As most people missed the intent, the Persian Islamocomunist Ayatollah Khaminei, declared war on the United States and the Israeli state by calling a number of nations to join the Muslim jihad.
This is interesting as Bearick Obama has been doing everything but offering them hand jobs using palm oil, and yet, the Persians are following an old order in calling for war.
That order is the mahdi, in the Persians firmly believe they need to initiate a war for his return.
I have for security reasons stopped short of analyzing in public what factors are necessary in this as Bearick Obama has abandoned the Presidency to Benjamin Netanyahu so the Jews are blamed for this upcoming war, but a few observations are vital in this to watch.
There has been a stream of interesting stories posted on World Net Daily. Stories from the requirement the Temple should be rebuilt in exact political fashion as was described here to the fine work by Aaron Klein who is proving to be more than one of the few journalists in the world, but an actual knight with a keyboard in saving people's lives and explaining the situation in the Middle East being made more explosive each day by Bearick Obama.
Mr. Klein has noted that Egypt is pushing for Obama to give the Jews the green light to attack. I believe that Egyptian President Mubarak who one of the best politicians in the world in understanding the world political situation is in Washington.
What could bring out the aging Egyptian President? The great man has come for war which is the logical conclusion to put some stuffing into Obama's spine.
This story is not being featured anywhere and if President Mubarak has come to Washington, there is an Israeli message involved.
I always base analysis on Biblical certainties as God is never wrong. I know for a fact that Jesus will return sometime in the autumn after the Babylonian based Jewish New Year.
I know this, because St. Paul hints at the date as the Feast of Trumpets, in the Last Trump. Trumpets is Tabernacles or Boothes in Christ with us. It is the only superior High Day He has left to fulfill.
It is the Israelite harvest, the harvest of God's elect. Jesus will return on Trumpets.
In knowing this as I have explained previously, there must be a 7 year false peace treaty signed to start the last cycle by the anti christ as peace faker to get Jerusalem.
That means in some year a war must start which is enough to scare the bajesus out of people, especially Europeans, and in likely scenario a major wounding or withdrawal of America from the Middle East.
What would do that but a nuclear exchange which was set up the globalists with Russian Bolshevik assistance to arm Iran against a nuclear Jewish state.
Nuclear pollution will have Nancy Pelosi screaming for American troops out of the region which is exactly what will happen. My distress is for the 200,000 troops in that theater who are going to be quite sick and dying as those clouds float over them.
Get a bad fallout and America can have a radioactive carrier which will be worthless and have to be sunk by their own Navy.
In knowing that window and the signs of the clamour for a Jewish strike on Iran, then one starts a countdown clock of logic beginning the High Day of August 20th as the New Moon. Darkness is good for operations.
This will continue into September and peak in the New Moon there as it ushers in Rosh Hashanah, the New Year which is of this venue that runs into Trumpets.
It would not make a great deal of military sense for Jews to wait as they were hit on Yom Kippur or Atonement in a previous war and as Iran is declaring war and instigating attacks, it is in their interest to set off a bomb in Tel Aviv to preserve their communist interests.
Atonement for those who do not know is the date Har Megiddo will occur, the gathering known as Armegeddon in Greek. That war is at the end of the last 7 year cycle.
So while one hopes for Christ's return as the Warrior King, one does in logic know the hosts of humans who will die. There must be a war for a peace treaty and it must be violent and terrifying enough in that region to terrify Europeans into a central European empire of defence which will be quite offensive.
Several times the demonic princes have almost initiated this. It is something to watch if this is the time chosen by God to engage the final sequence.
This information was all sealed up from the public as Daniel was told until the time of the end. It is now becoming well known so this is the time of the end.
I hope if this is it, that those who are about to die find Jesus, because those who are about to find their mission are going to require Him even more.
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