Saturday, September 5, 2009

Obama's Humor

I just had to share this as even the artificial intelligence which monitors the conversations of people has developed a satirical sense of humor.
I reported yesterday exclusively that a Muchelle Obama doll had an add popping up on World Tribune which I thought was satire until checking it out.

Those ads all come from Google as the one I screen grabbed today which popped up on my posting page for the blog and took a snapshot of as I found it quite amusing.
In the deeper sense, it reveals how the webspiders crawling all over the internet are not monitoring now content of search engines, but are part of a "torture scheme" in placing ads on Conservative sites actually promoting Bearick Obama or his Barbie doll wife, Muchelle of Cherryfornia Dreamin'.

This stuff is so interesting in the way all content is now being logged by Google for intelligence operations. For some time, my blog switched on log in to other monitoring to track me. Then there was the grabbing of the entire blog by the artificials so it winked out and would disappear.

Apparently Obama's teleprompter and the webspiders have now developed a programmed satirical sense of humor, more advanced than the 486 processor in Obama's brain.

I just wanted to post this as proof that the Obamatrons are following you and logging all you do. These little messages are just the subtle way of informing the world of their power.

Sort of like another discovey about James Bowman who is Valerie Jarrett's disease experimental father in Iranian children's hospital which he was running as a pathologist in one more line of this web was uncovered here exclusive in, James Bowman was supported by the Pritzker group of Chicago.
Penny Pritzker is the banking crook who was power lending and stealing investor's money so much they sued her. Her crooked family cheated the US IRS out of taxes, but no concern is necessary for her welfare as she bounced right back to being Barack Obama's money launderess in all that funny money, ACORN fraudulent fund payouts to cronies of Obama.......and yes, those mysterious credit card payments from inactive cards to Obama from even Republicans.

Small Obama world isn't it, Obama's soon to be Chief of Staff's daddy was funded by Pritzker who was doing genetic testing and advocating it in speaking of exterminating Americans with abortion who were inferior, just like Obama Flu and just like Timmy Geithner's old man employed Stanley Ann Dunham at Ford Foundation.

Now it is all so much easier as Obama has computers tracking everyone for the enemies list and they are doing it with a Nazi sense of humor.

God bless

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