I was led in Spirit to read in Kings this morning the prayer of Solomon in the dedication of the first Temple in Jerusalem and was amazed what a beautiful mathematical statement it was for it confirms things which I have been shown in Spirit previously that the Temple built according to God's Plans is in effect a resonant chamber, a sort of magnified human body and soul which when utilized it is like a megaphone to God.
All things "beautiful" in life are built according to Euclid's 47th principal which conforms to what is naturally pleasing to the eye. This is what DaVinci in his drawings of the human form which are famous was showing and working out.
Buildings built on this same principle are always lovely to look at, but the One God set down in Jerusalem and which will be built again on the stairway to Heaven which Jacob saw in a dream in Angels coming and going from Heaven to earth, that Temple had and has special properties by exact design and space it occupies.
I do not want to leave the impression here that the Temple is necessary for Christians to pray or that it would necessarily help. When Christ breathed His last or gave up the Ghost of His own power, one can read that the Temple Veil was split from top to bottom exposing the Holy of Holies.
That event was significant as Christ Who was called Emanuel or God with Us, on that First Advent of Passover in taking away sins in a complete Covenant of Redemption, became not the Tabernacle of "in dwelling" among us, but by His Mission, became the Door to the inner workings of God for all people who accept Him as the Key to open that door to God.
Christ by praying the Father for the Comforter, the Holy Spirit or Holy Presence of God, soon became in the Godhead, God dwelling inside each human soul and transforming that ground into the Garden of the Spirit for all who invite God in, to become the children of God or literally the offspring of the Spirit of God.
The Holy of Holies now dwells within all Christians. God as the Prophet was moved to write, has written His Law on our inward parts. The Arc of the Temple which housed the Almond Rod of Aaron budded as a sign of the Priesthood, the manna from heaven and the 10 Commandments now is inside every Christian in the Royal Priesthood of Christ, His being the Living Bread of Eternal Life and the Fulfillment of the Law of God.
Each Christian now carries within them the Shekiniah or the Visible Presence of God. It is not that the Temple does not matter, because God wills it to be rebuilt, but each person is now the living Holy Temple of God filling the world with His presence.
Solomon in his prayer is fascinating in he literally directs a holy people in the Israelites to pray in and toward the Temple where God's Presence then resides among His people, so that the prayers will be heard in Heaven where God dwells.
The Temple was a megaphone to God for a people who did not have the Holy Spirit yet within them. They were a people righteous as Abraham for believing the Promise of Christ would come, but did not have the Union of the New Marriage with God by His Spirit. Christians are righteous as Abraham, because they believe the Promise he was looking for did come.
Wonderful principle for all time in one event believed in coming and having come fulfills the same purpose of Redemption and Salvation.
In the prayer is confession of sin, and the sins were interesting as clearly defined in Hebrew, of HATA, missing the mark; AWA, iniquity or deliberately sinning; RASA, straying from the accepted form and PESA, which is open rebellion against God.
The last of which is when now involving Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin, as one has rejected the Holy Spirit while in spirit and like a demon, spirit is cement that once set can not be changed.
All who though come to God are promised to be heard when approaching Him in faith and obedience. There is no doubt in Solomon's time and there is no doubt with the Holy Spirit within us currently. God hears all prayers and grants them. The devil may hinder them, we may make them so stupidly rigid that it takes forever for them to come about and we loose faith, but God grants all prayers, even to St. Paul in being told that God's Grace was sufficient for him.......God had given Paul a greater marriage to God than what Paul was seeking with a woman........who like Moses body the devil wanted, could have set off a notorious idol worship in imagine what Rome is now in being a problem, magnify that over the centuries with absolute power in children of Paul ruling a church.
The praying toward the Temple though one can not Muhammed stole from the Hebrews and Muslims to this day pray toward the inferior Mecca which anything not of God's choosing is an inferior or apostate religion.
Jews clinging to the wailing wall have no Arc, no visible presence and an incomplete chamber to magnify their prayers. In essence in denying the Christ and looking for another, they have before them just the wall of God they lean on, and nothing living or complete to hold to as the building is gone and empty, as testimony of the divorce God granted them.
Lovingly God brought back the Lost 10 Tribes in the Americans and the northwestern nations of Europe who are the Priests now in Christian Redemption. The tribes of Judah, Levi and Benjamin have also been redeemed in increasing numbers in the Sephardic lines, but the Ashkenaz which now dominate and are a converted people still refuse salvation and their cultic elitists in Europe are at war with them, all Israelites and Christians.
They fully intend to have Temple Mount, build a Temple as some sort of international peace building, and then rip it from Jews the way the anti christ will rip the Catholic Church from the faithful there in making it an abomination in the coming years.
satan will inhabit the Vatican in it's false prophet and anti christ and the Temple will be made desolate when dedicated to satan by the anti christ.
That which is pleasing to the eye will become displeasing to the Spirit of those children of God.
I long to see Ezekiel's Temple built. I see the Germans have signed off now on defending the Jews and Mr. Netanyahu in his trip of triggering a war, yes they call it peace, but when one is having Bearick Obama declare war on Iran, and Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia all want war strikes on nuclear Iran, then it is indeed a war council and not one of peace, so the central Europeans are on board and now all one needs is for the nuclear fireworks to scare people into the the mark of the beast.
I wonder if the Jews are intelligent enough to have mined under the Golden Mosque and will blow it up as a.........well misdirected Iranian missile to solve that problem. Certainly the Europeans can have a Shahab in Jordan beam down on Temple Mount and make it a pile of rubble........but me thinks that both would be a extra careful, because nothing would be worse than having one Shahab go up and land in the Jordan River........better always to be certain when you have Temples to be built.
Always nice to have the dark of the moon to hide the clever things.
With that God's Peace for His children and may His will be accomplished in the reckoning for war is coming. In Jesus Name. Amen
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