be.........not it will not to be cut government spending. Altman instead advocates MAYBE a freeze on the expansion of spending to help curtail Obama blow out spending.
His real option though is RAISING TAXES.
Just for a moment remember that under past administrations it took Americans until June to pay off their taxes. That is half their wages. Altman is stating that Obama is going to take trillions more in taxes from Americans to pay for Obama out of control spending.
Consider the struggle people have now, and then inform them that they can make do with only 30% of their wages to pay all their bills while Obama spends 70% of their hard earned money.
You get the idea I hope at this point, that with no consumer spending the American economy will constrict into depression era levels.
Altman though agrees with Obama in his cap and trade to raise revenue, which will make heating and cooling your home.......just lighting your home so expensive that you will not be able to afford it.
Altman advocates a "progressive" national sales tax that "all advanced societies have in Europe. Yeah they call them SOCIALIST western states who have no economic growth in the central European axis and are the ones who are behind this attack on Anglo American finance.
Altman desires Obama to tax everyone, but allow "poor people" to not pay national sales taxes, jsut all the taxes now crushing them.
His idea of progressive is this;
Consider your car tires for example. Altman's national sales tax would tax the rubber, tax the metal refined, tax the additives.
Then when they were sold to a tire company, they would be taxed again when assembled. Taxed when sold to a car manufacturer, taxed when sold to your dealer and taxed when sold to you.
I kid you not, this is what the liberals are pushing for Obama to implement in taxing things 5 times over from your soda can to your shampoo. Imagine that kind of inflationary excise tax showing up in 5 times the taxes you now now on goods you purchase.
This is the Obama fix to his massive spending is massive taxes which will squash poor and middle income people..........rich people will just leave the nation as they do in Rhodesia and Venezuela when this crap happens.
So in review, Roger Altman is telling Americans Obama policy will bring no economic expansion, the dollar is going to weaken now worse, interest rates will be worth nothing for people with savings and you will be paying massively higher taxes as spending is not going to be cut.
All of this Obama strangulation of the economy is going to prove a disaster. Aaron Burr Biden just extorted billions from the medical community to fund Obamacare........that means if they do not have money, that they will be raising prices on your medical care, which means if you have insurance your rates are going to skyrocket and if you don't.......well be prepared to be told your option is death.
This extortion of funds and the absolute continued attack on the American economy out of Europe and implemented by globalists Obama and Geithner is deliberate in being meant to destroy Anglo American domination of the world financial markets and replace them with central Europeans.
It never occurs to these nation rapists to cut spending, focus investment, because none of that is what they intend to in bringing the American economy back for the American people to live in comfort and not under stress. This is not a Conservative telling you Obamamaniacs this, this is one of your trusted Clinton financial gurus in Roger Altman who also was directing John Kerry.
Altman stated that two nations are being engulfed in this debt, Great Britain and the United States. The English have been warned that if they keep spending at their debt levels which Altman even states America has never spent at these debt levels ever, that they will be graded as basically a 3rd world Russian state.
That same fate awaits America in this globalist attack on Anglo American finance.
Altman also mentioned that Larry Summers and Tim Geithner are not yet even dealing with the tax issues which are going to be mandatory as they are apparently that incompetent in affording too much time in plundering the national treasury. This is the face of Obama finance in spending and no one there planning beyond stealing today.
That is the dismal Obama outlook for the United States which is going to bite Americans in hyper inflation, no jobs.......oh yes America had half a million new jobless claims which is "low" and liberals are celebrating........and a debt structure crushing Americans and Obama taxes strangling them.
Obama and company are crooks and robbers. There is no other definition than this. What is amazing is a liberal Democrat in Roger Altman who is advocating Obama policy is telling Americans that we are about to face a depression and no one in America besides here is even discussing this or ringing the alarm.
Oh and one more thing..........did you notice that George Soros who is the European control of Barack Obama has been silent? Yes, you see when your plan is in operation and everything is going according to your plan, there is no need to draw attention to yourself or the plan.
Repeating, Soros / Obama / European axis planning calls for no economic growth in America, massive unemployment, massive debt, massive taxes. Those are the facts, because Roger Altman just explained that is exactly what Obama policy is doing.
Hap hap happy now you Obama voters?
Strangle America Inc.