Sunday, August 9, 2009

Obama's New Whore

It must be really pleasing for Justice Department employees who love America to see a further degradation of the offices where they work it with Eric Holders now turning it into a political whorehouse.

Readers will remember that Holder just couldn't find any criminality in thugs intimidating voters in Pennsylvania, as long as it was for Robert Mugabe Obama.

Then there was the pay and play to political stooge Patrick Fitzgerald in being placed over the head of Justice Department attorneys after he just couldn't see the pay and play of Obama and Rahm Emanuel criminality over an Illinois Senate Seat.

Now though the ultimate whoredom has occurred, with Obama plunging in the polls, it is now time to dust off George W. Bush and make an issue of the CIA to try and deflect from all of Obama's Marxist Medidead revamping of the Teddy Kennedy health system.

All of that must be so pleasing for Justice officials who love America and know this is nothing but political tricks against the CIA.

Director Panetta must be really enthused about this as CIA operatives the world over now have 2 views of Leon:

View One: Leon Panetta is a capon who is not rooster enough to keep Obama at bay in using the CIA as a scapegoat.

View Two: Leon Panetta is a turncoat traitor to the very CIA he has sworn to uphold for the Security of the United States.

All of that does not bode well for Mr. Panetta as looking weak or looking like Benedict Arnold, just does not set well with intelligence officials who now not only have to watch out for Russians, Chinese, Mooselums and anything in between, but now have to worry about Eric Holder dragging them out like Scooter Libby to deflect attention from what the real Obama game is.

I find this all wonderful in Obama is stoking the coals enough to start nuclear exchanges, bin Laden is stoked because Obama assassinated his 3rd son, the Persians are feeling their couscous in itching to attack America the way the blew a French 447 flight out of the sky and Putin's FSB is just grinning at how to divide up Europe which Obama is offering them.
Bushels of people are in the balance of life and death, the abyss is about to swallow the world in ushering in the neo Dark Ages and Barack Obama's lone thought in life is to have the tainted Eric Holder put the bite into the CIA, which is going to set off a feud between Justice and America's chief intelligence asset protecting America.

If one reviews history from Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton, none of these Presidents started this kind of mayhem as America's security was too vital........yet there flaps in Triple X Obama without one concern for American security.........just how can he create a news story to deflect attention form his ghastly poll ratings as American rejects him.

Nixon went to Egypt. Bill Clinton blew up camels, but Obama nukes the US justice and security apparatus.
Boy that must be Mike the Historians off the charts genius IQ he was telling Don Imus about, because no other lowly President ever conjured up such stupidity.

Frankly in this, I sincerely hope the CIA operatives I know and love, who know very well the things sometimes exposed in this blog, just start dropping information off on Obama's Middle East money train, his birth, his travels, his conversations, his perversions, to start a simple backfire operation.
There is more than enough information on Eric Holder and Barack Obama to make them cringe for ever taking a swipe at the CIA.

Look, I was disgusted by the CIA running that Plamegate coup. It was low and base, beneath the people who serve America at the agency. There is though a vast difference to tampering with American elections and the CIA doing what it does best in fighting dirty to protect it's own interests.
Leave the CIA alone, whack it quietly over the head if it needs some guidance and just let it do it's job without politics. It is a security service which is not the end all of Hollywood. It is though a better group after George W. Bush mixed things up, and, it can do adequate work if Director Panetta does his job and protects the agency.

The most bothersome thing in this witch hunt which is aimed at flushing Bush or right leaning CIA personnel out of the agency, is that Barack Obama and Eric Holder of Axelrod Inc., actually think this is a story America will pay attention to.
Americans are interested in the economy, jobs, retirement, health care not being ruined and SECURITY. Bashing the CIA around is not going to deflect anything. The CIA stopped being the boogerman in the 1980's as people stopped being in awe of it.
So for Obama to beat on this group is beyond incompetent, it is when America is attacked going to get a front and center defense from the entire right and GOP while Obama gets the complete blame.

ONE agent simply stating anonymously, "We were trying to protect America, but with Obama hounding us, it just took all our resources and 9 11 happened again, just like when Bill Clinton and Jamie Gorelick compartmentalized everything."

That one quote will be all over the internet and talk radio as the CIA is the victim and Barack Obama is branded correctly the blame for creating another 9 11.

When that happens, the first person Barack Obama fires to save hisself is going to be Eric Holder.

So Eric, I hope you are keeping records to on your master Obama as you screwed the Clinton's pooch and the right is going to give you no home, and with Obama making you a scapegoat, you have just entered the Obama zone, where only hisself's abyss follows in your career is over.

Don't pimp the Justice Department and don't arrest the CIA as your john to deflect what a man whore your boss is.

Pretty good advice for the Department of Injustice

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