Friday, September 4, 2009

The Devil You Do.............

James Bowman, Laura Jarrett, Valerie Jarrett, Barbara Taylor Bowman

Bizarre is the one word I would use to explain my first introduction to Valerie Jarrett who is poised according to rumor to replace Rahm Emanuel as White House Chief of Staff. This woman honestly reminds one of a "Terminator" from the series in her mind functions like that of a computer in it just fires without human reaction. It was troubling to experience it and it is like watching Obama's 486 brain compared to Jarrett's ramped up old 200 MMX dealing with 21st century data.

This discomfort for the oddity of Valerie Jarrett has only been compounded as of late in the uproar of a malevolent communist czar in the White House named Van Jones who is on equal terms with Jarrett in being bizarre. Hating America and promoting revolution seems to be Van Jones forte.
The reason Jarrett matters in the Van Jones world of 9 11 Truthers who think America attacked America on that date and Jones other screwball rants is Valerie Jarrett seemed to take credit for Jones appointment...........I would express that it seems Jarrett pushed the nomination after it was pushed by another discomforting Congresswoman from Oakland California, Barbara Lee, who loves Fidel Castro and revolutionary change, dumped Jones into the Obama lap.

As a side note before we leave Van Jones, he too published a book in being a nobody, like nobody Obama and became a somebody, even though he never wrote it or should have ever gotten a book deal.

What interests me is the weave of all of these perverted minds which Obama is a part of. Valerie Jarrett married a man named William Jarrett who has since went tits up after her divorcing him. William Jarrett's dad was Vernon Jarrett, an early black propagandist who was comrades with, Frank Marshall Davis, the sexual pedophile pervert who Barack Obama stated crushed him and left him feeling alone in the world.
This all in the South Side, white side family, yes that needs to be addressed as Valerie Jarrett aka Valerie Bowman as she was born in Iran, was part of this "passing" group of light skinned negroes who only would marry light skinned negroes. America's current first lady is of that lighter than brown paper bag group and why exotic Obama was her tan man of destiny, just as the Bowman clan chose tan on tan.

These birds of a feather flocking together are most interesting as when I heard Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran to Dr. James E. Bowman and his infamous educator wife, I started wondering just how was it that a tan man in in the 1950's when no advancement ever came to blacks was involved in a program where he was jump starting 3rd world nations to make them first world.

One might recall as Susan E. Rice, a tan gal, whose dad was part of this 3rd world jumping too in India and Africa for banking. These people all seemed to gravitate toward each other.

While Dr. Bowman, if he were a doctor in reality or even a children's physician, I could see his need in a nation like Iran which had just become US Shah property, because he was running a children's hospital.........the problem is Dr. Bowman is a pathologist who is in the business of studying diseases.
He has listed a number of papers concerning diseases of the blood. That is quite alright, but as stated, here is a genetic disease hunter in a children's hospital in Iran, where they need a baby doctor and not someone who is..........well, do the logic in a strangely advanced and connected black guy in an America which did not promote black guys, ends up running a baby factory in Iran.
The devil you do know would presume someone was conducting mass experiments in collecting data on Persians for some new world order reason. The point being in this odd helping the 3rd world is Stanley Ann Dunham who is a anthropologist ends up in banking, and Dr. Bowman who is a pathologist ends up running a baby hospital.

Doesn't make a great deal of sense in any of this does it.

I found a particularly troubling paper by Dr. James Bowman though in which he is describing the legal and ethical conditions for mass testing of people for blood diseases like Dr. Mengele would speaking of experiments on Jews without any emotion whatsoever.

The key quote in Dr. Bowman's paper was:

Legislation, court decisions, state and federal genetics programs, and scholars in the social sciences, humanities, law, medicine, and genetics support discoveries in genetics that now facilitate genetic testing, prenatal diagnosis and selective abortion of fetuses with genetic and other disorders, artificial insemination, and in vitro fertilization.

Arguments for and
against these procedures are reminiscent of debates about the use of the limited tools of the old eugenics to prevent the birth of children who were considered to be physically, mentally, or socially defective.

It all is so clinical to Dr. Bowman in SELECTIVE weeding out of the unfit in children.

It reminds one a great deal of Rahm Emanuel's brother, who wrote Bearick Obama's death panel mandate in deciding who lives and who died without any more emotion than choosing one potato chip over another.

And yet now rising to the top of this is Valerie Jarrett in written biographies of all of these "celebrated" family, friends, and associates. A group which literally is the summing of the whole of the strange creature Barack Hussein Obama is.
This assembled group is nothing but a group of intelligence associated operatives and controls. It doesn't matter if it is Bill Ayers the Marxist or James Bowman the dispenser of what reads like Nazi medicinal treatment of unfit Jews, they and their offspring are the groups which noted Americans warned Americans about of the danger they were to America.

Just watch PBS commercials sometimes with the Hollywood elite promoting it and up pops that bizarre Henry Louis Gates jr. of the Obama beer garden fame. Any place else besides the David Letterman show, that ad would have been pulled for the racist jerk he is, but in this Obama cult, he just goes on and on.

These little changelings who have used Tuskegee as a metaphor in hiding in blackness as the "leaders" of black issues while advancing a quite Rockefeller New World Community Organized Marxism preying on black people who actually have more black heritage in them than these tan white people are a most interesting appendage of the NeoProg left.
On the right one has Clarence Thomas who actually is black, but on the left one has this leading chorus of tan people portrayed as black, exactly like Bill Clinton was the first black President.

This entire group has been a control to control black Americans and herd them into voting for policies which have done nothing, but destroy them. An amusing note to Valerie Jarrett is her mother was Barbara Taylor, whose father built disastrous slum housing on Chicago's South Side just like Tony Rezko and Bearick Obama preyed on blacks 20 years later in the same scam.

The hopeful problem though for this Axelrod Inc. group is that while they could operate under the radar in their international financier advancement.........that perhaps now people will start asking questions in how terrorists are Bill Ayers professors, anthropologists are Stanley Ann Dunham bankers, pathologists are James Bowman children hospital directors and how British subjects are Barack Obama in the White House.

The uncovering of this mess is just starting and all of it is as bizarre as Valerie Jarrett and does not make any more sense.

Tis the Age of Obama.

agtG 230, 248

James Bowman

Valerie Jarrett

The legalities of screening babies for extermination