Friday, August 7, 2009

Blood on his hands Obama

Well it looks like Blood on his hands Obama or as he will be known here today as BOHHO, the Barack Whore of the Globalists, has killed hisself a terrorist.
No it isn't Bristol Palin's unborn baby which David Letterman was trying to abort in verbally assaulting that young child, but this is one of the bad terrorists.

In keeping with BOHHO, the legacy of good terrorists and bad terrorists, apparently a Pakistani bad terrorist was killed in US military strike with a predator again.
Yes the American military once again as Murder Inc. for Axelrod Inc. took out one of Obama's bad terrorists, but we have yet to see any of these good terrorists Obama keeps making friends with.
If you missed the point in this, this was PAKISTAN, and not Afghanistan that BOHHO was busying executing Muslims in.........opppssseeee, sorry there BOHHO, in upholding Obama standards we will use Barack triple X Obama's terms in Tal EEEE ban Mooooselums, to note the violent end of Baitullah Mehsud.

Apparently though women in Obama's Wars are of no value just like in America as Mr. Mehsud's spouse was just named as "the wife" by BOHHO. Yes Obama now has engaged the Palin gambit from America in not just politically raping women, but BOHHO has now blown women to bits in Pakistan.

Forgive the wondering about this in how big of tuna this Mehsud was in a the little Brzezinski fish tank of his warrior Mooselums he created..........oh yeah, I suppose people need to be reminded of that in all of these Obama advisers were around creating these murderous thugs for a war against the Soviets. The problem is the Soviets disappeared, Putin appeared and turned the terrorists Brzezinski started against America got loads of dead people, 9 11 and that new commander or is it necromancer in chief, BOHHO, Blood on his hands Obama.

See Pak intel reported that Mehsud was executed with his wife IN HIS HOME. That is why the forgiveness is in order, as if his address was:

TalEEban Terrorist Mehsud and "the wife"
583 Zawahiri Gulley
South Waziristan, Pakistan BR 54 9

Just how big of a deal was it to kill this guy and "the wife"? I mean if you know where the guys home is, it pretty much states he has been living there for some Obama time, same Obama channel, same Obama station for the Joker of Heath Ledger's Brokeback Mountain to saddle up for an Obama ride.
But this is somehow a BOHHO or Blood on his hands Obama victory, trophy and yes, dead body of the terrorist and "the wife", compared to the Obama people hiding that they accidentally blew up bin Laden's boy. (This blog believes Obama's son was radio tagged and the Bush people were using him to get bin Laden, but Obama's Murder Inc. blew up the kid. Apparently just like they just blew up "the wife" by mistake.)

So that is the continuing saga of the untold story of BOHHO, Blood on his hands Obama, in no terrorist are being killed in Afnamistan, but 3 more British Heroes were murdered today in Obama's War..........yet BOHHO was running a new, freshed, crimson river of blood in Pakistan in bragging up that he got a terrorist in his home with a mere mention of the wife.

The river runs red in Obama springs........... no mention from hisself, BOHHO, if he pointed this "the wife" situation out to his wife and Hillary Clinton to keep them in line.

The Age of Blood on his hands Obama, BOHHO.

PS: While it is annoying the red print, this blog hopes that it reminds everyone for every RED LETTER, someone is dead because Barack triple X Obama has them dead.

Dead humans for no reason at all in these bad Mooselums while Obama's good Mooselums build nuclear bombs, murder Americans and promote more terrorism.



"the wife"

More Obama dead Soldiers