The woman on the left would be by statistics termed beautiful by 10 out of 10 humans, whether male or female in consistent viewings.
What is interesting in my research I was led to is if you were to view 100 models, male and or female, that in those 100 you would find 10 attractive on a given day over the others.
Wait for it though..........
If you took that same test the next day, you would find several other now attractive to you that you had passed over, and those you had included, would currently puzzle you as to why you thought they were attractive.
Get up in the morning, and some days you feel like a dark blue shirt, some days you feel a pastel, some days multi colored appeal. You are the same person, yet for the reasons beyond a beating heart in you, you have changed in scope.
Love is an interesting principle in this, in that it makes ugly people lovely, mean people lovable and people who would drive us furious to evoke only an amused smile due to that overriding emotion.
Men are most interesting in this in they can marry a model, and she can turn into a greasy, plump, lazy thing.........but that husband has a trait fused in him, that as long as it is not broken by breaking him, he will forever see this now plump woman as the model he married 40 years previous.
Women are even more interesting in if the person who meets their "list", meaning the majority of women have a list of attributes or manipulations they expect to have in a husband. There is a trading off in this for most women, which later brings fury, as the guy to day is the sloven tomorrow as the nice girl today is the nag after I DO.........all attributes most children mimic in their parents in they often marry their parents.
I digress, but if a male meets this list of things a woman is looking for, then it doesn't matter how much of a loser or freak this male is, some hot chic will latch onto him and baffle everyone in what this guy has. He has nothing really. He simply is a list.
Sort of like men who are wed in 12 attendant ceremonies. They are an appendage and could be a blow up doll on that day for all they matter. They just have to fill the list of nesting needs.
The overriding factor in all of this is God in His Holy Spirit. Obey God and invoke His Spirit into any choice from marriage to career to glorify Him and all things work out as God is working continuously.
I once new someone dearly loved by me. She fornicated like numbers of people did before marriage. She later was led to God for a period by God through me. I informed her as she became Christian that the greatest threat in the world was someone close to her as that is who the devil would work through.
It was her husband who was in his own pot smoking world. I also attempted to warn her that committing sin, breaking God's Laws, choosing your way and then hauling it all into Church and slapping the Holy Spirit on it was not going to work as God does not bless fornication.
She chose for the moment her weakness in her list and plunged into the abyss in removing my presence. The end result was a divorce which most people would think is a sin, but she had no business being married to this former divorced male as he was someone else's husband.
God's Holy Spirit was righting a huge glitch, even in withdrawing me, as I actually in abilities glued that shattered marriage together for a number of years.
God worked through me once to save a marriage between two people still married in their several previous divorces. It was fascinating in I was moved to initiate the wife's authority over her husband after he cheated on her.
I was surprised by what the Holy Spirit moved me to tell her in blessing him to when he went away to long to return and when he returned to be happy to be home. There were a few other things I was moved to have her pray over, but in toot sweet time the husband was behaving miraculously.
One would think saving people's lives or their marriages would gain some sort of thankfulness, but that wife was soon moving on and leaving the answers in me behind.
Fascinating in how many times people always have the answer after I tell them and it is all their idea.
I still wonder why tastes change. It is logical for one to crave beef due to it's qualities of strengthening the body and then switch to chicken in it's healing properties as the body craves diverse minerals and proteins for proper functioning. The aura of our soul or Spirit in us is fascinating in how it changes in need or desire of reflective colors which also profile to the world just what is working inside the person that day.
People are always communicating numbers of things in all they are without one voice to be heard.
I wondered at my article concerning the ease with which counterfeit birth certificates. Wondered because I included the information on parents with children were apparently enticed into Hawaii and numbers of 5 year old children were registered as new borns in exchange for the slave labor.
The reason for the wondering is Bearick Obama had a miraculous birthday on August 4th in 2009, because on his MySpace page he is not listed at being 48 like a normal person in only aging a year every year. Nope Bearick is now 52. That was quite a birthday in reality in gaining from year 47, a 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52.......a full 5 years in one year.
Could it be that little Bearick was born earlier as World Net Daily is hinting at or could it just be Obama wants to play with the adults now.
In any case, Jerome Corsi on WND is still playing with the missing 6 months in 1961 from Stanley Ann Dunham Obama's life. Logic would once again dictate if she was not in Hawaii, that Mother Dunham sent her away.
Only two sources in America would hold that location in Washington and Kansas from previous residence.
A third location for free hospital care upon the last month of delivery would be Canada which would then follow an immediate border crossing of babes Obama for University classes.
I find it interesting that Stanley Ann watched the child all day and took night classes and then hired a babysitter.
As the Dunhams were not dripping with money then, I would conclude that Bearick sr. using his American grants was sending funds to Stanley and Bearick jr.
What that means is someone named Sr. was embezzling money or there was a funding program for foreign dependents or in effect, Stanley Ann and Bearick jr. were legally accepting money as foreigners in the United States.
As creatures are creatures of habit, I would bet that all those fund transfers were in Madelyn Dunham's bank in Washington where she worked previously.
Those ledgers can be a smoking gun in finding out if British subject Sr. was having money specifically sent to his British son Jr., making it all legally British in the court of law.
It is amazing to me how the presence of Bearick sr. which was narcotically dominating to people like Bill Ayers, overcame the face he had in looking like he could star in a horror movie.
Strangely Ayers wife is a clone of Stanley Ann as these worlds overlapped.
The overriding factor is the human psyche in fetish as Ayers looks like a foose ball with hair on it.
Neither would ever win a model search, yet both in perverted natures appealed to the darkness in two women who looked alike. There is no coincidence in life. Just as people with the same shape heads produce the same type of voice, apparently Mrs. Ayers and Mrs. Obama both gravitated toward the sundry intellectual of the left.
It is equal to Bearick Obama is a very odd looking human, yet numbers of male and female Peggy Noonan types were enticed to seeing his "pretty" when it was pretty black.......yet even upon finding out he was in reality over 80% white, they still clung to Obama's blackness, because they needed to have a confession for the blackness hidden in them.
Would it not be lovely if people had cravings for God every day like a pregnant woman and found Him attractive, yet unlike humans, food, lust or love, God is a different taste that people who have it endure all for it, and those who do not simply choose what facilitates their chemical reaction firing in their cells for as long as the human morphines medicate.
I wonder sometimes in being with God in that association is unpleasant in the human form as the euphoria does not wear off for hours which makes the human unable to sleep.
I have not met any person yet who could affect me in that manner, but I have been known to be such a sedative that I have put people to sleep like a child in their Mother's arms.
I wonder too at the eyes which see Bearick Obama and are drawn to him and the eyes of a different sort who see Gov. Palin not from without but within and that is why they are drawn to her by a different Spiritual hand in God.
Neither eyes will ever find the other attractive as the attraction is some people are drawn to darkness and some people are drawn to the Light in her.
That sounds like the dross of the tie which binds this up. Well back to the lab in turning lead into gold or clay into Spirit.........perhaps it is not Philosopher's Stone which is the tie which binds, but the Prophetic Stone which binds things tied.
agtG 231
PS: Do not believe that Obama and company have stopped on their death panels. They will bluff through August and try and sucker the public and GOP dolts to voting for a next step version.
Now is the time to press the issues and make Bearick a perpetual Obamaduck.
The Lame Duck then abandoned has no clothes in judges covering for him and the public gets the rightful view of Obama British papers.