Ephesians 6:12; For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
If you want to know why the American government from Federal to State to Local, does not work, works against the Citizen, and comes up with brainless wonders like, "The Constitution does not matter. People who invoke the Constitution are terrorists and Bearick Obama does not have to release his birth certificate and other papers to prove he is not a dual citizen and disqualified from office.", it is all the chaos of demons, demoniacs and their minions.
Ask yourself the simplest of questions, if you at your job or the person who ran you employment, came up with, "Oh I don't need to show you my resume from college, my past work experience, I don't have to submit to drug tests or background checks, because I have a computer generated file online stating I am qualified and that is enough". You would never get your foot in the door.
Same with the IRS if you showed them a paid in full certificate you put online for all your taxes until doomsday. You would be looking at them from behind bars until doomsday.
So this is the chaos, the disorder, the insane nature which is back Bearick Obama and is at work against the American people in every facet of the governmental structure. One can quite contend that there are myriads of good people in the US government, but the hierarchy is so vexed with satan that it is adversarial against those who would stand up........and they in most cases are consumed.
Let us look at the orders which St. Paul notes specifically. His first rank of demons are principalities.
The base of that word is twofold in an area of jurisdiction and a prince who controls that specific area.
That is what is unique in America has been labored against as a priestly people, by the European old demonic order which is the second most powerful order in this world under satan. In many ways it is the most powerful order due to ley lines and positioning with the disassociated semite peoples of the Assyrians and Babylonians who migrated into Germany and Italy and set up the final order to come springing from Rome.
That is quite an amazing thing in Nimrod of Assyria in the first superstate and Nebuchadnezzar the first Emperor have their peoples in full circle for the final push at God's people again in the lost 10 tribes and the world at large.
Bearick Obama in casting the spell of hanuman, the Indian demon, and is mother in law infusing it is reported the other Hamite demonic orders, is unique in these demons are operating out of their principalities and crossing power zones which interfere with the ranking. These demons can not for power limitations placed by God transfer to other areas, so their effect can not be long lasting.
It is as stated, a tidal wave can wash Obama onto the American stage with these demons not of authority here, but a reverse tidal wave can crash him out just as suddenly.
These prince demons are powerful and of their regional influences of power on humans and their governments.
Next is noted, the powers, or this can be thought of as "forces". This is most interesting as the coming anti christ is noted to honor the "god of forces" his fathers never knew.
This ranking is like mother in law Robinson in her demons invoked are the forces of human emotion and storm. These are powerful arenas which feed the demons of this order just like one sees more ghostly activity in storms due to the false charge it empowers these weakened spirits to greater amplification.
The rulers of darkness of this world, are the definition of the anti light. Those forces which stand against Paul to complete his mission. Those forces which hinder the good gifts of God from coming to each of us. Those forces which lean upon the Spirit in us to deflect us from making the breakthroughs we are born to overcome in Christ.
These are great hindrances in willful darkness, with WILL POWER being the focus. They are a weight to keep the destructive work in place being worked by the principalities and powers influencing the willing in positions of power.
Spiritual wickedness in high places, the Greek in this is literally, EN TOIS EPOURANIOIS, or in the upper air regions.
One notes that the poltergeist, the silly demons, the typical evil and wicked demons such as laziness which is what got America into this mess in each of us was trusting someone in power to keep this nation secure, and instead every one of these vermin of satan have been for a generation spawning draconian laws to murder the nation God birthed.
Yes Citizens, God is the original birther for He alone in carrying out Prophecies and Promises birthed America for His friend Abraham whose children American are.
There are others we see daily in demons of anger, sex, narcotics, food, perverseness, all which weigh upon the soul and keep people from being the children of the Spirit as certain as if you put a plank on your garden row and those little sproutlings are smothered by that weight.
The upper regions stir the tempest against the soul, so that on every side from government, demoniacs under satan dissuading us from moving ahead, to the whispering demons in our minds who tell us we can't, to the tempests which rage around us in disasters happening, that it seems we never can get on track........for that is the entire intention of it.
Paul though instructs each Christian to put on the full armour of God. Remember also the ultimate order satan is under in, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you."
That is the ultimate computer protocol which the devil must do for God stated it. Resist the devil and it will flee. It can not stand and fight. Granted it will resist back, but it must flee when resisted.
The Armour of God though is simple in Truth, Right Standing With God, the Gospel of Peace or nothing missing and nothing broken in Christ, Faith and Salvation with Prayer and Prayers for all the Faithful in God.
The battle is simple against these forces in if one knows they are Right, are well versed in the Bible, this brings Faith in the mission that God will Save and Deliver, and by Speaking those conclusions in God for us and all of us, the victory in Christ is obtained.
As a matter to bolster people's faith, while all of this blog is going on daily, I had a deliberate attack made upon me numerous times these past months as it always is carried out, because satan knows the work here as a glaring sun which stands in his way.
One such attack was from the United States government which I will not go into detail about, but their mandate to me was set in stone. One can not get out from under such things as it is equal to death, taxes and military draft notices.
Yet, I was moved for days to call upon Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy upon me by the Holy Spirit.
It was around one week later, I received a second notice which diffused the situation completely.
I bless the servant of God in government who listened to God. See while it is distressing for all of us as even Christ groaned, take things to God in your emotional state and you will be surprised at how He fixes things according to His will.
I keep what was sent me and look at it and marvel, because it is one thing for Jesus in the Father's will to create everything in 6 days or me in 9 months, but I have seen Jesus bend the United States government to His will when infested with satanic liars.
Minions are nothing. They are easily manipulated and nothing is in their skull which is capable of offering any resistance. They are nothing but computers who God wills to do His will when His children call.
So I have no respect for the house of Obama in this government his types infest. One can feel the erosion under their lofty foundation and know that their entire structure is crumbled stone as it is but of sand and no marble or endurance. They consume and are of that chaos and will be consumed by the same forces they unleash.
Of course this mill stone leans against the soul and Spirit of those in God, but we have the implements to chisel it, move it and smash it in that Great Stone not cut by hands in Jesus the Christ.
Mill stones belong in the depths of the sea and that is where this one is going. It does not matter the twisters who are there attempting to thwart what God has written in the Book of Truth. They too will be sunk as Babylon the great.
They may cast their stones intending death to God's order, but all those stones do is whet the edge of them in His Truth.
It is a good fight we are in, for we are Spirit and not encumbered of this world. We are Light and they are heaviness of darkness. We have the implements not of their siege of sedentary death, but the battlements of the machine of Spiritual warfare which is victory in Christ.
We will overcome in Christ. The Truth always prevails, always wins out and always surfaces. It can be no other way, for it is God's Way.
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