I started an Inspired conversation last evening which needs to be explored, expounded upon and exemplified concerning the abusive relationship which Barack or Bearick Obama has with all female forms in his existence.
Make no mistake, abusing women is a condition inherent by liberal males from Teddy Kennedy almost driving Joan crazy to the things Bill Clinton did to other women in violence, but what Bearick Obama is carrying out is literal abuse of women across the board. While what Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton did to their wives, they in turn never degraded or literally exposed their wives to homosexual deadly diseases the way Bearick Obama has repeatedly.
I heard an amusing line on the Young and Restless recently from an actress screaming at her boyfriend in, "You didn't just cheat on me with a woman. You cheated on me with a man and that is worse!"
A woman can understand and deal with another woman in adultery, but where is there any comprehension when your husband is sexing up other men, because no matter how masculine Muchelle Obama can be in her package below her waist, she is never going to be a man. That is the ultimate abuse to a wife.
The names Lawrence Sinclair, Donald Young and Reggie Love are the printed list of Barack Obama male gay sex associates in which he played dominant in being serviced by other males. This was carried out while his wife was at home, while his two young daughters were coming into this world and while that entire family was exposed to all the risky deadly diseases of that gay community. Donald Young explained this entirely in his bullet riddled body in the gay circles are filled with a predatory underworld where more than HIV suicide is the end for too many gay people.
This blog has listed Bearick Obama's abuse of his own Mother in letting her die in cancer agony alone. He has left that wonderful Grandma Sarah in Kenya to suffer without indoor plumbing while he is a multi millionaire. His sister has received no help in her college profession nor his Aunts in their squalor and poverty.
Then there is the wife of his first Republican opponent for US Senate when Obama dug into her divorce papers to smear her ex husband without any regard to that family's suffering.
Hillary Clinton and her female supporters were biotch slapped around non stop in 2008 by Obama thugs. They were degraded in verbal abuse and physical intimidation was present by Obama thugs carrying out his orders.
Mrs. Clinton suffered time and again horrid treatment in having to beg for money to pay debts and ended up paying them off herself. Now she is marginalized into not even being invited along on important state trips.
John Edwards and his family were no strangers to this domestic abuse by Bearick Obama. His affair was used to destroy him, but his cancer battling wife through humiliation and forever brand an innocent child a bastard in who Edwards fathers, all in petty political payback.
Then there is the across the board sanctioned lipstick on a pig abuse Bearick Obama heaped upon Gov. Sarah Palin, her husband as an "eskimo pie" in racism, and their innocent children.
The political gang rape of Sarah Palin from Cynthia McFadden, Peggy Noonan, to Charles Gibson, Katie Couric and David Letterman was all Obama Axelrod and Plouffe deployed. Never in history was one Lady so abused by a smarmy bunch of serial rapists.
This is a pattern and has now come full circle in the supporters of Bearick Obama in their madness in defending him, a male who has lied to them constantly, slapped them around by promising fidelity, but abusing them constantly, are now in mass suffering from "Battered Obama Syndrome".
As I have noted, I knew an old Sheriff who I adored as one would Marshall Dillon on Gunsmoke. He was the man with pleading eyes who asked me as a teenager, "What am I supposed to do?", as my Aunt broke into hysteria when he informed her that my Uncle had died on a hunting trip from a heart attack.
He once said, that he hated going on domestic abuse calls, because every time he got in the door and got thing settled down, the wife having been roughed up so he had to arrest the husband, that the wife would come after him tooth and claw on his back, trying to save her husband after he had just beat her silly.
This needs to be understood in Barack Obama has been abusing not just women, but the entire Lady Liberty, the virgin daughter of America in God. He has plundered her dowry. He has sold her to prostitution throughout the world. Belittled her in public by apologizing for her being so inept, and, in the final straw has sold her into slavery to Chinese communists for a generation for his real love, Marxism.
When America enters into a voting contract backed by the covenant of a Constitution, it is a marriage. Bearick Obama is America's husband and as his wife in Obama's 3rd world mind, he has used her like a cow pulling a plow.
His voting public are now in a hysteria to the Sheriff of the Birthers who are attempting to stop the abuse and follow the order of the Constitutional Law.
In that, we have the 4th party in this with the likes of Noel Sheppard, Ann Coulter, Geraldo Rivera, who mock Birthers, while they peek from behind their curtains watching Obama beat the bajesus out of his harem of women, and whisper to each other, "Oh don't call the police as if they come, well it will make the news, ruin our house prices by it being known in the papers we have wife beaters here, and without Obama, who will pay us our salaries and give us subjects to write about."
It has not been lost on this blog either that World Net Daily in Joseph Farah's new project to cut Gov. Sarah Palin off at the knees is these patricians are now promoting Rep. Michelle Bachman of Minnesota. The same lovely Ms. Bachman who has been ripped to shreds in worse condemnation than Gov. Palin.
I like Ms. Bachman, but she had better understand this wife beater game she is being love called into as the only reason the patricians are making pillow talk to her now is to divide Sarah Palin's base, so that some Mitt Romney patrician will again sweep in to loose the election and allow 4 more years of wife beater Bearick Obama to assault America.
This is the very psychologically damaged and sick America which the few sound million Americans now must face in the reality of this perpetual abuse Bearick Obama and key liberals have slapped a pristine virgin around.
The Obama wives club are not about to turn on Obama as he is all the validation they have. They deep down as failures who answered his love call in "blame America like I do for hurting you as it hurt me, and I will apologize to the world for it, rape her into line, change her into a world whore and then sell her as revenge" is what these pathetic effeminates have married themselves to. Obama has reinforced they are not worthy of Truth, but to be slapped around in lies. They are all battered women and think they deserve to be punished for the failures they are.
They do not look to Reagan's Shining City on a Hill, but instead are led away to Obama's brothel in a gutter, to be sold for profit as their master looks on counting what was their money.
None of that is going to be easy for the Obama voters to accept. Beaten wives never will save themselves as they fall into the pattern of accepting it and attacking all others through the brainwashing of abuse of the husband. They will though at times rise up for their own children's sake to save them.
It is the hope that as the facts resonate in Obama voters that they are abused by Obama, that they will indeed awaken to the need of the love for their children and grandchildren, that they deserve a better America than one enslaved to debt, their inheritance robbed and a nation where Bearick Obama and his Letterman cocktail crowd have made it sexual sport to abuse men and women, because they get off on it in the predators they are.
If this was any where in these 50 United States, and a 9 11 call were made, that a husband stole his wife's money (the US Treasury), sold her to turn tricks for European pimps, and, he was knocking her around threatening her with pitchforks and putting her on terrorist watch lists, the police would have this male arrested in three seconds and a Judge would have him up on charged by a District Attorney for 20 years for assault, battery, prostitution and embezzlement.
Perhaps some of the fine people at FBI and the Justice Department can start thinking about the rape of America, and her people, by Bearick Obama in the real terms they are, in criminal terms, to save this Lady Liberty, because Bearick Obama is not doing this to faceless people........he is doing it to those Citizens who are behind badges looking in the mirror every morning wondering where their money is gone and why their Mothers, Wives and Daughters are being treated by too many people like whores now in looking them up and down as tramps.
It is now a national outrage against America and her women. It is time this was legally stopped.
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