Friday, September 4, 2009

Magik Obama

Charles Krauthammer: But what has occurred -- irreversibly -- is this: He's become ordinary. The spell is broken. The charismatic conjurer of 2008 has shed his magic. He's regressed to the mean, tellingly expressed in poll numbers hovering at 50 percent.

Fouad Ajami: Now that realism about Mr. Obama has begun to sink in, these iconic figures of history had best be left alone. They can't rescue the Obama presidency. Their magic can't be his. Mr. Obama isn't Lincoln with a BlackBerry. Those great personages are made by history, in the course of history, and not by the spinners or the smitten talking heads.

It is always interesting to see some of the current brilliant commentators in America, one in a Jewish background and one in a Persian background, to in their secular views actually touch upon exactly what this blog has been educating the citizenry on in Barack Hussein Obama was promoted by the arts, the magik, the spells of the dark priesthood of the illuminated one.

Of course, Mr. Krauthammer and Mr. Ajami are not about to touch upon subjects which their deeper mystery religions couched in the sorcerer past and present of their peoples.

I will call attention to a prediction here that Mr. Obama would fall as fast as he had risen, because it was an unnatural and manufactured ascendancy which the dark spiritual forces created for him, to serve their coming interests.
That event has now taken place. The fact is Bearick Obama is the pavement upon which a darker than he will step upon and over Obama, in a great way the way Colin Powell and all liberals stomped on their mantra Martin King to get over to Obama.

These slights, actions and literal unbalancing all are sown and all come back upon those initiating them.

Mr. Obama's collection of charms in this pockets from the dead to a monkey demon, and element tokens are all inferior and hanuman is not a prince of the American sphere. That monkey demon which is both the masculine female, and feminine male, in the mirror image of the Indian realm and exactly the mansexual Mr. Obama is, can not stand up to the European demonic princes.
Bearick bowed to the Saudi King from the realm of the major principality demons. That is order and noticed by the spiritual. All things in this world are not physical..........this is a matter of the forces behind the one who sold his soul, and Bearick Obama is in a game where his girly monkey demon is running a game on a field it has no authority in in America.
Obama can not stand up against the major demonic entities nor can he rely upon God, because he supplanted Christ, usurped God and he is naked as the day he was born.

For people looking into the birth certificate issue, Barack Obama is much more vulnerable on this spiritual certificate as he is the slave progeny of Ham dressed up in Arab slaveholder guise with an fake American pedigree.
Obama abandoned God and made hisself one. He has no demonic cover to keep the flame he lit burning. He is no Alexander the Great who even burned out and he is no Adolf Hitler. He has no place in the empirical order mandate of the Bible. Obama is just a stepping stone for that order to arise. He is but a flash in the pan which is now spiritual soot.

That is the interesting part of this, because it is not in God's interest concerning Obama as God did not place this usurper into power and the Europeans, Russians, Middle Eastern and Chinese demonic princes have a hierarchy which..............well picture the Royalty of England and Denmark and then you have some Indian picking rice in his paddy. Obama is that Indian compared the power of the Royalty in the demonic matrix.

The brilliant secular mind of Krauthammer and Ajami have recognized this by instinct like a chill of a ghost brushing by them in the storm, but they want to couch this in terms they can explain in modern terms and not be snickered at by their journalist compadres.

The fact is for America this is God's world. Jesus the Christ is the Warrior King, The Archangel Michael is the American children's guardian as well as the Holy Angelic Host.
Opposing is the satan, and the demonic principalities and whatever inferior forces are conjured, wished upon and offered to.

What Mr. Obama has fallen into is the forces he is in league with which consume. This is not his end and he has will and will attempt in fight to recover, but his destiny is the abyss as he can have no other as he initiated that fate. Utter ruin is what I believe is what will engulf Barack Obama and as this blog progresses time has proven it correctly Inspired.

May God keep His children as the children always suffer when the evil is unleashed upon each other. May the Peace which passeth understanding keep our hearts and minds in Christ. In Jesus Name. Amen

agtG 228

Charles Krauthammer

Fouad Ajami