What is for dinner would be the question?
The answer would be chicken.
Where should we go?
Well the reply would come, the good eating place it's chicken is dog. The cheap eating place it's chicken is cat, and, the expensive eating place it's chicken is monkey.
So you decide.
My answer was always, "I'll be the chef tonight".
I noticed the Irish were all bowing to the death of their great chieftain, Teddy Kennedy, and while I have had enough of this guy in life and certainly in death, I noticed something in the stories coming out in the Irish press from a Catholic priest that made me take notice.
Certainly when I read that Teddy Kennedy wanted to go to heaven, I started laughing, as I have yet to see anyone on their deathbed make a request that they want to go to hell..........the things people come up with for sinners that are their last touching remarks to the masses to overcome their guilt astound one most times.
I have considered Teddy Kennedy's last remark to the people of Massachusetts to be the legacy he has in not trusting the people of this state to choose who should represent them in his seat as being too inept to make that choice, but instead Teddy wanted to supplant the people's will and have his buddy the Governor make the decision over the people.
Dictator to the end was Teddy Kennedy.
The end though is what was interesting to me, as I know brain cancer intimately in having lost 2 neighbors, a cousin and my beloved Uncle to it. I know the fast cancers and the slow cancers. I know the agony people go through, and I know in prayers God sparing people from the pain and loss of mental recognition.
That is why when Monsignor Patrick Tennant who was called to the deathbed of Teddy Kennedy, everything did not add up.
The Monsignor basically related he was called around 10 pm as Teddy had taken a turn for the worst and that by 11:30 pm he was dead.
As an example, when my Uncle who was blessed with a blessed end died, it took from his collapse on a Monday until Thursday evening for him to die and he had a very fast cancer that killed him from the diagnosis in 6 weeks.
He was aware, but he was comatose and there was not communication in verbal speech.
I know of others who have agony and moaned constantly in their comatose condition.
Rush Limbaugh once related the blessed end of a woman he knew personally who he had asked his listeners to pray for, because the doctor related how bad it would be in pain, loss of mental recognition and lingering death. Prayers had God take this woman unexpectedly the very weekend after Mr. Limbaugh requested his listeners prayers for her.
That is when things go perfectly with God, but that is not how cancer patients die in most cases.
If people remember, Teddy Kennedy was shown still on his yacht days before Obama showed up for his vacation.
If people remember, The Globe reported that Teddy Kennedy would expire around Labor Day as the medical experts would diagnose.
If people remember, the above cancer deaths related, one does not as the Monsignor reported have a Teddy Kennedy relating "he wanted to go to heaven", and, "I don't want to go yet", but the family was gathering around telling him it was alright to live "as hearing is the last thing to go"..............and that Teddy Kennedy left this world peacefully and it was beautiful.
I know my Uncle had a blessed end, but it was not "beautiful". He was on a morphine drip and the cancer had progressed to being red blotches out on his skull which he would wince in pain at if someone touched them.
Does not all of this seem a bit out of the ordinary in when the Monsignor adds that "Teddy's doctor was there too" attending him, but that the Monsignor could not relate if Teddy was on any medication, which means no visible morphine drip.
Honestly what this all looks like is Obamacrypt or Soylent Green. It looks like Teddy Kennedy lived until he could not go yachting anymore and then instead of putting in the last honing moments of human travail which refine a person's soul, he instead with his family had their doctor phone the Monsignor, and then administered one of the select euthanasia poisons, so when the Monsignor arrived, all was peace, no pain as normal, and the family was chanting "Die Teddy Die".
Whether one wants to mask this as mercy killing or what it is in murder, it looks like by the medical evidence and the testimony of the Monsignor who was an eye witness, that the last Kennedy brother was murdered like the 3 other brothers. One by bomb, two by bullet and one by lethal injection.
It was interesting to note the smiling Vicky Kennedy, glad handing it at the event for what looked like political votes in her being elected to Teddy's seat.
What the Kennedy's do in private concerning Teddy is their business, but when evidence starts to come out that Teddy Kennedy was murdered, and Bearick Obama with Democrats in Congress are trying to ghoul old Ted into a health rationing bill where millions of Americans are going to be euthanized, then it becomes public and a matter of the need for an investigation as deep as Michael Jackson checking out with veins full of narcotics too.
The Kennedy's trying to use the event as a political event for an election and Democrats trying to pass Obamacrypt with Teddy in the crypt now makes this a public matter which Americans now must have legal answers to.
It looks like doctor death and this must be investigated as Obamacrypt is going to have many Americans executed who won't have million dollar homes, round the clock doctors or veins full of morphine to make death peaceful.
A world exclusives only spoken of here.
agtG 270
Tits up Ted with a Letterman cocktail