I know editors personally. I have seen them giggling on phones talking with Democratic party officials as they write "fair and balanced news" and I have had national editors chop my letters to pieces without forming the public they edited a word out.
So when a Wayman Patterson writes the Tulsa World, it is nothing but an ambush of an American by a group of Obama sycophants just hoping someone steps in and trusts that paper to treat them fair.
In noting all of that, I was thinking about the Obamaniacs who flooded the Tulsa World with bizarre comments about birthers who are simply demanding that the Constitutional conditions are upheld for the Office of President.
Mr. Patterson was attacked without merit or mercy, you know like Gov. Sarah Palin is politically raped by this same mob.
I started to ponder how these Obamaniacs who voted for Obama because it validated either their hatred for George W. Bush, their racism in they thought if they voted black (deluded as Obama is more than 3/4's white) they would prove they are not racists and those who think black people are sexually arousing, that America is to trust their judgments when their judgments are all based on psychological conditions that require either God's love or psychiatric treatment.
In coming to that point, I started contemplating a number of things these Obamaniacs demand that birthers trust.
The demand that Obama should be trusted, but Barack Obama.........oh sorry, the reality is Barack Obama's name is not Bah ROCK, but is according to his dad from Kenya and who Stanley Ann pronounced it, Bear RICK.
I guess one can look over someone lying about how his name is pronounced in order to manipulate easily malleable minds in psychological conditions as Bah ROCK sounds authoritative and Bear RICK sounds weak, but then I was not easily manipulated into voting for Bearick Obama.
Then there was transparency in Bearick Obama's White House........he lied about that.
Bearick Obama lied about not having lobbyists on his staff...........he lied about having only law abiding people nominated and there came tax evaders Daschle and Geithner.
He lied about the unemployment rates not skyrocketing. He lied about how the recovery would take place in a short time. He lied about reducing troops and bringing them home in the Middle East, but is now developing and expanding his Obama War with greater forces than George W. Bush was screamed at about.
Bearick Obama lied about being able to get Sheik bin Laden and Bearick Obama is lying about what his Obamacare is going to kill off Americans by rationing care.
So when one reads Dreams of my Father, which is supposedly from Bearick Obama, and yet in linguistics is not how Bearick even speaks in pattern, but mirrors Bill Ayers, and that Dreams when factually checked falls apart as absolute lies and fabrications...........just what is it that birthers are supposed to be putting their faith in?
Groups of racists who think voting for Obama makes them not a racist?
Groups of sex perverts who got horny over voting for Obama?
Groups of people who are so twisted that they lived for hating George W. Bush?
Or perhaps faith in Bearick Obama who calls himself a messiah, has halos put around his head, but the only thing which seems a fact that is Bearick Obama's lips are moving.......he is lying.
That is worth repeating in the Obama supporters want birthers to trust Bearick Obama, a person who is lying about his name pronunciation like that English comedy whose woman's last name is BUCKET and she wants everyone to say BOUQUET, that Obama has nothing but an immense list of lying, betrayal of his own voters........and yet the Obamaniacs who have psychosis upon psychosis with current delusion, are demanding that birthers trust Bearick Obama is telling the Truth about..........his birth certificate.
Bearick Obama has not told the Truth about anything in his life. He makes up stories about wanting to serve in the military when his selective service was a period of time later.
It appears in diagnosing the Obama supporters and the Tulsa World editorial staff that either they have a fetish in enjoying being lied to or they are so insecure in Obama validating them as humans, that they are in absolute denial of the addiction they have of him and an absolute phobia of anything that would remove the Obama they trust in.
Frankly, I don't care if Ann Coulter is taking swipes at birthers and if Rush Limbaugh is or is not wanting these people to go away. I don't care if Keith Olbermann is blowing a volcano out of his brain again, nor do I care, about the opinions of people whose financial or emotional interest is to keep Bearick Obama in office as his being outed either makes them fools or bigger fools.
Bearick Obama is a pathological liar. His Mother is a proven liar on her divorce papers. His Dad is a proven liar in his having multiple wives. This is what the Obama Dunhams do and Bearick has perfected into a snake oil pitch that has people so Obama Syndromed that they are being lied to and think people searching for the Truth are the problem.
So this blog is not about to join people who are by fact insane, suffering from a mania of Obama, and is not about to join an Obama who has yet to tell the Truth about anything. Those are the facts and they are not going to change no matter how in denial or deluded Obama or his satanic adversarial children are following around the father of lies.
So cheer up Mr. Patterson, you don't have to get up and look like an Obama voter in the above photo and you don't have to lie down and lie to yourself to believe a liar in Bearick Obama.
I do not trust liars nor people who follow liars.
Bearick Obama makes one pleased to be in the company of birthers who love America and do not need to go around smearing people. They just call Obama and his maniacs what they are, a liar and crazy people.
The facts do not lie.
agtG 217
Heroic Wayman Patterson