I have nothing against prostitutes, whores or hookers (well hookers are people who promise sex and then rob you instead, but as long as they aren't knocking you over the head, I see the nefarious have to make a predatory living too as all can not be politicians and doing stealing legally.). Most of these people are missing a great deal in life or have had thing stolen from them in being molested or raped as children.
Odd thing isn't it. Molest a little girl and she turns into a prostitute or a lesbian. Molest a little boy and they turn effeminate or into a serial murderer. Amazing thing that sex in how it rules and ruins peoples lives. Stimulate a child at the wrong time and their fetish will be power, pain, uniforms, body parts etc....
Such an interesting crutch it is.......but then is chronic eating, golf, drugs or lying........whatever makes the natural morphine fire in the veins.
In speaking of whores, I heard someone say Teddy Kennedy was a handsome man. Now I am so handsome that I'm unrecognizable sometimes, but I have never in all my life thought for an instant that that pointy nosed, square headed, squeaking voiced Teddy Kennedy was handsome.
He was quite a homely male and when fat he was repulsive. Most times I think women and men neglect to take into account that money, fame, power, family and blonde or black are often mistaken for attractive when in the end it is fetish.
Some people need an old person to parent them, some need a naughty black man to dirty them up and some people need a dirty old white man to do what dirty old white men do.
That brings us to the voters of Massachusetts who being pissed on by Teddy Kennedy in his last official act in asking the Governor to appoint his replacement in the Senate, because Teddy did not trust the people of Taxachusettes to pick his wife to be his replacement.........really says a great deal in how much respect Tedward had for the people of that state.
I really don't blame Teddy as his entire family for two generations were crooks in elections. The only reason Jack got elected in the first place was old Joe rigged the election and the only reason the Kennedy's got re elected was because the people of Massachusetts were too stupid to know manipulative propaganda when they saw it.
So Teddy was quite patrician right in asking liberals of Taxachusettes to not put up with the stupid people of that state, because after all when you have John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy as your two traitorous leaders in Washington, one getting good people to compromise their values and the other picking on crazy African widows who married a Republican, it really does not say a whole lot for the idea of letting the citizens of Massachusetts decide on who should represent them.
As far as I know, John Quincy Adams was the last good idea to come out of Massachusetts and that was over 200 years ago.
So as the light shines upon Vicky Kennedy, the widow of Tedward Kennedy, it should not shine too bright as we have a woman with an apparent dirty old daddy fetish, and the dirtier and uglier the daddy was the more she liked it.
She did though seem to be able to get Ted to stop boozing, doping and putting his little Teddy into anything female that moved long enough for Bill Clinton to test the liberal bush of the Washington outback..........but when you think of Teddy getting thousands of Americans and Iraqi's murdered with his propaganda over Iraq, his jumping in bed with Obama of Kenya and this rationed death care, I note that even the lovely Miss Vicky was not the reformation for Tedward Kennedy that donned the mantle of goodness into public life.
My experience with Massachusetts is Tip O'Neill, the Kennedys, loving Red Aurbach and the Boston Celtics and those sucklings of This Old House and Victory Garden to know that except for Larry Bird who was from Indiana, I really don't have a great deal of confidence in anything coming out of that state which is going to be any different than any other brain dead state like North and South Dakota, Minnesota, California, Virginia and New York. I highly doubt there is anyone breathing in Massachusettes who doesn't act like the appendage William Weld looks like.
So et tu pluribus, you too the people, are faced there with..........nothing. I don't know, maybe if Vicky Kennedy isn't hanging around her obesse husband, maybe she will loose a few pounds and at least be a completely physically attractive woman that one can just look at not listen to so she will be palatable for the rest of the nation.
After all she has two dogs to look after, but I would imagine that she could have crazy Joan do that........as it seems Joan now still wants to be Mrs. Kennedy....maybe playing with the dogs will give her something to do and Vicky can than be whatever Vicky is besides the widder Kennedy.
What I am certain of is I have had enough of Teddy Kennedy after 15 minutes of watching an eulogy by Charlie Rose. That was really taxing on the soul and a debt of time wasted.
I do not have any hope though that anything will come out of Massachusetts to replace Tedward Kennedy, because nothing good came out of Massachusetts for the past 200 years. Maybe it's the water and maybe it's the soil..........or maybe the people just ran out of God after John Adams, and God broke the mould and all that has been left there are shattered chards stuck together in forever episodes of This Olde Politician.