Yet if you happen upon Ron Paul, Devvy Kidd, Joseph Farah, not one word has been typed considering what has been undertaken. Now this could mean they are either shills for the patricians, part of the idiotry or they just do not have any inkling about what the Conservative base is facing nor America in her destruction.
It might not sound like much, but America has no longer any high grade shot towers operating for large shot in the 2 shot category for lead. "Environmental concerns" have legislated these vital and necessary killing shot for home defense and hunting out of existence.
Instead America has been relegated to using steel shot which is exactly as the Bolsheviks planned in the late 1970's when they bought up the lion's share of lead mines in the world.
Do you see a pattern here?
America now is forced to import shot sizes and in numbers of cases, those shot shells are no longer even manufactured in the states, with all of these once affordable loads now so expensive that one is not kicked by recoil, but by prices that make one say OUCH.
If shot imports are not that important to you, perhaps it might be interesting to you in the Second Amendment that America really does not produce any powder any more. It comes it seems in large part from Europe just like any shot sizes seem to come from unreliable 3rd world nations like India.
So consider that for a moment in someone has been busy not only removing shot sizes, but powder manufacture and if one tries checking, it seems even the primers for American cartridges are in short supply.
The BATF under the Clinton and Bush 43 years went on a rampage eliminating firearms dealers. They made the selling of powders for reloading outrageous, shutting down more avenues of arming or disarming the American public.
None of this is good for American security as a nation without manufacturing development of firearms and cartridges on all levels is like a nation which imports all it's gasoline. An empty gas tank does an owner no good and powder made in Italy or shot made in India does the Second Amendment and your freedom no good, because all you are left with is a piece of steel and wood........I think they call that a spatula in cooking.
America must return to a cheap firearm and ammunition policy, where Americans are secure in this United States manufacturing all of our ammunition and firearms for recreation, hunting and the common defense.
As stated if this is important to David Rockefeller who has has his minions pushing these patrician policies, then perhaps they should be the focus of all Americans as someone has taken something from Americans without one news outlet making mention of this, including that pustule NRA which ignored a request for an interview from this blog over these subjects.
America needs more than black powder firearm imports from Spain and Italy and powder manufacture out of Colorado. Yet the GOP ignores calls just like Democrats for a gun welfare policy to arm poor Americans for their own defense.
America is being disarmed just as it is being put afoot by the high cost of vehicles and fueling them. Freedom requires the defense of the ground you stand upon and the ground you travel upon. As Americans are now being hindered in travel and possessing their God and Constitutional rights to firearms and ammunition, just what is the difference between America under Obama and Chinese communists who restrict citizen travel and Chinese possessing firearms and manufacture.
It is past time these vital issues be addressed.