Thursday, August 6, 2009

Obama's Afnamistan

I should have been in bed, but who can sleep when 5 American Heroes died in Afnamistan in Barack Obama's War today.

I detest and abhor wasted life and Barack Obama is wasting American and Afghanistan life in Afnaminstan in attrition policy. It has come to the point now that the assessment of the brain dead Obama military and advisers are stating that it will be 2 more years of had fighting where America will either hand over the nation to the Afghan military or go home in defeat.

THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE and the people behind this should be sacked, others indicted on criminal manslaughter ineptness and Obama should be impeached!

5 dead American Soldiers a day means one thousand eighteen hundred and twenty five Americans will be needlessly dead by 2010 in this Obama War and in 2 years the number will be 3,650 lives ended on a crap shoot without any strategy.
I'm beside myself in this in I'm sitting here not being able to type words as this is insane lack of policy.

Could you imagine what would have happened to George W. Bush if he had gone into Iraq and said, "Well a few thousand dead Americans taking up another President's war, but I don't know after billions spent or all these dead if we will win. Either way, we will be packing up and leaving in 2 years."

Geez isn't it remarkable that Obama's War ends just in time for his next White House usurpation election? Very convenient this Obama War isn't it?
How about FDR pulling the same thing in 1943? Sorry Brits and Frogs.......too bad Ruskies, it has been 2 years and piles of Americans dead, but I got an election to run and I'm not going to waste any more of my time.
So you folks just die under Hitler as two years is all I can wrap my mind around a war.

This is beyond not leadership. This is pure criminal misconduct.

For those who forgot the facts. George W. Bush with a few thousand Special Forces Soldiers took Afghanistan in a few weeks in 2001.
The bombing campaign at Tora Bora missed bin Laden, but he wasted all of his forces there while he escaped. That incident forever emotionally changed and crippled bin Laden. He has never been the same since.

The US then turned over Afghanistan to the British to maintain and mop up. The net result was the Brits screwed up and allowed the Taliban to regroup. These incompetents were bombing their own troops and could not handle a few thousand guys in turbans.

I have pointed out that what Afghanistan is is an Indian War. It means that the area is large, the Taliban and al Qaeda small and mobile. All Obama has been doing is non strategy in hitting the terrorists, the terrorists use heavy machine gun fire and as they are chased, they set up IED's to which Soldiers must disarm them and come under long range machine gun fire attack again the pinned down Soldiers.
The locals flee and just like in Vietnam the Soldiers fall back in a short time and the terrorists occupy the ground again.

All of this is going on for Obama elections in Afnamistan and his wasting Americans who will vote against him in 2012 again.

I'm going to lay out a policy here to win this war in 8 months at a cost of nil US Soldiers lives as what is going on is not war policy, but murder Americans policy by Obama.

I have had it with Colin Powell kinder and gentler warfare or Anthony Zinni whining about principles. If these two old brain dead liberals want to fight that kind of war, then go enlist as privates and let their worthless families bury them.
I fully intend to save American and Afghan lives.

First, the US arsenal has a host of things which can be laid in every mountain pass along the Pakistan and Iran border. Right now I don't care if it is Vladamir Putin's poison of Polonium 210 or some other rat poison, but the US policy should be to seal Afghanistan so that anything crossing those borders dies, carries that poison to the terrorists enclaves so they all die like rats with the exterminator.
I have not forgotten 9 11 and I have not forgotten nuclear terrorism is being staged against the these United States. They started this war and I fully intend to kill every last one of these thugs quickly and deadly.

The same measures whether it is Plutonium irradiating the terrorist strongholds will be undertaken or Polonium. I do not care what some peace groups international are whining about. If they whine loud enough, I would ship them to Gitmo to cuddle with terrorists who could do what they like with these liberal twits who seem to have Europe in common.

Once the terrorists are isolated and their routes poisoned, then US artillery will be employed to flush the thugs from their lair. A terrorist brings a turban to a fight. America then brings a howitzer killing them at 23 miles.
Furthermore, as Obama has made this Afnamistan, let us then bring back those lovely tools of war in Agent Orange spraying all those opium crops and forest canopy in Afghanistan. Add a few million tons of napalm to roast the terrorists and that is the hammer on the sniper's, predators and howitzer's anvil.

I do not want any more expensive warfare. I want tools to be utilized which are cheap, efficient and do not place Americans close enough to this vermin to be murdered by them.

As a final measure in ending this perpetual warfare, according to the Lame Cherry Doctrine, It shall be the policy of the United States that any nation aiding, allowing enemy bases on their soil in operations against America will face in those locations a saturation neutron bomb attack, ending those operations.
If any retaliatory operations occur against America or her allies, a thermonuclear barrage will be replied with against said terror state.

As stated, I have had enough of this ridiculous murder Americans warfare. George W. Bush at least was killing terrorists and attempting to win the war by keeping America proper, safe.
Birdie Obama has nothing but idiotry now involved and they are loosing the war as they intend.

It should NEVER be the policy of America to accept any defeat. It should be the policy of America to win, win, win and utilize every tool to win every war efficiently, so as to terrify all enemies into understanding that America will utilize every measure for quick and efficient victories.

What I see in Afnamistan is nothing like the Bush 43 Pentagon in any semblance of strategy to win. It is instead almost like the MASH episode when Hawkeye said he saw a bloated Frank Burns glowing dull on the beach.
He asked if the could touch it, but his mother replied, "Oh no, don't do that as the dullness rubs off".

It appears the Marxist murderous aborting of America has rubbed off on the United States military as they are now idiotry equal to that of Barack Huxxxein Obama.

Robert Gates was shameful and should have resigned. Now he is a disgrace and Congress should sack him and impeach Barack Obama. This is not war. This is slaughter of Americans. IT must be stopped immediately and patriots who know how to practice warfare must be in charge of this for the sake of America.

Goodness people. Obama's people just told the world America will quit in defeat. These terrorists, terror states and nuclear powers like Russia and China will wage war now on America.

Do you understand now why Putin has nuclear subs cruising off New York again?

This is Obama's doing and he is putting every American in danger of a nuclear holocaust on American soil.

God bless the American Soldier and keep them as America has a General Disaster in the White House using Soldiers up for nothing but defeat.

agtG 296

Obama's Slaughter Pit