This blog noted how interesting it was that with all the Obama birth turmoil going on that a hurricane set it's sights on Hawaii for the very period.
I noticed too in wonder that an Atlantic hurricane named Bill was churning up to category 4 and on it's way to blast America........and now Canada eh in health care bills maybe?
I noted that Bill Clinton was not a very happy camper when he was dispatched by Obama to North Korea to play the role of a political whore in being a Pretty Peking Girl. Clinton's face was red, somber and he was not a very happy Arkansas camper.
Notice now though the amusing part in this that the fates seem to be saying that Bill is about to have his revenge with his lovely swimsuit wearing wife Hillary Hamrod Clinton.
Where is this predestined hurricane bearing down on? Why Bermuda of all places and they are partying as they always do with drinks and hurricane festivities.
Who should be just happening to be taking some time off in being sullied by Bearick Obama on Bermuda? Why none other than Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Now mind you the storm is even telling us things in this that hurricane or her eh con Bill is going to go west of Bermuda, which means between the island and the US mainland.
The same island where Bearick Obama paid a million dollars a head of taxpayer money to settle Gitmo terrorists there.
Who gets to party but Bermuda in this hurricane, but who gets pounded? Yupper you guessed it in the United States and Canada.
I view this hurricane as a message that the Clintons are going to get their pound of flesh off of the American left who abandoned them for Bearick Obama and America is going to get a good storm, too good to waste, in finding out that Canuck care is a deadly minion from satan upon the United States.
I wonder and will watch about hurricane Bill, and would not be surprised in the least if it takes a dive at Washington, DC and blows some twister tails around the West Wing again.
Look John McCain and the GOP had a bad omen in that hurricane in 2008. This can be no different and it will be interesting in the depth of the message sent.
It looks a great deal like Bill and Hillary on Bermuda are guiding in a storm to Bearick Obama.
Nothing like bringing in the tiger into the tent Bearick and not having her piss in the tent, but with you poking at her non stop making her and her mate furious, you now have two tigers by the tail and the whip of it is a hurricane tale now.
As predicted, it is inside Obama's tent the storm comes and not Ed Schultz's right wing who are in the cheap seats with beer waiting for the jousting to begin.
agtG 239
PS: Acts of God are delightful things.
Bill and Hillary Bikini Bound Bonanza