Oh come now, Peggy Noonan, Bill O'Reilly, Noel Sheppard and all of you Obama voters, tell us all how it feels to be like the woman you joined in political rape over?
On now, don't be startled you are walking in her shoes as you know you like it, being roughed up by your Obama as he cuddles up with whores like Axelrod who he pays to be loyal.
Surely you noticed that Syria a terrorist state was handed a United States Ambassador for absolutely nothing. No Soviet, I mean Russian, no I mean South Ossetia Soviet bases removed, no being nice in not murdering Jews, no renouncing terrorism, just a nice little bow from Barack Obama, and a terror state in acting out badly gets an Obama reward.
Then there was that little gem of Bill Clinton going to North Korea, after they declared war on America, shot missiles at Japan, invaded South Korea, starved their own people and took American hostages, Barack Obama sent Bill Clinton, an ex President of these United States to grovel and give that nuclear terrorist state what it has blackmailed everyone since Truman over, a full recognition by a US President...........no renouncing of terrorism, nuclear terrorism or trying to destroy America, South Korea or Japan.
Just a grinning Kim and a scowling Bill who got what happened, but Barack Obama did not.
Then how about Jim N166ER KN0CKER Webb, flying off to Burma to visit with the Butchers of Burma, who so enjoyed being recognized and bowed to, that they finally let loose one of their citizens "who is the opposition" of nothing in her nuclear progressing state, all in return for .......well Lady Liberty whored again, bent over by Pimp Obama, and prostituted by being lowered into bed with terrorists, thugs, nation rapists.........you know the kind of benefactors who installed Barack Obama in the White House.
Surely though Peggy Noonan is thinking, that doesn't sound anything like Sarah Palin being worked over (Noonan would know as she brought the ropes to tie the woman up.)
Well stick around girly Noel Sheppard in you Obamatang wangtang Delusion, because this week in Montana, Bearick Obama, let loose his man cleavage again. Yes the boobed one, the manboob special, the boobtacular extravaganzist, broke loose the mammaries of militancy let the boobies breath and run wild and run free.
That still doesn't sound like Sarah Palin yet???? Oh Ann Coulter, you birther basher lovely you, please dear, have something so you stop being mistaken for a lamp post, and listen for a few more of your patrician publishing moments for monetary gains.
See behind the manboobs of Serpent Infidelis, that great snake Obama, the adversary broke into campaign mode.
Campaign mode......yes campaign mode.
Who was Bearick campaigning against, the Obama 486, Citizen Kenya? Why hisself was campaigning against ALL AMERICANS NOW for his Obamacare death rationing Marxism.
Think of it my children. For the first time in United States history, a guy in the Oval Office has undertaken with Axelrod Inc. a full political rape campaign against 230 million Americans, whose numbers are now being swelled with Democrats who are finding out the George W. Bush they hated never gave them the crab itch like Obama does in their undies.
Yes Barack Obama has gone on a lipstick pig attack against health insurance companies, news distributors and anyone else who does not provide a Mooselim prayer call bow and all fall down in front of mahdi Obama in his sacrificing the American virgin on his alter of death care.
I find it incredible that no one else has noticed, well maybe Rush will on Monday after he reads this, but Bearick Obama has mounted a political rape campaign against all Americans.
You people are the targets of Birdie Obama and his Sylvester the cat crowd of Letterman cocktail crowd kitties.
Obama has become the adversary, the satan, for that is what satan means, of the entire American population.
I had thought that Obama had come to bring unity and the age of love........and yet I see vitriol, hate, smearing, war........and an Obama who is not being faithful in the least to the people who even voted for him. He has declared war on American people.
Now remember, this is the Obama who is rewarding people who murder Americans like Syria, North Korea and Iran...........oh yes Iran.
Ponder that one as Iran sees all those goodies others are being rewarded with by being terrorists by Bearick Obama. What prize will they hold out for? Obama has already bribed with Boeing jets, Bill Clinton and that racist Jim Webb........what will Birdie Obama give Iran for acting badly?
Maybe dead Jews on a nuclear platter.......who knows, surely not the Obama voters who have just been declared war on by Obama 486. Then again maybe Obama might offer up Iran a few US cities to nuke so he can declare a state of emergency under FEMA and be Robert Mugabe president for life.
Oh you think that can not happen.......pray tell children were you not there when I was when Jimmy Carter was offering up situations to the Soviet Union in exchange for them helping Jims defeat Ronald Reagan?
Jimmy Carter did that while attending Sunday school. What do you think profane Obama will offer up while attending little 16 year old girls asses?
So tell me in this profane age of Bearick Obama, how does it feel to be Sarah Palin in your receiving the Obama rape treatment?
You must really like it, after all, you agreed with Camille Paglia in saying everyone is a willing partner in it.
Savings robbed, banks plundered, Treasury looted, auto industry sold to cronies.
Small paradise
I'm glad to see every thing's all right with you
All right, then, kiss me, hold me tight
Small paradise
A neon sign blinks outside in the pouring rain
It's ladies' night, free drinks until 10
Some people walk on by, hey, girl don't I know you, won't you come on in
Well, it ain't love, but it ain't bad
Sticky keyboards turning to sticky stick shifts in the Obamatang giving the ride for your Peggy Noonan pleasure.I'm glad to see every thing's all right with you
All right, then, kiss me, hold me tight
Small paradise
A neon sign blinks outside in the pouring rain
It's ladies' night, free drinks until 10
Some people walk on by, hey, girl don't I know you, won't you come on in
Well, it ain't love, but it ain't bad
Your adversary awaits you, serpent infidelis.
agtG 239