It must be quite an honor for Afghanistan now to hold two titles in being a creation of Vietnam by Bearick Obama as his Laos campaign in Pakistan picks up a pile of dead Mooselums in his secret war (Didn't Richard Nixon get crucified for doing that from liberals?) and Afnamistan is crafted along to mirror exactly the ACORN vote corruption which put hisself into office.
I remember the first time I heard of Afghanistan. It was in the movie Hot Rock which was quite entertaining for me as it was retold to me by my older brother as I was too young to go to movies.
The key phrase in that movie was "Afghanistan Bananistan" as trigger words in a heist to put someone into a post hypnotic trance.
The phrase was so corny, I immediately developed a love for Afghanistan beyond Kipling.
All of that fun now has vanished as Bearick Obama has Americans dead for an Afnamistan election which is as corrupt and thuggish as his 2008 electioneering.
If one goes on the Afghan street, people are there selling vote card identifications. In Afnamistan you get a card and trade it in for a vote. Problem thousands of these cards with no owners are floating about for sale.
Just like ACORN in America.
Next for this sham election which I stated is already decided upon, the Tribal Chiefs are not speaking of elections, but of the business of elections. They are making out like bandits in the Obama parties are going into tribal areas and offering ten thousand, bid up to fifteen thousand and then twenty thousand dollars for the Chiefs to bring in a Tim Johnson 100% style vote off the Sioux prairie and another Democratic win.
It is great business for the tribal poor people in selling their votes.
The next best thing to buying votes in Afnamistan Obamastan is the killing of voters which is quite the sport.
Remember that idiot Obama policy of flushing terrorists out of their strong areas which just gets Americans dead?
Well the TalEEban which Obama stresses the Double EE on has now been flushed. They are in Kabul and other cities and their new sport is killing voters.
It is all quite well planned out. Terrorists (It remains to be known if these are bad terrorists or good terrorists which Obama is murdering people for their support) line up like on a parade route and then with their cell phones dial up a bomber who comes cruising down the road and blows up the targets.
Now someone with intelligence like this blog would wonder that as the President Bush military had solved this problem in Iraq by jamming cell phone signals, just why is it the US military has suddenly mirrored Bearick Obama's 486 processor mind in not having the sense to jam communications on roads which are targeted?
I mean that might make be a good strategy, something John McCain would implement, but for some reason Bearick Obama and his version of the US military just is allowing voters to get blown to bits.........and Americans blown to bits and Brits blown to bits.
All of this is sort of looking a great deal like not winning a war, but murdering US Soldiers does it not?
But do not fear as Richard Holbrooke is skulking about the vicinity in now being in love with Pakistan's government. Apparently the US assassinating some turban head leader and then Pakistan capturing his media spokesman confirming the turban head is dead has Dicky all smiles and declaring the enemy is routed and smashed in Pakistan.
Let me ponder that one for a few moments in for some reason Pakistan was untameable a few months ago, but now the Pakistani military has smashed al Qaeda and the Taliban.....
While Afnamistan which was Obama's War was to be his smashing victory is nothing but a horrid lack of policy which is getting people dead.
Could it be that this area is just as this blog noted in having no numbers of terrorists, and if one just drove them and smashed them as Pakistan did, that it all would be over in a few months?
Gee the British General spoke of a hundred year war and then Bob Gates knew Afnamistan would require 2 years..........of course if the Afghanie people don't vote the US military out and have peace.
Amazing isn't it how the Brits are defeated as usual and Gates knows to the day how long this war will take.........wow I just looked at the calendar and 2009 added two years is 2010 summer, and then 2011 summer which follows in 2012 the Obama re election.
It is just miraculous how this Obama mahdi pulls off all these miracles just in time for the presidential 2012 election.
The economy will pick up.......2011 to 2012, and now Afnamistan Obamastan will be won in that same time.
See this is why I get perturbed about using American lives in this manner, and the Pentagon pisses those lives away knowing full well what the hell is going on in this Obama junta of murder express and not one American is standing up noting any of the above and raising holy hell with Congress over wasted United States Soldiers.
Come on people, terrorists lining roads with cell phones making calls and the US brass isn't bright enough to stop it the way President Bush thwarted it in his military command in Iraq years ago.
This entire thing is a sham, a scam and all from the Obama man.
Someone on the American front had better start protecting the US Soldiers in the Middle East theater as their dying is Obama re election sport. They are not dying now for Afghan sham elections, but for Obama's 2012 sham election.
That is not being Commander in Chief, that is a Conman in Corruption guilty of manslaughter in the death of every American, Brit and Afghanie in that theater.
Bearick Obama is going to have to get a bigger set of dentures in his Obamacrypt health bill as he is going to wear his choppers out chewing up all these rock strewn nations and leaving corpses scattered about in making nations graveyards.
PS: Perhaps the solution to the opium drug trade that will not be affected by the Obama murder campaign, is to just hold national elections and buy votes. Farmers could quit growing poppies and just retire after a few months in the free and paid for fair elections of ACORN Obama in Afnamistan Obamastan.
This is just disgraceful US policy in center stage..........is like living in America under Obama hiding his foreign born records and having ACORN vote for Americans.
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