(As a note to some who are curious in why I shift from Barack to Bearick, it is simple in the webspiders pick up Barack whereas Bearick is still building search engine status. Linking the two in a story brings the real name Bearick to the forefront of the liar Bearick Obama is and how idiofile he deems his American voters they can be manipulated by the sound of his name.)
Today, Bearick Obama, uttered some of the most disgusting, heinous and murderous words that would make even Caligula blush for a moment, but is right up the alley of the original anti christ progenitor, Antiochos Epiphanes.
Mr. Obama while addressing Jews using what is a Babylonian mystery religion based prayer, quoted the following:
.....in the holiday period, it is decided "who shall live and who shall die."
I need to explain this fully as I touched on this in a recent blog in what this all entails in the Jews who were in Babylon brought back after the exile the Babylonian mystery religion which is what the wandering Talmud is about and what the geometric forces of the mind of Kabullah is formed in.
Firstly, there are no holidays in any God ordained Scripture. There are only HOLY DAYS and HIGH DAYS. This is not a vacation nor a mixing of pagan and Hebrew Christian teachings from God. God has sacred, set apart or Holy Days. No festivals or holidays.
There is also no partnership as the Bible plainly states life and death are God's realm. Granted God gives humans the right of self defense, gives Soldiers the right of battle and the government the right of executing heinous criminals, but this is not some partnership, but is instead God decreeing as Supreme Judge the methods and reasons.
This is not humans in partnership with Almighty God deciding who lives and who dies.
For Bearick Obama to tread this ground in conjuring the Babylonian teachings is most troubling in he did it in the Jewish Talmudic religion.
I see no coincidences in life. No more than Obama showing the sole of his foot to Jews when speaking with them in a deliberate photo release.
It appears with certainty that Bearick Obama has now stated he is partnered with God, which is a lie, and he is WISHING (casting a spell) with Rabbi's present on the period entering Rosh Hashanah.
I noted previously that in God's ordained year, the year began in the spring. When the Jewish exiles returned they went to the September end of the year new year. This is Babyalonian in what Mr. Obama is up to and it portends evil for Jews as he initiated this in their presence.
Remember the consumptive forces which Mr. Obama is partnered with literally and servant to. They will require payment now and it appears in certainty that while Mr. Obama has this life and death panel evil decrees is about his Obamacrypt, the Jews are what his statements are aimed at.
In short, Jews are being told that Bearick Obama and his elite Ashkenaz overlords who do not practice Torah or Tanakh (Old Testament) loyalty to God, but follow the false messiah and the illuminated one, have the power over life and death for Jews.
If one did not notice this, the Rabbis in this wish did not balk. They ascented to it's empowerment of Bearick Obama and his benefactors. Death is now the spell cast against not just Americans, but against Jews.
This is utterly macabre and fascinating to cast such a spell in public with such audacity. To literally state that Obama is as God in deciding who lives and who dies is something which can not be warned. If Ben Smith caught this and in mocking terms called on Sarah Palin to note it, perhaps even this is getting troubling for liberals of the NeoProg order as it is beyond delusional, Mr. Obama has entered the world of insanity.
The world has had a long history of humans who start out allowing themselves to be called God and then decide to take that life and death power and declare they are God. It never turns out well for the world and Sephardic and select lower class Ashkenaz Jews found this out from their elite and the Nazi's when around one million of them perished in the starving them to death holocaust.
As stated, I'm fascinated at the darkness from David Axelrod and Rham Emanuel with Bearick Obama in unleashing this deliberately and being so moved by such evil to utter such things.
This is now set and in motion. As this blog noted, there are hosts of people around the world who will to set off a nuclear murder spree in the Middle East. It is now fact that Bearick Obama has just initiated it with Talmudic Babylonian blessing.
August 20th is a Dark Moon or New Moon, High Day. It is the power period of the 30 days leading up to the New Moon New Babylonian Year. The powers of satan are now mingled with the sacred prayers of apparently deluded Jews.
They have declared themselves as God in the power of life and death. This is the period to watch as I have stated. If this is the beginning of the last 7 year cycle, there should be war and a false peace treaty coming out of Europe in all probability within the next 30 days.
I hope those who will die find Christ before they are extinguished, but I will not stand in the Way of God if this is His appointed time. Christ is on the other side and those who are destined to die will die as they have so chosen in God or chosen to be deluded in following the darkness.
Over 6000 years the Prophets have looked for this time and we who have been honed and whetted might just see the start of this acted out.
Come Lord Jesus Amen.
agtG 254
שודד החיים מעניק מוות
Taker of life and giver of death