What they were in reality were the Germani who gave their name to Germany and Germans, before they moved on to England and the United States and whose lands were occupied by the Assyrians of the Bible in what are now modern Germans.
I would like to share their story as it is one of the mystical wonders of all history and without them America would not have become a nation........and because in this world too many times "Germans" are beat up for past sins for Austrians who are a different group of people all together.
The Pennsylvania Dutch are not Denmark people at all, but instead Deutsch or German. The Russian Germans are not Russian at all, but these same Germans, and the Windsors in England who rule their in holding David and Christ's throne are these Hanovarian German English, all the same bloodlines of the Anglo Saxons.
Three waves of these Germani came to America from the leading tribe of Gilead found in the Bible of Joseph's son, Mannaseh. The first was in Benjamin Franklin's day to Pennsylvania and made that wilderness bloom and gave America it's first industrious people and later the industrial revolution in cities like Pittsburgh.
The second wave came out of Hanovarian Germany in the 1880's, and was followed quickly by the Russian German who were fleeing the Czars military service and settled from Colorado into Nebraska, the Dakotas, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Every one of these people were tough as nails, worked themselves to death and tamed the American wilderness by God's Grace which no one could tame.
They built Churches. They built communities and the first thing they did was swear allegiance to America, reject Europe and learn the English language.
I had a giant of an Uncle who was this Russian German and they were remarkable people. I firmly believe from the first genesis of the Israelite peoples that God utilized these Gilead lead groups to enter the Promised Land and tame it. They were the most powerful, filled with wanderlust and most adept at making a wilderness into a garden.
They would do this in exile in the Asian steppes and do this in European forests, and when the Czar offered free land they went into Russia and tamed that area to make it prosper for 200 years.
God though had a promise to Abraham, Isaac, Israel and Joseph though. God said Mannaseh would be a people who were colonists and become the most prosperous people on the planet housed in one nation.
This would be America and it was there God would sift out once again these settled peoples and put into them a Spirit to come to America.
The Russian Germans had a horrid time of it. They were packed on ships which were filthy that left German ports, some died, but all who made it to America hated the voyage so much that no matter how much they didn't care for the Americans they found on the east coast they were not getting back on those ships.
1 million of them came to the central United States while 2 million did not answer God's call.
Those 2 million would be slaughted by Stalin. A Nebraska relative would read letters from their family in Russia and the old women would ball even with edited versions as the Russian Germans would say, "You think you have it bad in America, but it is nothing to Russia as we can not even buy flour".
The last letter arrived in 1936 as Stalin shipped them all out to Siberia and there they all died.
These people were homesick for Russia and cried often. One 90 year old woman would note in tears how they had apples on the ground in Russia, but in North Dakota all they found were rocks to be picked off of fields.
As I stated, they were tough all of these Gilead Israelites as it was in their blood, whether they went under English, Spanish, German, Scandavian, Russian or French names. They weak died and the healthy thrived in North America.
One old Grandfather I heard of was bet he could not carry five, fifty pound grain sacks at a fair. He picked up one sack under each arm, stuck two between his legs and the guy who made the bet thought he had won, when the old Germani picked up the last sack with his teeth and carried it 100 yards to win the bet.
They are a unique people who built the American heartland quietly with honesty, honor, dignity and their German Lutheran or Catholic roots. Granted a German Lutheran would not be caught dead around a Catholic as they hated them like all Protestants did as Rome had a tendency in Europe to burn people at the stake who went with Martin Luther's Reformation, but all of these Germani if you sit with them have the same soft spoken accents, will get squeeky high pitched when excited, and have a rolling gutteral deep voice when extolling something like, "ja ja der Kaffeekuchen jeder Sonntag" or Yah, Yah, the struedel every Sunday.
They are quirky in being quiet around strangers, and if you break protocol with them, they will never forget or forgive. I will smile at those people as "new comers" can move into an area and they are there 20 years.....and still the new neighbors, or, if you are neighbor to them, they will refer to you after 40 years having moved away "as the neighbors".
They are passionate and if they like you, they will do anything for you, and if they dislike you they will still help you, but they will loathe you past your grave.
I love these people who have never been celebrated, even if they have their reunions in places like Colorado and silently go about their lives being law abiding, productive and serving the United States just as they served Israel generations ago.
These are the people who smashed empire armies from Persia, Greece, Rome, Britain and the last empires of Germany, Italy, Japan and the Soviet Union. They make the backbone of Richard Nixon's Silent Majority and it is these people who one is noting Bearick Obama is running up against as his brick wall which will not move.
They are quiet, but move like a glacier and everything in their path moves by their flow.
They do not though get the credit they deserve in forming the Spiritual nature of American resolve. The French Huegonot gave America her lilt, while the Scot and Irish set about the character of America in our wit and joy of life, but the Germani of Gilead in joining these other tribes of Joseph gave us the best of our Christmas character and the family of generous caring Americans are as a people now.
Americans are a lovely race of people and they should be celebrated often and above, for they possess a God given character of a family in Spirit as free as the wind and as use to the harness of peace or war as any people of a superior self governing nature could be.
I miss the "old people" of my childhood in my neighbors of these whose women were quiet and strong and the men were strong and resolute. There never was defeat in their nature. There was only "Let us get this done and show them we don't need them" in all their attitude.
More people need to associate and understand this hidden people as they have given so much to America quietly and suffered more deaths worldwide than Jews in their holocaust, been driven out of more nations, and never once complained or bothered to write about their histories in books whining about the bad turns life gave.
They instead would shrug their shoulders, give a "that's the way it is" look and start rebuilding what was taken from them and never asked for one thing from any government or anyone else.
These are just some of the remarkable of America.
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