The main thrust of Obama supporter illogic is if Bearick got hisself a passport, into college or a driver's license then he must have a valid long form birth certificate.
For a reality check, the New York Times ran a most interesting article two years after 9 11 and found that the American nation was littered with fake birth certificates which is an entire manufacturing industry.
Even in Virginia where several of the 9 11 hijackers obtained their illegal drivers licenses, government officials still in 2 out of 3 county offices received an illegal drivers license.
In California and New York where they have some of the strictest rules, investigators still obtained illegal temporary drivers licenses, all with fake birth certificates.
As this blog has noted, Madelyn Dunham worked for the county court house as a volunteer. She was a banking official in 1961. For the record, white people were a ruling minority in Hawaii and as is the case in black communities, Asian communities, Mooselum communities etc... they all take care of their own.
I have had stories related to me of now expired activities of county clerks who in assisting Citizens do all sorts of things which are illegal. They will change registrations on dead people's properties just to save families lawyer fees to waving the need for various certificates needing medical validation, just because these are caring Americans civil servants who know what hell Americans are put through constantly by the legislative rules handed down.
So is it possible that Madelyn Dunham trying to protect her grandson and daughter from being hauled to Kenya when a level 2 registration was available in Hawaii, where a clerk at a hospital and one at a court house knew Mrs. Dunham, and just happened to overlook the necessary proceedings like the Mother being in Hawaii and the child too, of course it is.
Hawaii just as numbers of Pacific areas imported vast quantities of slave labor and registered these little babies right and left just like the Chinese were imported in the 1800's into America to build the railroads.
How do you think those African rail lines were built in Tsavo and other lion infested areas? The same reason hosts of Indians are Africans now, in these people were imported and worked to death as coolies.
Japanese in numbers showed up in Hawaii and became quite an important political force on the islands. Their reason for being was pineapple plantation work. They loved Hawaii and stayed.
The reality is that one could go into numerous American cities at this time, look pouty, have this crying 3rd world baby they bought from some poor miscreant, fly the kid home on any number of airlines without anyone blinking, have some bizarre looking photo shopped birth notice and most clerks knowing this kid was saved from some hell on earth, would just act stupid and register a little Indian child to white parents as their own child.
As the Mexicans do it constantly in the border states in that illegal pipeline, it is being done across the United States.
So it is absolutely no stretch of any historical event in Hawaii where this was going on wholesale (did you ever consider that 1961 Hawaii in registering all of these foreign babies that THAT WAS the government draw to bring in people from Asia, that they could come to America and get that 2 year old baby registered as a 10 month old baby live birthed in Hawaii?)
Yes ponder that for a great while just how many of these babies in Hawaii were anywhere from 2 to 6 years old and registered as being under one year and looking quite old for their age. When Hawaii was making this a government policy of registering illegal babies, there was a reason behind enticing foreigners to embark upon this illegal legality.
If you want a really astounding happening, the World Bank in 2007 released a policy paper which showed Japanese unskilled workers who were Brazilian in origin were being imported back into Japan as Japanese.
This Obama fakery is taking place all across the boards as people migrate back and forth and forth and back for better deals.
As I stated, I started this journey just looking for where Bearick Obama obtained his first drivers license, but as you can see, it doesn't matter as America is handing these licenses out to anyone who has something scribbled on a kool aid package.
If people recall, 2008 Bearick Obama endorsed drivers licenses for illegals in America. He probably thought it was a grand idea as he as an illegal has been driving on a fake one for over 30 years.
There were 8.4 million people in America in 2006 who had their identity used illegally. This is the backdrop of Bearick Obama. So for the Obama deluded who have believed all of his lies and will believe more of his lies, his being in the White House means absolutely nothing as there are millions of Bearick Obama's floating about America with papers just as valid as Citizen Kenya's.
.......and while the Obama deluded rally for Obama and rail against birthers, the real dilemma they blindly do not see nor should extol Bearick Obama on to produce his papers are these........
The Chinese communists, Russian Bolsheviks, Iranian Islamocommunists invest with various nations like Lebanon, Cuba and North Korea in wholesale counterfeiting in the production of papers which produce sleeper agents who show up on American nuclear facilities, government secure areas and places where biological warfare agents are stored or bred.
Do you really of the Obama deluded, in protecting your validation in Obama, want the safeguards gone beyond Obama plundering the United States Treasury, so the next time it is some agent who has attained a top position and then hires a dozen other operatives no one knows about to a bio weapons facility and they walk out with a tanker of plague and with government badges from Janet Napolitano's Homeland Security, start dumping that in all 50 states, because they have the same clearance Bearick Obama has which no one has checked out......all because it makes some liberal feel good.
The consequences of liberals actions are eroding safeguards. It is no longer importing slave labor babies, but it is importing agents of governments whose desire is to wipe out the United States.
I will remind the deluded that bin Laden did not manufacture one bomb, he used the resources of the United States against herself.
Is it such a large thing to ask for some small slips of paper, and have real law enforcement validate that Bearick Obama is really who he says he is when compared to the scenarios all of you Obama supporters are initiating?
Think about it, because you know if this was George W. Bush, 300 reporters would have been obtaining George W. Bush birth certificates and all been the sons of Stanley Ann Dunham and Bearick Obama sr. born in Kenya.
agtG 296, 317
Hawaiian Reporter
New York Times illegal birth certificates
World Bank
Creating Document Fraud