Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dead Jews at Thirty Thousand Feet

can you hear me now

You really have to hand it to liberals in America in their silence over Obama atrocities, but had their lips flapping non stop when Bush was in office.
Take for example these 3 noted Americans in their genre of Jeremiah Gettle of the hippy seed saving business out of Missouri, South African immigrant Dave Matthews of rock fame and every one's favorite Grampa, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

For those who do not know Gettle, he is a Montana transplant, who married a most beautiful woman and is raising a little non Obama named, "Sasha", daughter to be a vegetarian.
I have always been baffled by vegans in their psychopathy that somehow they think plant sap blood is more superior than animal blood in dining on, because in the real world plants scream in a frequency when being slaughtered just as loud as any critter.

Gettle published his itinerary in having attended the "peace protest" in Minneapolis during the Republican Convention. You might remember it as an event which was anarchists and literal terrorists arrested trying to murder Americans.
Jere Gettle though seemed to miss that just like he missed the liberation of Iraq was a good thing, and just like he is missing Obama's slaughter of Afghanistan, Pakistan and American Citizens in his wars is somehow being missed on this Obama voter.

This is what I mean about the delusional minds which Obama preyed upon. They took the bait that everything about George W. Bush was evil, when in fact the types of war which George W. Bush has liberated people and given even Philistines the chance to vote terrorists into office to expose how radical they are.
Bill Clinton breaking of Yugoslavia and plundering those smaller nations was a bad thing with George Soros who put out all the propaganda which warped Gettle's and other types like he and his lovely wife's mind so much, that well, it comes to Obama slaughter and they just seem to be deaf, dumb and blind when it is their guy actually performing evil deeds.

This is like Dave Matthews, who under George W. Bush had a constant spewage of sewage on his blog of wacko topics. Matthews who is South African never quite figured out that just because you like black music and want equal rights for blacks, does not mean that one installs a Marxist like Mandala's tire around your neck burning crowd as it ruins things.
Matthews of course as an Obama supporter transferred that blindness to Obama and once again we have the same old Marxist doing in America what black Marxists are raping Africa over for white Ashkenaz European cartel interests.
Matthews while appearing on Tavis Smiley, and like Smiley, just could giggle and laugh about their success, could not in this Age of Obama happen to notice that Obama's tan skinned crowd is the same group running slum housing for blacks and plundering them.
Val - erie Jarrett, in her massive housing project as she ruled Chicago has numerous illegal issues which are still on the books in her slum lord status for her Habitat rapine of blacks.
That all though gets lost on Dave Matthews, because he thinks caring about people is a complete coverage in all people are the same, when in reality, you don't put Adolf Hitler or Robert Mugabe in charge of watching the hen house as you end up with dead chickens.
That lesson is going to have to be learned the hard and bloody way for others bleeding before Mr. Gettle and Mr. Matthews, who are seeming to grow silent in Obama outrages, will never admit in public what fools they are, but in time they will be sullen and just move onto another false prophet to politically rape women over. (Oh that's right when Hillary supporters were being bashed about and so was Obama's lipstick pig, these two decided it was ok to do that, because they hated George W. Bush so much that the ends justified the means to Obama.)

I know that Gettle and Matthews are not bad people. They are though deluded and right now in their Obama schizophrenia they are ignoring acts more deplorable than what George W. Bush was accused incorrectly of carrying out, because when Obama does it........well they give him the benefit of the lie to couch their ignorant decisions in.

What the problem is for these deluded people is the third leg in this of where this degrades into when Mr. Gettle and Mr. Matthews jump into bed with the Obama benefactors, like Grampa Zbigniew.
Gramps in an interview with the Dailybeast is now pushing the Obama group to not wait around for Jews to be vaporized, but now for Jews to be instead shot out of the sky at thirty thousand feet while defending themselves.

Yes Brzezinski who is Obama's foreign policy bunk mate, who Mr. Gettle and Mr. Matthews have been in bed with, has just stated that Mr. Obama is to order the United States military to blow Israeli Defense Force aircraft out of the air if they dare to try to disarm the Islamocommunist Persians in Iran of their nuclear arsenal.
This Brzezinski is like Obama in love with communists of every mantra from handing Poles and Slavs over the Russian Bolsehviks, telling Maosist Chin to butcher their own people as long as they sign Obama debt checks, and now the epitome of it is Gramps is advocating murdering Jews to protect Persians Isalmocommunists.

This blog has been warning of the nuclearization of the Latin American states by these communists as a front against America in nuclear terror. Iran was caught trying to sell Russian weapons grade bomb making material to FARC in South America to which the Bush administration correctly assassinated the entire FARC leadership which they should have done long ago in ending that communist drug running group.
Now though Iran is attempting to export like the rest of these communists nuclear "technology" for energy to these banana communes all for the purpose of having an untraceable supply of dirty radiation to drop in those little cities which people like Gettle and Matthews inhabit telling the world how superior they are.

This is what Brzezinski is protecting, just like it was Gramps with the socialist arm of MI 6 which toppled that fine man in the Shah of Iran who was advancing Iranian culture, buying huge amounts of US goods, keeping oil prices down and was a peaceful ally of America, Europe and Jews.

To this Gramps brought in Khomeini who was a Baathist communist hiding in Islam to destroy the right wing Jews and to make an army of lunatic radicals to attack Russia and China.
Problem is the Russian FSB turned al Qaeda against America and all those "schools" which Brzezinski was promoting as in Egypt did nothing but like the 9 11 terrorists in educating doctors for germ warfare and engineers to fly planes into buildings.
Who do you think taught the Pakistani Dr. Nuclear in Khan all his tricks?

Khan was created to offset the nuclear arsenal sold to Iran and Iraq by the Soviets. The Saudi's bankrolled the nuclear development of Pakistan, so under Bill Clinton, the Middle East in a few years went from one Jewish monopoly to Iran, Pakistan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia with Libya closing in fast, except George W. Bush informed Khadaffi that if he didn't turn over the goods he would be taken out.
Khadaffi saving his life turned over his WMD's, but now Obama and Gordonian Knot Brown are training Libyan Special Forces with SAS Soldiers and turning terrorists loose for Rockefeller and BP oil contracts.

So this is the mob which Brzezinski is rewarding. Mr. Obama gave Boeing contracts to Syria whose jets were flying around terrorists and WMD's all in exchange for nothing. The same nothings Russia, China and North Korea gave up for Obama and Gramps bowing.

The Perisan communists have nuclear weapons and are in the process of trying to use them against the Jews and Americans on their own soil, but as nuclear weapons leave signatures of area of manufacture and mining, that is the only thing keeping Iran from using the bombs they have and are building.

This is the group of murderers which Brzezinski has been nurturing, coddling and growing to which Mr. Obama has been protecting as these people are all Marxists and on the same page of the world order. That is why Gramps loves Persians and hates Jews.

I desire to point out something here now in exploring Brzezinski Obama policy in blowing Jewish jets out of the sky.

Consider the repercussion's of such an event.

Is the Jewish Mosaad and their IDF in the top efficiency of groups in the world?

What do you think Jews, who have Sephardic and Ashkenaz ties the world over in every nation, including America, would do to American interests if Obama started blowing Jewish jets out of the sky?

The Israeli state's operatives currently are syphoning off tons of everything in their operations in America and Europe. Just imagine if these same friendly sorts are turned into unfriendly sorts looking to sabotage and disrupt American elections and business.
It will not just be Jews engaged in filming 9 11 events and celebrating, but it will be a complete policy of Jews engaged in working against the United States.

Now with Napolitano's lists, is she going to list Jews as subversives? Is Obama going to start keeping Jews under surveillance? Is Brzezinski going to start running mass detention and deportation camps?

What if Maddy Albright and Joe Lieberman start protesting this treatment of Jews being discriminated against? Is Obama going to start rounding up them too in favor of radical Persians?

How long do you think it will be before the Israeli state starts purchasing weapons systems from Russia and China? How long before a Russian base opens in the Israeli state? Re opens in Egypt? Expands in Syria? Goes back into Iraq?
Saudi Arabia will then need Russian protection and all of a sudden from Morocco to India, the entire African and Asian continents are one big Russian base in charge of commerce flow and half the world's oil supply.

Obama policy now in threatening to shoot down Jews look like a good idea with gas at 40 dollars a gallon if you can get it, and even baby vegans starving as all that soy milk the Obama group has been dumping on American children has been changing their sexual natures will have disappeared.

These are the things the delusional never comprehend in their flat world policy, as when you vote for Marxist Obama who tells you he is not like George W. Bush, and as this blog predicted Mr. Obama has expanded every Bush policy into the extreme where Bush policies were sound, that Bearick Obama brings along with him Van Jones, Val - erie Jarrett, Zbigniew Brzezinski and other carnal types who think babies are of no more value than a rat.

I knew and assessed the warts of George W. Bush and knew he was America's last best hope in a weighed balance in which this Conservative swatted him enough to keep him in line. I knew John McCain would need to be harnessed up and a whip applied at times, but I also knew that Sarah Palin would be the best asset for America's future.
I warned what Obama was going to bring to America and the world while the delusional were patting themselves on the back for Obama while spewing hatred at George W. Bush in their ignorance.

Now it has come. Chinese butchering their own people for Obama checks. Russian enslavement of the Slavs. African babies slaughtered by Obama funding their extermination. The Obama plunder of the US economic structure and now the Obama group calling for Jews to be murdered while defending themselves against the same Persian terrorists who have already smashed America in the downing of various aircraft in America and the attempt to bring nuclear holocaust to American cities.

When you are drunk with hatred for America, you end up getting married to a whore of the world like Obama. An intelligent person like Mr. Gettle or Mr. Matthews upon seeing a venereal disease is coming would say this was all a bad idea, and run for their lives.
But no, these beaten wives of Obama just sit silent and catch the disease, and sit around as their tan guy spreads it along with a little anti semitic murder. They are now cast as part of the caste like the silent in Russia and Germany who never arose and spoke out when the "lesser peoples" were being hauled off and exterminated.

One hears allot of "God" from these liberal Obama types, but they worship a God they do not know.

Intelligent people would admit their mistake. The arrogant push on and cause the slaughter of the world in their deluded choices.

God bless

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