Ed Klein who was once on the board of the New York Time and Newsweek was caught mentioning something today which I have said of the Letterman cocktail crowd in they are the most soiled souls in what they find humor in.
The subject was his portrait in words, Teddy Kennedy, as Ed Klein was his official biographer.
Kennedy would ask often if anyone had any new Chappaquiddick jokes which is beyond disgusting, but Ed Klein revealed that all liberals could see the bigger joke in it.
In personally knowing what Mary Jo Kopechne went through in the final hours of her life.........and yes it was hours, it is beyond hurtful to joke about such things and is beyond what the Kopechne family has been put through in their not wanting to know the answers, making excuses for Teddy Kennedy and their allowing their daughter to be consumed by cartel.
Mary Jo Kopechne was a career woman of the 1960's. One only has to look at Congress in male and lesbian forms to this day to know that pretty women are hired, do not do a great deal of work, but there are other benefits to having them around.
She worked for Senators and worked for Sen. Bobby Kennedy. Everyone knows the reputation he had for tooling blondes like Marilyn Monroe. It is doubtful a pretty young thing like Mary Jo Kopechne who was not married, engaged or dating, was not finding herself occupied with powerful married men.
Rumor has always had it that the Kennedy boys passed their girls and wives around as a sort of sport they picked up from the old man.
In going from rumor to the facts, there was a party for the staff of the dead Bobby Kennedy at Chappaquiddick. Teddy Kennedy left that party around 11 pm after telling is driver to take a hike as he was taking Mary Jo back to her hotel alone.
While Ms. Kopechne was noted for not drinking, for some reason she left some personal belongings at the vacation home that night which were found the next morning.
Witnesses either saw Mary Jo in the backseat with someone sounding like Teddy driving, and a third person in the passenger side after they left the party, or someone was impersonating them.
What is known is Teddy Kennedy took a 90 degree turn off a main road he had traveled numerous times and ended up on the infamous bridge going to fast.
Evidence was shown that the windows to the car were broken out. Evidence from the diver who retrieved the body of this woman, showed her with her face to the top of the car, (it had rolled so it was the floor), her hands clutched like a cat and her body in a position as she was fighting for air trapped in the car.
Further complicating the matter was the fact that Mary Jo Kopechne's clothes had blood on them. That is a bit difficult when one is submerged under water.
Additional problems were Teddy Kennedy had bumps on the back of his head as if someone had hit him from behind.
Hearsay evidence states that Ms. Kopechne was suffocated as she has foaming around the mouth and nose, and did not expire from drowning.
None of the Kennedy story ever matched the actual evidence and a Judge became quite testy in court with Teddy and his story.
We do know that for fact that numerous phone calls were made outside of Teddy Kennedy's hotel room when he returned. The reported credit card was one issued to Teddy Kennedy and went on all through the night.
No official autopsy was ever done, because the situation was being covered up. The Kopechne family stopped the one which was to be done when it was found out that what was being sought was if their daughter was pregnant or not.
They reported later settled for quite a large sum of money from Teddy Kennedy's pocket.
The joking of Teddy Kennedy about this event is a most interesting psychological process as one does this because they are furious over the events. Now whether this was dealing with the accident cost him the presidency or his humiliation with his father, or if he was angry over a sabotage effort directed at him in the same forces which murdered his brothers, is not known. What is known is there was a human disconnect in Teddy Kennedy was using Letterman cocktail humor as this group does on horrid events in order to deal with what they hate and can not deal with emotionally from being weak souls.
What this all appears like is, Teddy Kennedy was skirt chasing as he always was. He was nailing probably another Kennedy conquest of his brother Bobby. He either at this point was set up in someone tried to murder him in a staged car wreck or was drunk, speeding and drove off a bridge as he was trying to get some off of Mary Jo or she was pregnant and Teddy was going to silence her and not having the stomach for it in a panic drove off the bridge.
She was found in the backseat so was either passed out, someone else was in the passenger side who has never been accounted for or was murdered in a not too bright scheme, because who in their right mind leaves a party with someone they are going to silence in their own car.
The keys in this are indeed the numerous phone calls, the bloody clothes of Mary Jo, and the absolute lies of Teddy Kennedy.
I'm reminded of Bob Barker after nailing Dian Parkinson the Price is Right in calling her on camera a "stupid bimbo" when she tried to retaliate on him. The truth is usually a mix of all the above and none of the far reaching.
It probably runs something like this.
Teddy was sexing a Kennedy fetish girl in Mary Jo. They left the party together and a 3rd person was indeed there who was a Kennedy operative.
Kennedy pulled off the main road as something was being discussed which was of importance concerning Mary Jo. It became heated or some have said a police officer had pulled up behind them and Teddy fled.
He in panic drove onto the bridge and off of it.
The passenger is the one who got out of the car when it was going under. He then rescued Teddy Kennedy and in a clearer mind than Tedward pointed out that a dead Mary Jo by this accident was better off than a pregnant live one.
He helped Teddy return to the hotel, and the rest of the night were phone calls discussing the happy situation in how it ended and could be spun...........with someone pointing out to Teddy that maybe this operative set him up and the real intent was to murder Ted like his brothers with a prego girl he knocked up in the car.
The net result is quid pro quo was reached and Teddy was a happy and showered camper the next morning having his problems solved and his soul still in his body...........sans Mary Jo who was expendable.
Humorous I know, and Letterman types would always enjoy hearing about jokes where they escaped death and the assassins actually took out the woman who was the Kennedy problem.
I have never understood women who are so low self esteem that they think by being a cum dump to a married rich guy will somehow give them self esteem, when the exact opposite occurs.
Cheating, adultery, driving your wife nuts, making your widow into a courtesan are not really that attractive of situations for the Kennedy women, yet so many want to be them, and so many more like Marilyn Monroe checked out early in associating with this bunch.
Heard any good jokes lately?
Says a great deal about what Teddy Kennedy was really like and what was really going on at Chappaquiddick.
agtG 259
Memories how funny they are with suffocated women