Friday, September 11, 2009

Time for another Galactic Exclusive

Ok by God's Grace I'm moved to share another Nobel Prize winning scientific revelation for which those leftist twerps of the Nobel committee will not ever award me, because I give all credit to God and I love the land of my nativity America with all my heart.

The basis of this combined law is simple. You look at the sun and see sunspots. The sunspots occur in cycles as the sun functions in cycles as it's fiery core churns and rotates causing large and small bursting phenomena.

So one looks at earth and might be surprised to find that earth has sunspots too. That might seem odd to the mind until the fact is pointed out that earth's sunspots are usually called volcanoes.
See the same fiery core in earth is in visual fact before our eyes on the sun. Sunspots are the same as earth volcanoes. They both operate under the same principles of energy release.

Earth for example has cycles exactly mirroring the sun in gigantic solar flares or calderas. The last horrid eruption of great magma magnitude was in the American Revolutionary War era in Iceland with scads of Benjamites died from that volcanic reaction.
Benjamin Franklin was in Paris at that time and noted the rotten egg smell which hung over Paris in those clouds. Rotten eggs smell like sulphur and that is what volcanoes belch out is that smell.

Yellowstone is such a massive volcano that spewed out feet of cinder ash all across the great plains. Earth has cycles like this exactly like the sun in intense releases of molten core energy.

There is a most interesting bubble of magma rippling the subsurface of Oklahoma currently. It heats the ground, sulfur smells are noticed and those mini quakes keep rocking the people of that region. Nothing really harmful about it as the magma is just percolating and moving like a worm through the substrata in what appears a northeast direction.
It could be a problem for the Missouri Tennessee, New Madrid region science has not yet concluded as might be indicated here in what causes the massive quakes of that region and into New York City, just might be these hiccups of magma flowing under the shell of the earth.

In any event, volcanoes are earths version of sunspots and operate on cycles of ebbs and flows due to the harmonic rotation of the earth's axis as pointed to whatever constellation earth is playing it's frequency from. This vibration from the star systems then becomes ley lines, and infuses that frequency into the earth's iron core to make it react just as the sun reacts in ejections or is currently snoozing and about to wake up with a yellow dwarf hangover and vomit all over earth in a solar flame.

That sounds about like all of it or enough of it.


PS: OK I have to add this, but didn't want to sound like I needed some reward from the Nobel Committee, but one would think they could if they are too cheap to give out money or too Marxist to hand out metal medals, that they could at least hand out chics. I mean there must be some European women they could dust off that aren't in use.
Might even make the prize more appealing as a groups of eggheads advance humanity to get a formerly dusty Nobel Prize chic, who has been kept in the garage, not many service miles on her and if you check the fluid levels they will be ready for another hundred thousand miles.

I think they owe me about seven chics in prize women........I suppose I would have to share my cast iron pans with them.

No wonder I don't get any Nobel Prizes as my cast iron pans only love me.